Sleep Away from Home Comfortably

For most of us, sleeping away from home is surreal, a feeling that things just aren’t quite right. It can make falling asleep hard. There are many people that experience a much more pronounced anxiety over sleeping away from home and it can be a very stressful event. The key is to find ways to help deal with the situation and create a relaxing and peaceful state of mind.


Making Someplace Feel Like Home

  1. Bring some bedtime objects with you. Your favorite pillow, stuffed animal, or even pictures of family can turn anyplace into your home away from home. The familiar objects trigger a sense of peace and exert a calming influence on your mind.[1]
  2. Follow the same routine. If you take a shower before bed at home, take a shower before bed wherever you are. Bring the book you’re reading if you normally read before turning out the light. Anything to give bedtime the same feeling and to let your body know it’s time for bed is a good bet to help.[1]
  3. Bring earplugs and a sleep mask. You never know if it’s going to be noisy or bright where you’re staying so bringing these along will make sure you’re prepared for everything. A sleep mask will also give you the added benefit of being able to imagine you’re at home without you seeing the evidence to the contrary right before your eyes.

Relaxing Your Mind Naturally

  1. Try lavender. Lavender is a scientifically proven natural calming fragrance and nighttime sprays are available at your local health store. Just spray a little on your pillow and find yourself floating off to sleep.
  2. Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile is an excellent calming tea that for some is a powerful, all natural sleep-aid. It is most potent if you can find it in bulk, organic form but even tea bags will help ease you into a fitful sleep.
  3. Bring some melatonin. A hormone that controls sleep, melatonin is a safe, all natural sleep aid that works wonders. Take a low dose, approximately .3-.5mg, before bed and relax.[2]
  4. Take valerian root. Another all natural sleep remedy, numerous studies have found that valerian improves every facet of sleep including the ability to fall asleep. About 200-800mg before bed should do the trick.[3]
    • A small percentage of people, roughly 10%, get the reverse effect from valerian, meaning it gives them energy. Try this one at home ahead of time to make sure it has the right effect on you.

Creating a Restful Mind

  1. Try guided imagery meditation. In your mind, imagine a quiet and motionless place, such as a deserted beach or mountaintop. Fill in all of the details: the sights, sounds, and smells. Soon enough, this peaceful image will replace the world around you, providing a relaxed, comfortable feeling that will help you fall asleep.[4]
  2. Hide the clock. Constantly wondering what time it is can make sleeping in a foreign bed worse. It adds stress to an already stressful situation so the sooner you remove it from the equation the better. Once it’s gone that’s one less thing reminding you that you’re still awake and not at home.[5]
  3. Practice yoga. There are numerous yoga routines that can be done in bed that relax both mind and body, providing the peace of mind you need to fall asleep when not at home. Find one that is your skill level and as your heart rate and breathing slow down you will feel your anxiety and stress melt away.[6]
  4. Avoid electronics. Not only do they tend to keep us up later than we wanted, but it takes a good hour for your brain to calm down after being on electronics. The rule of thumb is this: it’s best to avoid electronics near bedtime when you’re away from home.


  • Remember, even if you don't get much sleep, be happy you made it through.
  • Come up with silly things to say or do. It may help you cope with the phobia.
  • Avoid high amounts of caffeine and sugar after about 3pm. Consuming too much of these will make you feel awake at even late hours of the night.
  • Try not to think about home.
  • Call home before you sleep.


  • If you have a choice, don't force yourself to stay and be a wreck.
  • If you feel unsafe where you are, by all means leave and go somewhere else where you do feel safe if home isn’t an option.

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