Say Hello in Bahasa
When traveling abroad, "hello" is a vital word to learn. Bahasa primarily refers to the language used in Indonesia and Malaysia. If you need to say "hello" in either of these countries, methods vary depending on the time of day and level of formality. Entering a new culture can be intimidating, but with a little practice you should be able to greet people with ease.
Saying Hello Based on the Time of Day
- Start your greeting with "selamat." To begin your greeting, say, "Selamat." It is placed before the words for morning, afternoon, and so on. The rough pronunciation is "suh-lah-mat." From there, your greeting depends on the time of day.
- Say "selamat pagi" for "good morning." The word for morning in Bahasa is "pagi." It's roughly pronounced "pah-gee." To say good morning in Bahasa, greet someone with, "Selamat pagi."
- It's usually considered morning until 11 a.m.
- Say "selamat siang" for "good day." If you encounter someone around mid-afternoon, say, "Selamat siang." This sounds like, "suh-lah-mat see-ahng."
- This greeting is generally appropriate between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- This greeting is more commonly used in Indonesia. In Malaysia, the greeting is less common. While it will be understood, it may be a bit of a surprise. In Malaysia, you will more commonly hear people say, "Good morning/evening/night."
- Say "selamat sore" for "good afternoon." To say "Good afternoon," say, "Selamat sore." This is roughly pronounced, "suh-lah-mat sor-ee."
- This is generally used after 4 p.m., but before sunset.
- As with "good day," the phrase "good afternoon" is used less commonly in Malaysia. This greeting should be primarily used in Indonesia. "Good evening" is typically used after 4 p.m. in Malaysia.
- Say "selamat malam" for "good evening/night." When you see someone after dark, greet them with good evening by saying, "Selamat malam." This is pronounced, "suh-lah-mat mah-lahm."
Practicing Common Courtesy
- Shake hands lightly. It's customary to shake hands after greeting in parts of Indonesia and Malaysia. However, handshakes in these countries involve only lightly touching hands. Afterwards, it's customary to briefly touch your heart. This shows respect.
- Use "selamat" first for formal situations. In formal situations, such as interactions with bosses or teachers, always start with, "Selamat." Dropping the beginning of the greeting may be perceived as disrespectful.
- Drop the "selamat" when interacting with friends. If you're friends with someone, "selamat" is not always necessary. Instead of saying "selamat pagi," for example, you can just say "pagi." This is the English equivalent of just saying, "Morning." It is frequently used in Malaysia and Indonesia as an informal greeting.
- Use "selamat" first for formal situations. In formal situations, such as interactions with bosses or teachers, always start with, "Selamat." Dropping the beginning of the greeting may be perceived as disrespectful.
- Err on the side of formality. While an informal greeting is not a major social faux pas, it's generally best not to risk offending others. This is especially important if you're unfamiliar with a country's culture. If you're uncertain how friendly to be with someone, keep the "selamat" in place just in case.
Having A Brief Conversation
- Say "apa kabar" to ask how someone is doing. In both Indonesia and Malaysia, it's polite to ask someone how they're doing after greeting them. To do this, say, "Apa kabar." It's pronounced "apah ka-bar." This roughly translates to, "How are you?"
- Explain where you're from. People may want to know where you're from when traveling. The words "dari mana" mean, "Where are you from?" You can respond with, "Saya dari...". This means, "I am from...". Then, state where you're visiting from. For example, "Saya dari Canada."
- Talk about travel plans. Someone may also ask you "Mua ke mana." This means, "Where are you going to?" To answer, begin with, "Saya mau ke...". Then, state your destination. This means, "I want to go to...". For example, "Saya mau ke Bali."
- Say "selamat tinggal" or "selamat jalan" for goodbye. After finishing a conversation, it's customary to say goodbye to the person. If you're leaving, say, "Selamat tinggal ("teen-gahl")." If the other person is exiting the conversation, say, "Selamat jalan ("jal-lan")."