Restore Granite and Marble Floor

Granite or marble floor restoration typically takes four steps. These are outlined next.


  1. Prepare the floor for flattening or leveling. This part of restoration is the most powerful and dynamic. It's called lip page leveling or flattening. This step consist of grinding and leveling floor. Even new installed marble tile floor can have uneven tile height (called lippage) which results in floors that are not completely smooth. This step removes all ledges, roughness and brings flatness to marble floors. Also, this step can remove the deepest scratches and stains.
  2. Hone the floor. Honing is the step of floor restoration that provides smoothing the marble floor with industrial diamonds, which brings up more shine to the marble. Honing will also remove scratches, stains and give a more uniform appearance. In some cases honing is all that’s needed to get your stone looking spectacular again.
  3. Polish the floor. Polishing gives a semi-shine or shine effect to the marble floor. Polishing is done by industrial diamonds, but smaller graded, than honing. For marble floors in good condition, a polishing can be enough to bring back the shine.
  4. Crystallize the floor. Crystallization is a method of marble floor finishing. It brings "mirror like" shine by chemical reaction on the surface of marble. Crystallization also creates micro film on the surface of marble, which is more solid and durable and helps to preserve the color and the brightness of the marble. Crystallization is a very good method for regular stone maintenance. Before crystallizing please do some research on this method. Over time crystallizing can actually damage the stone. As the article suggests, using diamonds and or powder polishes is the best way to produce a shine and is the safest way to treat your marble as well.


  • Before you do floor restoration you should:

    • Remove all furnishings
    • Complete access of area
    • Completely empty the room
    • Protect all walls & built-in furniture
    • Cover & tape areas to prevent over-spray
    • Call your local NSRA member


  • This article for educational purpose only.
  • The directions above may be damaging to some stones, please contact your local NSRA member and have this type of work done correctly.
  • Stone floor restoration can be done by professionals only.

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