Revise a Piece of Writing
Revision is the process of reviewing, analyzing, editing, and proofreading written work to improve its quality. Learning how to revise writing is an important skill for students, writers, business professionals and others who are concerned about producing high-quality written work. Whether you’re writing a school paper, a magazine article, a business report, or an online blog post, you can improve the organization, clarity and accuracy of a written piece to produce high-quality content.
Focusing on Structure and Clarity
- Ensure that you have a clear introduction, supporting points, and a conclusion. A well-organized essay or article leads the reader through a clear line of thinking. Make sure your structure makes sense for the type of paper that you’re writing, and don’t be afraid to move paragraphs or sentences around in the paper.
- For example, in a how-to article, the steps should be in chronological order with clear instructions.
- In a thesis paper, your strongest argument should be presented in the beginning of the paper, and each of your paragraphs should pertain to some aspect of your thesis. To end the paper, you’ll have a conclusion that restates your thesis.
- Ask questions about your thesis to make sure your introduction is sound. Think of questions that could put holes in your thesis or facts, and disprove your thesis as a result. Make sure your writing has information to refute these claims. Ensure that your main argument or point is stated clearly. If you’re using terminology that the reader may not understand, clarify its meaning and context before the thesis to prepare the reader for the paper. Or, if you are including an index or glossary, define these terms there.
- For example, if your paper claims that the growing popularity of coffee chains is causing the decline of local coffee shops, you might ask “But what about cities that have both successful coffee chains and local shops?” In your paper, you should have a point that discusses why some cities are able to support both small coffee shops and national chains.
- If your thesis describes an interpretation of Room 101 in “1984” as a manifestation of Winston’s insecurities as a partner, you might ask, “What about people who claim that Room 101 could represent his fear of the unknown?” In your paper, make sure you have a paragraph to discuss these alternative opinions and why yours is the most strongly supported.
- If your thesis isn’t clear or can easily be refuted, don’t be afraid to start the work over again. It’s better to have a strong paper with a well thought out thesis.
- Read your conclusion out loud to determine if it’s an effective ending. The end of your writing should feel like the end of an important speech. Make sure you reinforce the main ideas of the piece and call the reader’s attention to the importance of the topic. If your conclusion is missing a discussion of your main topic or the paper abruptly ends, try restating your points and thesis to wrap up the paper.
- In an essay, the conclusion should be a brief summary of your thesis and main points.
- The conclusion of a blog post might be a call to action or a request for input from readers.
- Remove repeated words, phrases, and ideas to make the paper more polished. Scan the paper for words and phrases that you repeat. Delete ideas that have already been explained elsewhere in the paper, and vary your sentence structure to avoid repeating subjects and verbs. If you need to, look up synonyms for frequently-used words.
- For instance, if you find yourself using the word “fear” repeatedly in your essay, consider replacing it with a synonym, like “terror,” “horror,” “trepidation,” or “dread.”
- If you’re repeating your main idea throughout your writing, try to find a way to connect it to the point of the paragraph or transition into the next paragraph. For example, instead of saying “This proves that local coffee shops go out of business more often when in competition with national chains,” you could say, “While local coffee shops go out of business at a higher rate when in competition with national chains, that isn’t the only reason these establishments are forced to close their doors.”
- Be sure to examine sentence level repetition, as well. Make sure the same words aren’t used more than once in a sentence. If they are, replace one of the words with a synonym.
- Circle transition words between sentences and paragraphs. Read your work out loud to get a sense of its flow and cohesiveness, and mark the words that signal the places where you connect 2 ideas. If you don’t have many, insert transitional words, like “accordingly,” “furthermore,” and “therefore,” at the beginning of related sentences to avoid abrupt changes in thoughts and ideas. Make sure each of the paragraphs relate to each other in some way.
- Additionally, check sentences within paragraphs to make sure the ideas are related and work together to support the point of the piece.
Analyzing the Contents of Your Writing
- Ask if your writing is achieving the purpose of the piece. Review your written work for effectiveness and ensure that the piece meets your objective. Your goal may be to persuade, inspire, entertain, educate or inform the reader. Ask yourself, "Did I present a fresh perspective on the topic?" or "Am I doing a good job of defending my argument with facts and logic?" Be honest with yourself, and don't be afraid of rewriting the piece if necessary.
- High-quality writing reflects a person's own ideas, thoughts and conclusions.
- If 1 part of your writing is weaker than the rest of the article or essay, consider removing or rewriting it to better fit the piece.
- If what you have written is simply a regurgitation of existing material, examine your own thoughts, experiences, and opinions to add original ideas into the piece.
- Check the rubric to ensure the piece meets the criteria if it will be graded. If your teacher provided guidelines for how they’ll be grading your writing, use it to guide your revision. Look at what you need to do to receive the highest grade. When you find that information in your paper, check it off of the rubric. If something is missing, make sure you add it into the paper.
- For instance, if your teacher requires that you have at least 2 quotes per paragraph, go through each paragraph and underline each quote. If there are 2 in every paragraph, you can check that component off of the rubric.
- Analyze your logic by constructing a backwards outline. Go back through your piece and write down your thesis on a separate sheet of paper. Then, write down the main focus for each paragraph and include a bullet point for each piece of supporting information. Make sure all of your claims support your thesis and are related, factual, and logical. If you can’t explain how your points support each other, consider restructuring your argument.
- Go through the outline to make sure all of your points are supporting the topic of the paper, and remove any information that doesn’t contribute to your main focus.
- Ensure that the required number and type of sources are included. If your professor or teacher has provided specific guidelines about how many sources or what type of sources to include, then make sure that you have met these guidelines. Review what you have written and check to see if you have included the required citations for the sources as well.
- For example, if the professor or teacher has requested 2 book sources, 2 scholarly articles, and 2 web sources, then make sure you have included and cited all of these sources.
Editing Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Errors
- Run the document through a spelling and grammar checking software first. While these programs aren’t foolproof, they can help you catch something you might have otherwise missed. If you’re using Microsoft Word, utilize the spelling and grammar checking tool. If not, copy and paste the text of the piece into a free online program and make note of the suggested changes.
- This is a great first step for editing the paper and will help you make the paper look more polished before you turn it in.
- Circle every punctuation mark to ensure that it’s used correctly. Go through the paper with a brightly colored pen and note every period, comma, quotation, or other use of punctuation. Make sure each sentence has a period, and double check your use of commas, quotation marks, colons, and semicolons to make sure they’re grammatically sound.
- It's common to encounter simple punctuation errors in a first draft, especially if you wrote it quickly. Even if you're confident in your writing skills, it's best to go through the piece slowly to check each sentence for errors.
- For instance, if you have multiple lists of 2 or more words separated by commas, make sure that your use of the Oxford comma before the word “and” is consistent. If you are going to use the Oxford comma, make sure you do it for every list of words.
- Read the document backwards to check for errors sentence by sentence. As a final run through of the draft, read each sentence out loud from the end of the paper to the beginning. Make sure the sentence makes sense, is not repetitive, and uses the correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- This step should be completed at the very end, after you have made all organizational, spelling, and content changes.
- Look up spelling and grammar rules if you’re unsure about a sentence. Consult the MLA, APA, Chicago, or AMA online handbooks if you’re not sure how to proceed with an edit. For general rules, like how to use commas properly or when to use a semicolon, do a quick search for “comma rules” or “semicolon use” to see the correct usage.
- If you’re a student, you may get a more straightforward response by asking a teacher or consulting the librarian.
Simplifying the Revision Process
- Allow at least 1-2 hours between writing and revising. When you finish a draft, set aside your work for a few hours, a day, or several days to clear your mind. After a short break, take another look at the piece with a fresh perspective, and think about your intended audience as you begin revising.
- Depending on your deadline, you may only have a few hours to set the piece aside. Do something else with your free time instead of thinking about the paper. When you revisit it, you’ll be a bit more refreshed.
- Print out the paper to see errors that are tough to catch on a screen. Sometimes, it can be difficult to edit in a document on a computer or laptop. Hold the paper in your hands and focus on editing and revising 1 page at a time. Use highlighters, pens, and sticky notes to make comments for yourself, and then use this draft to adjust the document on your computer.
- If you don’t have access to a printer, consider visiting a local library to use theirs, or pay to have your document printed at an office supply store.
- Read your document out loud. You may catch far more errors by reading your work out loud than you would if you read it silently. As a final proofreading measure, read the document out loud with a pen or pencil in your hand or ready to edit it in a word processor. Then, make a note or correct any errors you come across as you read.
- You may also find it helpful to read your writing out loud to a partner or to have someone read your work out loud to you. This will provide a different perspective on how the writing sounds and you may catch even more errors by doing this.
- Ask a peer to proofread your paper and provide comments. Let your reader offer advice on the paper’s structure, clarity, and overall quality. Have them identify any places where they may have been confused or bored. Be open to suggestions and participate in a conversation about your work to understand the reader’s perspective.
- Remember that you don’t have to follow every suggestion, but you should heed at least some of the advice from the reader.
- If you want to improve your editing and revising skills, offer to read someone else’s paper in return.
- If you get frustrated or annoyed during the process, step away and take time to do something else. Then, revisit the paper with a fresh perspective or a new angle.
- Focus on making large, structural revisions first, and then make smaller grammatical and spelling edits.
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