Repair a Laptop Key

Are you missing a key on your laptop keyboard? Did your key fall off? You don't have to buy a new keyboard to replace a key. You can easily repair your key by following the simple installation guide below.


  1. Order your required key from a reliable source. Browse for a company that has good reviews.
  2. You will have two plastic pieces and one key cap.
  3. Start out by observing the metal plates on your keyboard. Always be sure to look at the metal hooks because they differ in every keyboard. The larger metal hooks can be at the top, bottom, right or left side. The position of the metal hooks determines the position of plastic pieces.
  4. The larger plastic piece goes first on the metal plate, according to the position of metal hooks.
  5. Insert the smaller plastic piece onto the larger plastic piece evenly.
  6. Take your key, put it in the middle and push down evenly from all four sides.


  • When placing an order for your key, be clear about your laptop model number and your required key.
  • According to your laptop brand and model number, all of your keys are different underneath.

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