Revive Dried Out Markers

How many times has your drawing or writing been interrupted by the dry, abrasive scratch of a "dead" marker? If you can't seem to get a reasonable lifespan out of your markers, have no fear — it's usually possible to bring dead markers back to life (temporarily, at least) with one of several easy tricks. Whether you're using water-based coloring markers, dry-erase markers, or even heavy-duty permanent markers, the solution to dry tips is often as easy as simply soaking the markers for a few minutes.


Reviving Water-based Markers

  1. Pour about one cup of warm water into a bowl. If you have one or more dried-out water-based markers, try this simple trick to breathe some life back into them. Start by filling a small bowl with warm or hot water. In the next step, this water will soak into the markers' dried-out tips, which will usually allow the ink to begin flowing freely once more.
    • Note that it's not essential to use warm or hot water — cold water will also work. However, since ink diffuses more quickly in higher-temperature water, this usually works faster.
  2. Put the marker(s) tip-down in the water. Take the caps off of your dry markers and dip them in the water so that the tips are completely submerged. Let the markers soak undisturbed for about five minutes. You may notice some ink draining out of the marker tips and into the water — this is normal.
    • As noted above, this method is only advised for water-based markers. If you're not sure whether your markers are water-based or not, check the packaging (if it's available). As a very general rule, water-based markers are used for drawing and coloring and are marketed to children, though there are exceptions (such as high-quality markers marketed to grown-up artists).[1]
  3. Let the markers dry on a rag. Remove your markers from the water. Dab the tips with a rag to remove excess water, then lay the markers on the rag to dry. You want the markers to dry to the point that the ink in their tips is no longer diluted with water, but not so dry that they won't write.
    • The time this takes can vary and often takes up to 24 hours.[2] Your best bet is to check on the markers by scribbling on a sheet of paper every few hours to test their writing ability.
    • Note that this process will probably get a little ink onto your towel or rag. Even though this ink is water-based, it can cause stains that are difficult to remove, so you'll probably want to use an old, worn-out rag that you don't mind staining.
  4. Replace the caps when done. Once your markers are writing properly again, be sure to replace their caps. Leaving a marker's cap off is a sure-fire way to find yourself with another dried-out marker. On the other hand, capping your markers between uses helps hold the moisture in the tip, ensuring the marker writes for as long as possible.
    • If you've lost your marker's tip, don't worry — you can use a small square of plastic wrap and a rubber band as a temporary solution. It's also possible to make a more durable slip-on cap by wrapping a piece of tape around the marker tip (sticky side out), then wrapping another piece of tape on top of the first (sticky side in).
  5. Alternatively, use a few drops of vinegar. Another home remedy for dried out water-based markers involves using vinegar. With this method, you'll want to put your markers tip-down in a dry bowl and dampen each marker's tip with one or two drops of clear white vinegar. Allow the markers to soak for several minutes before drying as above. Don't submerge the marker tips as you would when using water — you just want a few drops for each.
    • To transfer just a drop or two to each marker tip, try filling the vinegar bottle's cap, then using a small stick (like a barbecue skewer) or an eye dropper to add vinegar to each marker drop-by-drop.
  6. Consider injecting water into the marker. One final way to get your markers back in shape requires a long, sharp, skinny needle (like a hypodermic syringe). For this method, fill your syringe with water, then insert the needle directly through the tip into the body of the marker. Push a small amount of water into the marker very slowly, allowing air to drain out through the tip as you add water. Once you've added no more than a milliliter (mL/cc) or so, let the marker rest on an old rag briefly to dry before using (as directed above).

Reviving Dry-Erase Markers

  1. Secure the marker to the end of a long string. Dry erase markers don't use the same type of water-based ink as ordinary "coloring" markers, so reviving them by moistening their tips usually won't work. Instead, try making the most of the ink that's trapped inside the marker itself. To start, tie a long string around the body of the dried-out marker. Secure it to the string with sturdy tape.[2]
    • In the next step, you'll use the power of centrifugal force to force ink into the dried-out tip of the marker. Centrifugal force is basically the idea that objects being swung in a circle experience a force that pushes them "outward" — that is, away from the center of the circle.[3] In this case, the outward-pushing force will move any remaining ink from the body of the marker into the tip.
  2. Swing the marker around your head like a lasso. First, check to make sure the cap is on securely and completely encompasses the tip: if the cap has openings, ink may fly out and splatter the room. Carefully take the length of string in your hand and swing the marker in a circular arc over your head (like a lasso). The tip of the marker should be facing out, not in. Centrifugal force will begin to push the ink in the marker toward the tip. Do this for about a minute or two before testing your marker.
    • Make sure you have plenty of room around you free from obstructions before you start swinging the marker. Though you're very unlikely to cause serious injury by swinging a marker around, you can still break your marker or hurt someone if you accidentally swing the marker into his or her eye, so err on the side of safety.
  3. Alternatively, turn the tip around with pliers. If you can't get your marker to write after using the lasso method above, grab a pair of pliers and try this method. Grip the soft fabric tip of the dry-erase marker with your pliers and pull directly outward. For many markers, the tip should come out without too much effort.[2] Once it's out, if there's a similar soft fabric end on the other side of the tip, try flipping the tip around and replacing it. The marker should be able to write immediately. As ink soaks through the previously dry end of the tip, you can remove the tip again and flip it back around if you wish.
    • You may want to wear gloves and protect your work area with an old rag while attempting this method. Though unlikely, it's possible to spill ink out of the marker once you remove the tip, so having some protection against difficult-to-remove stains is a wise idea.
  4. As a last resort, try buying refill ink. While effective, the methods above will only work if ink remains inside the marker. For dry-erase markers that are completely dry — that is, both the tip and the inside of the marker are dried out — you may need to buy replacement ink.
    • Refill dry-erase ink can usually be purchased from office supply stores or specialty online retailers. Usually, dry-erase is quite cheap —sometimes as low for $1.00 for a small canister of ink.[4]

Reviving Permanent Markers

  1. Soak the dry marker tips in rubbing alcohol. For most permanent markers (like Sharpies, etc.) with dried out tips, you can get the marker writing again with a trick that's similar to the water-soaking method for water-based markers above. For this method, start by filling a small container with rubbing alcohol — for instance, you may want to use the cap of the bottle of rubbing alcohol.[5]
    • You don't need very much rubbing alcohol — just enough to submerge the tip of your marker (or markers). Filling an entire bowl with rubbing alcohol (as you'd do with water for water-based markers) may be wasteful.
  2. Let the markers dry with their caps on. After soaking your markers for a few minutes in rubbing alcohol, you should notice a small amount of ink swirling around in the liquid. Remove the markers from the alcohol and replace their caps. Place them tip-side up in a glass or mug and let them rest for about 24-48 hours. After this resting period, if ink remains in the markers, they should write well once again.
    • Rubbing alcohol evaporates very quickly compared to water, so you won't want to let the markers rest with their caps off as you would after soaking water-based markers.[6] If you do, they'll quickly dry out again.
  3. Consider using the leftover alcohol as ink. If the alcohol you soaked your marker tips in absorbed some of the ink from your permanent markers, you may want to try using it as a form of ink or dye in you own art projects. Alcohol-based inks are quite effective at dying materials like metal that other inks can be ineffective on. For instance, to make custom-colored staples, simply soak the staples in leftover alcohol that you used to moisten colored permanent markers' tips.
  4. Alternatively, inject alcohol or acetone into the marker. Like with water-based markers, you can sometimes get new life out of a dried-out permanent marker by injecting moisture directly into it. However, in this case, you won't want to use water, but instead your marker's ink solvent. Usually, this is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or acetone (the active ingredient in nail polish remover), so simply inject a milliliter or so of one of these chemicals into the body of the marker as you would with water above.
    • Try checking your markers' packaging for a list of ingredients if you're not sure what sort of liquid solvent your ink uses.


  • Avoid leaving the lids off of markers. This is what dries them out the most.
  • Try buying markers that have a good reputation, even if they are expensive. The markers that are on sale in your local general store may not be the best choice if you would like them to last a while. Also, try to buy markers that won't dry out if you leave the lids off. This way, if you forget, you won't have to buy more.
  • Don't buy several markers at once. Experiment with different brands and see which one works the best.
  • Try using gloves when you revive the markers. The ink may accidentally get on your skin and can be difficult to get off.


  • This suggestion may not work for all brands of markers. If it doesn't work for your brand, maybe you should switch over to one that is more reliable.
  • When using the centrifugal method for dry erase markers, first check to make sure the cap is on securely and completely encompasses the tip: if the cap has openings, ink may fly out and splatter the room.

Things You'll Need

  • Markers
  • Marker caps
  • Hot water
  • Towel
  • Bowl (for the water)
  • String
  • Tape
  • Pliers
  • Rubbing alcohol/acetone

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