Solve Any Physics Problem
Baffled as to where to begin with a physics problem? There is a very simply and logical flow process to solving any physics problem.
- Calm down. It is just a problem, not the end of the world!
- Read through the problem once. If it is a long problem, read and understand it in parts till you get even a slight understanding of what is going on.
- Draw a diagram. It cannot be emphasized enough how much easier a problem will be once it is drawn out. Ideally, a free body diagram is what you will draw, but even drawing how you imagine the wording of the problem inside your head (like a chart maybe) will make solving this problem easier. There are often marks awarded for drawing a correct diagram. Once you are done with this, try to bring this drawing into motion like a movie if you can. This is not really necessary but will give you a clear understanding of what is happening in the problem.
- List down anything that is given to you to the side under a category labeled "known". e.g. you are given two velocities. Label the first V1 and set it equal to the value given. Label the other value V2 and set it equal to the value provided for it.
- Look for the unknown variables. Ask yourself, 'What am I solving for?' and 'What are the unknown variables in this problem?' List these to the side as well under a category labeled "unknown".
- List formula that you think might be applicable to this problem. If you are able to look up equations you do not remember exactly and think might be applicable to the problem, do so and write them down.
- Pick the right formula. At times there may be different formulas for the same set of variables and you may be confused as to which one to use. Hence when you memorize the formula, also remember the conditions in which they hold good ( conditions under which that formula can be applied). for example: - v = u + at can be applied only when the acceleration is constant. So in a question if the acceleration is not constant, you will know you are not supposed to use this equation here. This may also help to increase the subject understanding in general.
- Solve the equations. Take your formula and try to solve for one variable at a time. Solve for each variable that is listed under the "unknown" category. Try to solve for variables that you can determine easily first.
- Keep repeating the last step for each unknown quantity in turn. If you can't do one, try others first as you may be able to work it out when you have information from other answers.
- Put a box, circle, or underline your answer to make your work neat.
- Many people report that if they leave a problem for a while and come back to it later, they find they have a new perspective on it and can sometimes see an easy way to the answer that they did not notice before.
- If a problem is particularly difficult, try some easier ones on the same subject first. You may be able to find a way to do it.
- Try to understand the problem first.
- Remember, the physics part of the problem is figuring out what you are solving for, drawing the diagram, and remembering the formulae. The rest is just use of algebra, trigonometry, and/or calculus, depending on the difficulty of your course.
- It is said that the material is like a pyramid; the new information is built upon the old. A better thought is to expand on that saying by changing it to "The material is set up like a pyramid made of vines; the information builds upon each other but also is woven together. Don't view each subject as an individual isolated block; they all intermix and grow together into one complete subject.
- If you are taking a physics test, try chewing gum or eating popcorn to calm your nerves. You will "eat up" your nervous feelings.
- If you are having trouble solving problems, it never hurts to ask! Get help if you need it; that is what your instructor is there to do, even if they believe to the contrary. Or ask a friend or fellow student; they may have a different perspective that switches on the proverbial light bulb above your head. If you can, try understanding their line of reasoning and try to figure where you lack and why. Then you know what to do, improve yourself.
- Solve for variables! If you figure out how to solve the problem with variables first, you can always go back and plug numbers in. If you solve exclusively with numbers, you are increasing your chances of buggering something up if you plug and chug it in a calculator. Remember, numbers are inaccurate, variables are exact.
- Draw a diagram for no a diagram question. List out all force.
- Keep a positive attitude! If it helps, daydream a bit; it will allow you relax and become more focused on the problem.
- Physics is not easy to grasp for many people, so do not get bent out of shape over a problem.
- If an instructor tells you to draw a free body diagram, be sure that that is exactly what you draw.
Things You'll Need
- A Writing Utensil (preferably a pencil or erasable pen of sorts)
- Paper
- Calculator with all the functions you need for your exam
- An understanding of the equations needed to solve the problems. Or a list of them will suffice if you are just trying to get through the course alive.
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