Set a Trap in the King's Gambit Declined Opening As Black

Here is a clever trap you can set up in the King's Gambit Declined Opening in Chess while playing as black. Essentially, after White offers the King's Gambit, you decline it by playing a Bishop move, leaving your King's pawn unprotected. If White then takes it, you have successfully set the trap and will win the game. So set up the board and proceed as follows. Algebraic chess notation is used to explain the moves.


  1. e4. Moving the King Pawn two spaces forward is the most common move played in professional and amateur chess. It opens up the center as well as the diagonals for White's Queen and King Bishop.

    e5. Moving the King's two spaces, for the same reasons above, is a decent choice for black
  2. f4. Moving the King Bishop Pawn two spaces forms the King's Gambit Opening, by offering the pawn for Black's King Pawn. It is an aggressive move in an attempt to dominate the center.

    Bc5. Moving the King Bishop to the center, Black declines the Gambit and sets up a trap. This move also helps to control the center, and is a good spot for the Bishop.
  3. fxe5? White falls for the trap by taking Black's King Pawn. The correct move here is 3.Nf3 to develop the King Knight or perhaps 3.Bc4 to control the center.

    Qh4ch. Queen checks and simultaneously attacks the King Pawn on e4.
  4. g3. The only other legal move to get out of check is 4.Ke2, but after that 4... Qxe4 is mate.

    Qxe4. Taking the King Pawn, the Black Queen checks again and simultaneously attacks the King Rook. White must now lose the rook.
  5. Qe2. Block the check.

    Qxh1. Wins the King Rook.


  • If White then attempts to trap your Queen by playing Nf3, simply develop your pieces and eventually play Bg4 to attack the White Knight on F3 to free up your Queen. You should be able to win the game quite handily.

Things You'll Need

  • Chess Set

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