Select a Good Trumpet

So, either you just started learning, or maybe you've been playing for what seems like a lifetime. Either way, if you intend to have a good sound, the right trumpet is an absolute must.


  1. Start off with a decent beginner trumpet from a reputable brand, preferably made of brass with a lacquer finish. Silver plating is much too expensive for a beginning instrument.
  2. Decide if you're ready for a new trumpet. If you have been playing for 2 or 3 years on the same horn and have improved then, yes, you may be ready for a new trumpet, especially if your instrument is a basic or student trumpet. If you haven't been playing for that long, and there is very little need for you to purchase a new trumpet, hold off for a little while.
  3. Determine what level of trumpet to buy. An intermediate trumpet will usually have more resistance in the upper register to prevent the player from over-blowing and ruining his/her chops. A professional instrument, depending on the model, will have little to no resistance, but will cost you a good bit more.
  4. Play with your sound a bit. If your sound is really bright and brassy, then you may want to purchase a cornet, a large bore trumpet, or a Ring Mute. These two offer a darker sound. However, if you manage to produce a darker sound, which is hard to do without practice, you might want to start out on a small bore Yamaha, or a King.
  5. Check your budget. Trumpets are expensive- the most expensive ones can easily run into five digits. Most step-up trumpets, though, are around one or two thousand dollars. That it still a lot of money, so be sure you can afford a new trumpet. If you can't afford the two thousand, but desperately need another trumpet, try looking for a used horn for sale. Many trumpet players, upon buying a new horn, no longer want or need their old one, and will sell it for a large discount with very minor wear.
  6. Do research. Learn about what particular types of trumpet are considered better by the trumpet-playing community. Many Kings, for example, are considered next to useless, although they may catch your eye for having large designs of roses etched into the bell. The Bach Stradivarius, meanwhile, looks rather bland, but is considered a very good quality horn for its cost. (A bit over two thousand in most cases.)
  7. Test trumpets. Go to the local music store, and not-so-local ones, and test all the trumpets they have. You don't want to make a bad decision, so give yourself as many options as possible. Test as many trumpets as possible. You should be able to test trumpets before you buy them at your local credible music shop. If you're not allowed to, don't give them your business. You might want to get a reliable worker at the store to help you out. Decide which horn has the least pressure and resistance when you play in the upper register.


  • Some reputable trumpet brands are Yamaha, Bach, Getzen, and Schilke. Try these and many more! Every player is different, what may be amazing for someone else might be terrible for you.
  • Always keep your valves oiled and slides greased; it's extremely difficult to get rid of months of neglect on an instruments valves.
  • Polishing is key, as silver will tarnish when put in frequent contact with skin oils. You can mostly avoid this by wearing soft cotton gloves while handling your trumpet and by investing in a valve guard.
  • Give your trumpet a full cleaning once or twice a year.
  • Try to "flush" your trumpet out at least once a month. To do this, take out all of the slides and valves. Next, run lukewarm water and soap through your trumpet. Make sure all of the soap is o
  • Wright's Silver Cream is ideal for polishing silver horns. The case comes with a small sponge so to polish the horn take this sponge and apply a thin layer around the entire horn, especially the bell since that is what a spectator will see. Allow for the cream to dry, this usually takes 5 minutes or so. Take a cotton cloth (must be cotton, rough material can scratch the silver finish) and simply wipe away the dried cream. You can use a Q-tip to reach into the small nooks and crannies of a trumpet's anatomy.


  • Even horns of the same brand and model are different! Always try every single horn.
  • Never buy a horn based on its appearance, sound and playing characteristics are much more important.
  • Always, ALWAYS, check the horn thoroughly, especially the valves. If the horn has faulty valves you can't fix it. Make sure the valves function fully before purchasing a horn. Check the slides as well.

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