Score Good Marks in School

School is a complicated thing. You want to socialize and have fun, but also do well and give yourself the best change for a future. It's important to buckle down and earn good marks, but it can be easy to push your work to the background. Anyone can learn to do well and improve their scores to start doing their best. Scroll past the jump to learn to get better grades.


  1. Create a positive attitude. You may ask "how does creating a good attitude supposed to boost up my mark?" Well, if you create a good attitude in studying and think positive things about studying, it's likely that you will start liking a subject that you were really not fond of before. You may also get marks for having a good attitude and for not disrupting a class.
  2. Attend your classes regularly. If you attend classes daily instead of skipping them, you will be there to listen to all the lessons the teachers are teaching and won't miss important days. It's likely that you will remember or learn more if you are in class when the teacher is teaching than if you skipped class and then take notes later on.
  3. Set goals for yourself. Set goals like 'get good marks in math, science etc' for yourself and then try your hardest to achieve those goals. If you fail once, don't give up, keep trying.
  4. Do your homework daily. When you get homework, do it, don't leave it. If you're tempted to watch your favourite TV show instead of do homework, think about it this way: Is your favourite TV show going to help you get to a good university and possibly help you achieve the job of your dreams? If the answer is yes, then by all means watch the show. Homework is important because it gives you practice on the subject that you are learning. Always do your homework.
  5. Ask for help when you need it. If you have a question on something, ask for help, don't just leave it behind. You can ask anybody who has knowledge on the subject that you need help with like your parents, teacher, brother or sister. It will most definitely help you in tests and quizzes.
  6. Manage your time effectively. It will help you reduce anxiety and focus on studying. If you have a test next week, start studying now. Try not to study at the last minute and cram the night before. Try studying 1 or 2 hours daily and leave a half hour for homework. If you study before you do homework, it will help you do your homework faster and help you understand the subject better.
  7. Always review. After school, review what you learned that day.
  8. Develop tests for yourself. This will really help and increase your confidence when taking exams if you're familiar with the typical exam format, common errors to avoid, and know how the concepts in a subject area usually tested.
  9. Know your personal learning style. It will help you maximize your learning by using effective study techniques, developing meaningful notes, and making the most efficient use of your study time.
    • Linguistic learner: learns best by saying, hearing and seeing words; is good at memorizing things such as dates, places, names and facts.
    • Logical/mathematical learner: learns best by categorizing, classifying and working with abstract relationships; is good at mathematics, problem solving and reasoning.
    • Spatial learner: learns best by visualizing, seeing, working with pictures, is good at puzzles, imaging things, and reading maps and charts.
    • Musical learner: learns best by hearing, rhythm, melody, and music; is good at remembering tones, rhythms and melodies, picking up sounds.
    • Bodily/kinesthetic learner: learns best by touching, moving, and processing knowledge through bodily sensations; is good at physical activity.
    • Interpersonal learner: learns best by sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating; is good at organizing, communicating, leading, and understanding others.
    • Intrapersonal learner: learns best by working alone, individualized projects, and self-paced instruction.


  • Always understand the topic, don't just learn it.
  • Always do your homework, and always review what you learned.
  • Always take notes over important things, or anything you know you won't remember later.
  • If you don't understand ask! That's what teachers are there for after all. As soon as you spot something that confuses you, even if you're just a little unclear, go and ask the teacher to help you.
  • Be clear with definitions and theorems..
  • Even if the lesson is extremely boring, try to pay attention. Pretty much everything you learn in school is worthwhile.
  • Make your own style of understanding things,making best use of day to day scenarios.
  • Eat nutritious food and don't stress yourself.
  • After finishing a chapter, you can explain the same to your friends. It's a nice way of learning things, and it's quite more interesting.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. This will help keep you focused in class and keep you alert for longer.
  • Get involved in group discussions about the chapter you are confused about.
  • Taking help from others is fine but if you yourself try to understand the concepts it will enhance your thinking skills and will make you more independent towards your studies. Curiosity is the best teacher!
  • Always review what you have learned...this helps you to remember everything during a test or exam.
  • Revision makes perfect.
  • Devote most of your time in those subjects in which you are weak. Study and revise on the key areas.
  • Don't learn anything just before the exam. Revise what you know and what is believed to be in the exam. Cramming information at the last moment has shown to have detrimental effects.
  • Study in a particular area which makes you feel comfortable and reduces distractions.
  • Concentrating in class really helps!
  • Make a notebook only for that particular subject. That way you can keep things more organized.
  • Try to memorize things. Just understand it and you can write it on your own.
  • If you study in early morning it will help you to remember better as your mind will be fresh.
  • Practice the habit of writing down the lessons you learned.
  • Give 100% in whatever you do.


  • Never study too hard - it can make you forget anything you've just learnt.