Rip MP3s from an Audio CD with iTunes

Ripping an audio CD to an MP3 format is the most common method for transferring music. It's a straightforward process made all the easier by following these easy steps!


  1. Launch iTunes. Click the iTunes icon in the dock.
  2. Choose iTunes, then select "Preferences".
  3. Click the "Import Settings" button.
  4. Choose "MP3" Encoder from the" Import Using" pop-up menu.
  5. Choose "High Quality" (160 kbps) from the "Setting" pop-up menu. Click OK.
    • This bit rate setting provides the best compromise between quality and file size.
  6. Load an audio CD into your computer.
  7. Clear the check box of any song that you do not want to import from the CD.
    • All songs on the CD have a check box next to their title by default.
  8. Click the "Import CD" button. Your songs will begin to transfer.
    • Once the import is complete, check that the songs have transferred properly. Your MP3 player is now ready with its new set of tunes!


  • iTunes is not the only program that will rip mp3s from an audio CD. Windows Media Player which is already installed on every Windows operating system can also be used. There are dozens of other free of charge programs that will also do this task.
  • All unchecked songs will not be imported.
  • The "Browse" button changes to "Import CD".

Things You'll Need

  • Audio CD
  • iTunes
  • MP3 player

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