Sneak Food Into a Movie Theatre

Ever want to have something to eat at the movies, but don't want to pay 5 bucks for a box of candy or popcorn?


Using a Purse

  1. Get a purse big enough to hold the food of your choice. Fill it on up.
  2. Cover the food with your wallet, a day planner, or whatever. That way, if someone gets a look at the inside of your purse, they'll just see the stuff, not the food.

Using Clothing

  1. Take advantage of the cold. Wad up your coat or jacket and hold it in your arm. Bundle food up in it. It will just look like you don't want to wear it inside.
  2. Wear slightly baggy cargo pants. Preferably a pair with plenty of pockets, and carefully plan on what food to carry in those pockets. Items that stick out too much may raise suspicions.
  3. Stick things like candy bars in your sleeves. Hold your arms casually at your sides, and no one will look twice.

Using an Accomplice

  1. Have an accomplice wait outside of the EXIT doors at the back/side of the theatre with the food in a bag.
  2. Go into the theatre with a mostly empty backpack. Go to the back of the theatre, stuff the food underneath the things that were already in your backpack. Take care not to act too suspicious as you walk to the movie.
  3. Meet said accomplice inside the screening room.

Reusing Old Snack Packaging

  1. Buy a large popcorn.
  2. Go back to your car, and empty out the popcorn into another box.
  3. Place your contraband into the bottom of the popcorn container. Then pour the recently removed popcorn back into the container until it's full again.
    • You can keep the box and reuse the popcorn.


  • Try bringing something that the theatre offers so when your eating it, it looks like you bought it.
  • In most theaters, especially those in malls, most of the employees won't notice or care even if you walk in openly carrying a drink or part of a sandwich from the food court. Just act naturally and focus on the movie you're about to see, like most people do when they enter a theatre, not on whether or not anyone can see your food. Unlike the secretive methods, if somebody does notice the food, you can easily get out of trouble by apologizing politely, and acknowledging your "mistake." If you ask nicely, they might even tell you not to worry about it and you can keep going in with the food.
  • If you do get caught, don't try to use a lame excuse. Just admit that you were bringing food in. Chances are, they'll just make you leave the food at the front desk, and still let you in.
  • Don't try to bring a pizza, or anything big like that, it is pretty hard to bring things that big in. If you are feeling daring, put it in a thin box (a cook it yourself pizza works best since it comes in one and you can take multiple pies), and use a belt to strap it laterally to your chest then wear a sweatshirt over it.
  • Wear a hooded sweatshirt with a big pocket in the front and stuff food in there. When you are ready to go in, put both hands on the sides of the pockets.
  • Have something closed up, such as Chinese food. Or just put your own stuff in containers.
  • Snuggle up your baby with some snacks in it's stroller under the baby's blanket or hold the baby as if you were burping him and still bring the stroller, this way you can stand drinks upright in the stroller.
  • Just act naturally. No one will look twice if you don't give them reason to be suspicious.
  • Sneak in chocolate bars, lollies and chips by wearing a fluffy jacket and putting it in the pockets of the jacket, tell the movie guard you are cold as you walk in to avoid suspicious questions and viola! You're in!
  • Buy the ticket first! Then go out to put your snacks in your bag and show that you've had your tickets. The authorities usually won't check someone twice.
  • Put soda in a water bottle so you won't disturb others watching the movie by opening a can of soda.


  • Don't try to just try to carry in a bag of food. You WILL get caught if you go that way.
  • If there is a sign telling you not to do this, then you know that you are doing something not permitted.
  • If you get caught, people will be mad at you.

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