Seek Help for Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental disorder that causes mood swings and other mental health issues. If you have bipolar disorder, you may swing from high, or manic, moods to low, or depressed, moods. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition that can be managed if you get professional treatment and support. An early diagnosis and treatment plan can also greatly improve your day to day life with this disorder.[1]


Accepting That You Need Help

  1. Recognize the symptoms of the manic phase of bipolar disorder. To seek help for bipolar disorder, you first need to recognize and accept that you have this condition. Start by recognizing the symptoms you may be experiencing due to the disorder on a daily basis. During the manic phase, you may have symptoms like a high level of energy and activity, an irritable mood, rapid thoughts, a tendency to get distracted, and increased recklessness. You may also experience delusions or hallucinations as well as paranoid or suspicious thoughts.[2]
    • Write down your symptoms and pay close attention to how your moods swing back and forth throughout the day or week. You can then use these notes when you meet with a mental health professional to discuss your treatment options.
    • Be aware that bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed because there is another type of bipolar that includes a hypomanic state. This form is more subtle and often hard to pick up. Hypomanic symptoms include spending an excessive amount of money, impulsive shopping, binge eating, and difficulty sleeping.
  2. Note the symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder. During the depressive phase, you may have symptoms like a lack of appetite, a lack of sleep or too much sleep, fatigue and low energy, and poor concentration. You may also feel worthless or guilty and have thoughts of death or suicide.
    • Having bipolar disorder means you will swing from the manic phase to the depressive phase. You may have periods where you feel more manic and periods where you feel more depressed. However, keep in mind that there will also be many times when you feel normal, especially if you are being treated for your bipolar disorder. Rapid cycling between these two phases is rare. However, if you feel that your mood easily fluctuates day to day or week to week, speak to your doctor about whether or not you have bipolar disorder and learn what your treatment options are.
  3. Acknowledge that you need help. Once you recognize that you have the symptoms of bipolar disorder, take steps to acknowledge that you need help and treatment for this condition. Be honest with yourself and those around you. Admit that you have the disorder and accept that you need professional help to get better. Do not feel shame or guilt at having bipolar disorder. It is no one’s fault and you are not responsible for having this condition.[3]
    • For example, you may say to those close to you, “I acknowledge that I have bipolar disorder and that I need help” or “I realize that I have manic depression and want to seek treatment.”
    • Keep in mind that it may be hard for you to notice these symptoms in yourself. Listen to what friends and family have to say. If they want to help you seek treatment, then be willing to accept it.
  4. Contact a mental health professional. Be proactive about getting treatment for bipolar disorder. Contact a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, and set up an appointment to discuss your condition. You can also reach out to a mental health professional at a mental health clinic or hospital near you to set up a consultation. A good treatment plan can help you live better with bipolar disorder.[4]
    • Avoid waiting until you have a manic or depressive episode to seek help. Contact a mental health professional right away so you can get the help you need.
    • If you have a medical emergency, such as suicidal thoughts, and need immediate care, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) for help if you live in the U.S. The lifeline is available 24/7 and all calls are confidential.
    • For international suicide hotlines, refer to this list on

Seeking Professional Treatment

  1. See your doctor. It is also important for you to see your primary care physician because there are several medical conditions that can cause mood swings that look like bipolar disorder, and it is important to rule those out. Your doctor will complete a physical exam to rule out any other conditions and then refer you to a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. Your doctor may ask you to describe your symptoms. They will also review your medical history.[5]
    • There are two types of bipolar disorder: bipolar I disorder, which is the most severe type, and bipolar II disorder, where you have only depression and not mania. Depending on your symptoms, a mental health professional can determine which type you have.
  2. Discuss medications for bipolar disorder. There are several different types of medications that can help to treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Your psychiatrist may suggest trying several different ones to find the right ones for you. You may be given mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, and antidepressants.[6]
    • Always talk to your psychiatrist about the possible risks and side effects of these medications. If you notice any troubling side effects, talk to your psychiatrist right away. Your psychiatrist may adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medication.
    • Do not stop taking your medication without talking to your psychiatrist first. Stopping your medication can lead to a rebound or make your symptoms worse. You may also experience withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Consider cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Therapy can be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder. Your psychiatrist may recommend therapy treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT allows you to examine how your thoughts affect your emotions. This therapy can also help you change negative thinking patterns and behaviors. It can help you manage your symptoms better and avoid a relapse.[7]
    • To do CBT, you will work with a therapist on a regular basis to treat your symptoms.
  4. Try interpersonal and social rhythm therapy. Interpersonal therapy can help you reduce the level of stress your disorder causes you in day to day life. Stress can be a major trigger for those with bipolar disorder.[8]
    • Interpersonal therapy is often combined with social rhythm therapy. Social rhythm therapy focuses on stabilizing your social rhythms, like eating, sleeping, and exercising. Stabilizing these rhythms can help your mood become more stable.
  5. Do family-focused therapy. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can cause significant family disruptions, so family-focused therapy may be helpful. This type of therapy can help to educate your family members about the disorder and how to help you maintain your treatment plan. Family-focused therapy is good if you have family members who do not understand this disorder or who are struggling to live with you while you recover from this disorder.[9]
    • This type of therapy can be done with your entire family or family members one on one.
  6. Ask your psychiatrist about other treatment options. Your psychiatrist may also recommend other treatment options like Electroshock Therapy (ECT). ECT has been shown to provide relief for those with severe bipolar disorder, especially if they have not been able to recover using other treatments. ECT can cause short-term side effects like confusion, disorientation, and memory loss.[10]
    • Another treatment option your psychiatrist may suggest is sleep medication. Insomnia and sleep problems are major symptoms of bipolar disorder, so sleep medication can help you sleep better.
    • Keep in mind alternative therapies like herbal or natural supplements are not recommended for the treatment of bipolar disorder.
  7. Keep a life chart to track your progress. As part of your treatment plan, you may keep a life chart where you can track your symptoms and sleep patterns. You can also note your treatments, medications, and life events in the life chart. The life chart can then help your psychiatrist determine if the treatment plan you are on is working well for you, or if it needs to be adjusted.[11]
    • You may create a life chart in your journal or on your computer. Be diligent about recording your daily moods and symptoms to track your progress.

Getting Support From Others

  1. Talk to family and friends about your disorder. Reach out to family and friends for support as you seek treatment for bipolar disorder. Discuss your treatment plan with your family and friends. Let them know how you are addressing your mental health issue. Ask for their support when you need it. Having a good support system as you deal with bipolar disorder can be really helpful.[12]
    • For example, you may say to family and friends, “I am currently on a treatment plan for bipolar disorder. I appreciate all your support and encouragement. I hope you will continue to support me during my recovery.”
  2. Join a support group for bipolar disorder. Look for a support group in your local area or online that focuses on the needs of those with bipolar disorder. Try to go to the support group on a regular basis. Share your recovery with the other members of the support group and listen to their stories of recovery. Often, having others who can relate to what you are going through will make your recovery more manageable and feasible.[13]
    • Ask your psychiatrist or your therapist for a referral to a support group in your area. Look for support groups online for those with bipolar disorder.
  3. Have regular check-ins with a mental health professional. To ensure your recovery is on track, set up regular check-ins with a mental health professional in your area. Try to meet with the mental health professional once a week or twice a month to ensure you are recovering well.[14]
    • Share any issues you are having with your medication or your treatment plan. Work with the mental health professional to find a treatment plan that works for you.
  4. Seek immediate help if you feel a bipolar disorder episode coming on. If you start to feel manic or depressed, reach out to a mental health professional right away. Describe your symptoms and ask them for immediate care. You can also call the Suicide Prevention Hotline or your psychiatrist for help.[15]
    • You may already have a plan in place for episodes if you are on a treatment plan. Make sure family and friends know the protocol for episodes so they can watch for the symptoms and help you get treatment.

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