Sign Autographs
Once your hard work has paid off and you've finally achieved your dreams of becoming famous, your adoring fans will likely want memorabilia of you, and this includes your signature. Signing autographs can be a tedious and grueling activity if you're not prepared. But if you approach your autograph signing with a little forethought, practice, and social grace, your fans will treasure your autograph for years to come.
Choosing the Right Signature
- Use a separate signature from your official one. Once you sign an autograph, you have no idea where it might end up! It might be sold at an auction or on an auction site, like eBay, it might be awarded as a prize or reward to someone in your fan club -- in the worst case scenario, it might even fall into the hands of someone disreputable.
- You should have two separate signatures, one for autograph signing and one for signing official documents. This will cut down the chances on your signature being forged.
- Now that you're famous, your name, signature, and reputation are in the spotlight. This means you'll have to be even more careful protecting yourself from identity theft and fraud.
- Determine what you want your signature to communicate to fans. There are many different kinds of signature you might use, and each of these will signify something different to your fans. An elegant signature penned in flowing cursive may give your fans the impression of breeding, culture, and manners. A quick scrawl might make it appear as though you're hurried, driven, and certain of yourself.
- You may have to experiment with various kinds of signatures before you find one that best suits you. See how loops, flourishes, tall letters, short letters, narrow and wide scripts look with your signature.
- You may want to include a symbol that is significant to you in your signature. For example, if you associate yourself with an eagle or lion, or if you have a family crest that uses these symbols, you might weave a simplified version of this image into your signature.
- Look to others in your industry for inspiration. You may find that other famous people in your industry use similar signatures. You may want to imitate this style and add your own flourish, or you might want to ignore the conventions of your peers completely and make something uniquely your own!
- When viewing the signatures of others in your profession, you might want to ask yourself why a certain style is being used. A basketball player, for example, may have a very simplified style to make it easier when signing basketballs.
- Select the parts of your name you'll use when signing. To further differentiate your official signature with your autograph, you may want to abbreviate your name or use an initial. An abbreviated name can be a huge benefit if you think you might be signing a lot of autographs; shortening your first and middle name to initial letters will cut down on the writing you do considerably.
- You may not want to limit your first name to its first initial, but you may want to use a more casual form. For example, you might use a nickname, like "Tony" in place of "Anthony" or "Ly" instead of "Lyla."
- Add a paraph to your signature. A paraph is a special mark or flourish that you add to your signature to make it unique.
- You might add a thick, half moon stroke to a section under you signature that you wish to make more prominent. The first president of America, George Washington, did so under the middle part of his last name.
- You could separate the last letter of your name from the rest of your signature, and either simplify the letter or add a flourish. An example of this can be found in the signatures of American president John F. Kennedy.
- Napoleon Bonaparte, while only usually signing his first name, would often use the tail of the last letter to add a bold underline to his signature. You might do the same in yours!
- If you want an especially elegant signature, you should experiment with using the tails of the initial and ending letters in the parts of your name to make looping designs below it. Queen Elizabeth I of England would extend first "E" in her name, using the bottom strokes to entwine with the tail of the "z," which she also enlarged so the bottom could loop in an intricate paraph.
Some examples of this include using the tail of a letter to cross a "t" or two crossing lines at the beginning or ending of your signature. A paraph can make your signature harder to duplicate, and can also give it more character, setting it apart from others.
Practicing Your Signature
- Use various surfaces when practicing. You never know what you'll be asked to sign. Presidents, for example, have signed novels, hats, golf balls, pictures and more!
- You might want to spend a few weeks doodling your autograph wherever you can for a few weeks until you are completely comfortable with it. You might even turn your practice into a game with a piece of chalk! Simply write your autograph wherever you go.
You should have a practiced hand when it comes to signing autographs so you can do so easily and without hesitation when the time comes -- even if you're surprised by a request to autograph something odd.
- Identify likely objects you'll sign. If you're an author, it's likely you'll mostly be signing books. If you're a rock star, you may find that you spend most of your time autographing albums and maybe even fans themselves! It's good to practice your signature on various surfaces, but you'll need the most practice signing the thing you are known for or an item in the industry you are associated with.
- Sports players, especially, are often asked to sign the equipment of their sport. Many fans have sought the autograph of boxers on boxing gloves, hockey players on sticks and pads, and basketball player on jerseys and balls.
- Practice your official signature and your autograph back to back. You don't want to confuse your official signature with your autograph! This could result in fan frustration. For example, what if a fan waited patiently for your autograph only to get your official signature? This might result in that person being accused of forgery by other fans who have never seen your official signature!
Inking Your Autograph
- Arrange instances for signing. You may be accosted by fans as you're leaving the stadium, or if you are a notable personality, you might be stopped on the street for an autograph. However, many famous people dislike being bothered during their free time. Having specific times for autograph signing gives you a polite excuse to decline.
- For example, if you are stopped on the street by a fan you can let them down easy by saying, "I'm sorry, this is my personal time. I don't sign autographs in my free time, but I do have a signing coming up. I'd love to see you there!"
- By taking time for your fan base and signing autographs, you'll also be doing good PR for yourself. The connection your fans feel after getting your signature and meeting you face to face can do wonders for your reputation, popularity, and sales.
- Treat your fans with dignity and social grace. It's easy to get overwhelmed by overexcited fans, or to get frustrated by repeated interruptions during your personal time. However, many fans have difficulty thinking of their idol as a person outside of the idol's celebrity identity. It's up to you to be polite and gracious even when your fandom is thoughtlessness.
- By acting with politeness and grace, you'll earn even more points with your fandom! This can translate to greater popularity, and can win you respect from fans and non-fans alike.
- Equip yourself to autograph. In some cases, a fan might request an autograph but have forgotten to bring along an item for you to sign or a pen for you to sign with! The can result in disappointment that is easily preventable on your part. Carry a ballpoint pen and a felt tipped market with you whenever you are out and about.
- This way you'll be able to easily sign most items brought to you for signing. In the event a fan has forgotten to bring something to sign, you can use your felt tipped marker to sign an article of clothing.
- Many celebrities get tired of the constant requests for attention by fans, including appeals for tokens like autographs. Remember that these people are often starstruck. Always try to be respectful.
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Sources and Citations
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- Hamilton, Charles. The Robot That Helped to Make a President. N.p.: Recollections, 1995. Print.