Search YouTube

Do you want to find a video on Youtube? This article is going to explain how.


  1. Go to
  2. Click in the white bar near the top of the screen.
  3. Type in some keywords for the video you want to find.
  4. Press Search.
  5. Scroll through the results until you find a good video.
  6. Click on it.
  7. Watch.


  • Some videos have inappropriate content. If you attempt to watch a video containing inappropriate or age restricted content, you won't be able to watch it unless you create an account and verify that you're old enough.


  • Some people try to trick you by putting something cool in the title and doing something completely different. If they've done it once they usually do it almost every time, so recognize those users and don't watch their videos.
  • Don't put in that you're 18+ years old and confirm it and watch bad videos. It's illegal in most states in the USA to watch porn under the age of 18, or in some states, under the age of 21. Check your laws in your country/state/region to see what the legal age is. YouTube does not include sexual acts and nudity, but it may include strip dancing.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • Moderate to high speed internet access
  • Possibly a YouTube Account


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