Soften Leather Shoes

New leather shoes can be very painful, causing blisters and other foot-related problems. Unless you soften them, they will stay that way. Fortunately, there are several was to soften the leather, making it more comfortable for your feet.


Using Oil to Soften Your Shoes

  1. Clean your shoes before applying any additional substance. Oil should not be used until after cleaning your shoes. To clean your shoes, use a damp cloth and lightly wipe away any grime or grit attached to the surface. Wipe them again with a dry cloth to ensure they are dry and ready to get oiled.
  2. Select your oil. Applying oils to your leather shoes will restore and nourish them, leading to softer shoes. There are many oils which can soften your leather shoes and prevent or reduce stiffness. Mink oil, saddle soap, coconut oil, and foot oil are all useful for softening leather shoes.[1][2]
    • Seek the aid of a qualified shoe repair professional to help you decide which kind of oil might be best for your shoes.
    • Olive oil has many adherents, but some report that it leaves oily spots behind and leads to deterioration of the leather.[3]
  3. Read the label on your leather oil.[4] Beware of leather oils which contain pine tar, castor oil, mineral oils, and other toxic chemicals.[5] These ingredients might harm or cause the decomposition of your leather shoe. Carefully read the label before purchasing a particular leather oil.
    • Consult the sales staff from whom you purchased your leather shoes as to which oil is best for your shoes.
  4. Apply the oil to your shoes. Pour a bit of oil into a small, clean dish. Wrap two fingers with a clean cloth or torn-up t-shirt. Dab the wrapped fingers lightly in the oil of your choice. After dipping your fingers, lift them out of the oil and allow the excess to drip off. Then, bring your hand to the cleaned surface of your leather shoes and rub the oil into the surface of shoe with gentle, circular motions.
    • After applying one coat, let it absorb thoroughly into the shoe.
    • Depending on your shoe, you might need to wait several hours or a full day before applying another coat. If you can see your shoes are still oily, or feel greasy to the touch, let them continue to sit until the oil has done its work.
    • After the oil has been absorbed, evaluate the softness of the shoe. If you wish it to be softer, apply another coat in the same manner as the first and evaluate the softness again. Repeat as necessary.

Softening the Shoes With Alcohol and Vaseline

  1. Obtain some rubbing alcohol.[2] Rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol is readily available at drug stores and supermarkets. Don’t try to use regular alcoholic beverages to soften your leather shoes; you’ll only end up making them smell like booze.
  2. Pour some alcohol into a small dish. The amount you’ll need depends on your shoe. If you have a tall shoe or boot, you’ll need more than if you have a shoe that only extends to your ankle. Dip a cotton ball in the alcohol and rub it all over your leather shoe wherever exposed leather is visible. Remove the laces, if present, to apply the alcohol to the exposed leather on the tongue and on the inside of the shoe. Let it sit and dry for about thirty minutes.[2]
  3. Apply Vaseline to the shoe.[6] Wherever you applied the alcohol, apply Vaseline. Use a small brush or an old toothbrush to work the Vaseline into the shoe. Apply the Vaseline in such a way that only a thin layer is left on the shoe. Let the shoes sit overnight. After allowing the shoes to sit and soften, wipe them down with a dry cloth to remove any excess Vaseline.
    • If your shoes have not as soft as you’d like after a single coat, repeat the process again until your shoes are as soft as you want them to be. Sometimes you’ll need to apply several coats to reach the level of softness you want.
  4. Use a curling iron on your shoes. A variation of the above method involves skipping the alcohol altogether and going straight to the Vaseline-rubbing step. After doing so, instead of allowing the shoes to sit overnight, take a hot curling iron and move it slowly around inside the shoe. Start at the heal and work your way slowly down the sides of the shoe where you applied the Vaseline. The heat will help the pores of the leather open up and better absorb the thin layer of Vaseline you’ve applied.

Walking Around in Your Shoes to Soften Them

  1. Walk around in your shoes for half a day.[7] One way to soften leather is to wear it. Repeatedly wearing leather shoes will help them become more pliable. However, if you walk around in new leather shoes all day, they might start to hurt. You can minimize that chance by wearing them for just half a day, then swapping them for some more comfortable shoes.
    • If your feet start to hurt while wearing the shoes, take them off and swap them for another pair, even if you haven’t worn them the whole half-day.
  2. Wear the shoes again for just half a day two days later.[7] And then wear them for another half day two days after that. Continue wearing the new shoes every other day in half-day increments. When they feel softer, try wearing them for a full day. Continue to wear them as regularly as you wish thereafter.
    • Feet are sweaty. If you wear the shoes two days in a row when they’re new, they will not have time to adequately dry out, especially when they are new and still tight around your feet.
  3. Be patient. Breaking in a new shoe can take time. Leather often requires a long break-in period in order to become as soft as you may want it to be.[7] Thinner leathers like calfskin will likely soften more easily, but if your shoes have a lot of stitches and needlework, they will take longer to break in. You can speed up the softening process by wearing a pair (or two) of socks when walking about.


  • When picking out leather shoes, choose unfinished over treated leather for a naturally softer feel.
  • If you continuously find shoes of a certain brand pinch your toes or heels, invest in another brand.
  • Make sure your shoes fit you properly. If they are too big or too small, they'll feel wrong on your feet no matter what.
  • Keep bandages and ointment on hand for the first week or two you're wearing your new leather shoes, as this will be when you have the most blisters.
  • Do not soak your shoes in water. The leather will shrink and you’ll end up with shoes that are both hard and too small for your feet.[7]

Sources and Citations

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