Say the Most Common Words or Phrases in Russian

Russian is a widely spoken language around the world. As far as Wikipedia, it is the 9th most-spoken language in the world. Here are some of the basics.


  1. Hello: Привет (Privyet, Informal)
  2. Good Morning: Доброе утро (Dobraye utra)
  3. Good Day: Добрый день (Dobriy dyen`)
  4. Good Evening: Добрый вечер (Dobriy vecher)
  5. How are you?: Как дела? (Kak dyela? Informal)
  6. I'm fine: Хорошо (Harasho)
  7. Thanks: Спасибо (Spasiba)
  8. Friend: Друг (Droog)
  9. Good Night: Спокойной ночи (Spakoyni nochi)
  10. Bye: Пока (Paka, informal) До свидания (Da svidan`iya, formal)
  11. My Name Is: Меня зовут _____ (Minya Zavut _____)
  12. Russia: Россия (Rassiya)
  13. Sorry: Прости меня (Prasti Minya) or Извините (Izvinite)
  14. Yes: Да (Da)
  15. No: Нет (Nyet)
  16. I: Я (Ya)
  17. What?: Что? (Shto?)