Search for a Clan Using Clan Tags in Clash of Clans

Do you want to join your friend's clan but can't find it because it is a very common name? There are millions of clans in the game and it can be hard to find the exact one you're looking to join. This is where Clan Tags can help. Clan tags are unique for every clan and using one can help you find a specific clan with ease. This article will guide you to search a clan using Clan Tags.

Please note: If each and every member of the clan leaves it, the clan gets deleted automatically. So if you type in the clan tag of an empty clan, it won't appear in the results.


  1. Find out what the Clan Tag is. If you wish to join your friend's clan, you can ask him/her to tell you the clan tag which is mentioned in the "My Clan" section of their information page. Also, if you visit a clan website, you can search for the Clan Tag there; it's likely to be mentioned in one of their posts.
  2. Go to 'Search Clan'. You will find a text box for typing the name of the clan.
  3. Type the Clan Tag of the clan and select 'Search'. Remember to include '#' sign before typing the tag.
  4. Join the clan. As you search the clan tag, the first clan on the list will be your desired clan.


  • In order to be a good clan mate, make sure that you don't use bad language.
  • Always check if you have added the '#' sign before the Clan Tag.

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