Replace a Bathtub
Bathtubs sustain a lot of wear and tear due to their frequent use. It is quite common for a bathtub to become worn, scratched, scoured or stained over time, so a bathtub replacement may be in your future. Replacing a tub can seem quite daunting, as the project may involve plumbing, carpentry and perhaps tiling or sheet rocking. However, if you plan ahead and are prepared to exert some time and effort, you can replace your old bathtub on your own. Read the article below to learn how to replace a bathtub.
- Plan all aspects of the project.
- Measure the dimensions of your existing bathtub. Proper measurement will ensure that you purchase an appropriately sized new tub and fixtures, as well as confirm that the old tub will fit around other bathroom fixtures and through the door once it is removed. You may need to temporarily remove the sink, toilet or bathroom door in order to dispose of the bathtub.
- Purchase and replace existing tiles that may become damaged or install a solid-surface tub surround.
- Cover the existing bathroom floor with a drop cloth or a plastic tarp for protection.
- Remove the existing bathtub.
- Unscrew and remove the overflow cover plate, including any attached drain assembly.
- Disconnect the drain, strainer and flange using a screwdriver and a strainer wrench.
- Disconnect the waste-and-overflow unit (WO) from the drain line. You may access the WO from below the tub or via an access panel.
- Remove the surrounding wall surface up to 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) above the tub. You will also need to remove the water spout and any faucet handles within the 8-inch (20.32-centimeter) range. Use a putty knife to remove tile, a drywall saw to cut through sheet rock or a reciprocating saw to cut through plaster walls.
- Remove anchoring screws or nails that are securing the tub flange to wall studs.
- Cut through any existing caulk with a utility knife and use a crowbar to pry the tub slightly away from the back wall.
- Pry up first one end of the tub, then the other, using a crowbar. Ask a friend to help you lift the tub upright and remove it from the bathroom.
- Prep the location for the new bathtub.
- Replace any damaged plywood or floor covering.
- Follow the tub manufacturer's instructions for securing ledger boards to the existing wall studs at the appropriate height.
- Confirm that the new drain and waste-and-overflow unit will fit properly.
- Dry fit the overflow tube and shoe while the tub is resting on its side. Confirm proper placement and then permanently attach the unit per the manufacturer's instructions.
- Assemble the drain unit and permanently attach it to the new tub per the manufacturer's instructions.
- Move the tub into proper position and, with the assistance of a helper, tilt, lift, slide and lower the tub into place. Take care not to damage the protruding WO unit, or the interior surface of the bathtub.
- Level and attach the tub to the existing wall studs per the manufacturer's instructions.
- Connect the drain line and confirm that there aren't any leaks by running water into the tub, removing the stopper and checking the drain line for wetness. Close the plumbing access panel.
- Seal the floor-meets-tub seam with a heavy bead of silicone or tile caulk. Any existing gap between the two surfaces will allow puddled water to seep underneath the tub and cause damage to the subfloor.
- Install new faucet handles, if necessary.
- Replace the missing wall surface by installing a new tub surround or tile. Seal the wall-meets-tub seam with a heavy bead of silicone or tile caulk.
- Fill in the missing wall surface by installing cement backer board, which will provide a higher level of moisture-resistance than standard drywall.
- Confirm that the new bathtub is perfectly level to ensure proper drainage.
Things You'll Need
- Bathtub
- Drain assembly
- Waste-and-overflow unit
- Silicone caulk
- Screwdriver
- Tub surround/tile
- Level
- Crowbar
- Utility knife
- Strainer wrench
- Putty knife
- Reciprocating or drywall saw
- Drop cloth
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