Solve the Ouija Board Mystery

Mention the words Ouija Board and most people will shiver or freak out because they associate those words with ghosts,spirits or demons.So..what about solving a Ouija board Mystery?


  1. Learn what a Ouija Board is. The Ouija board was invented in the 1890s. It was invented and marketed by an American businessman. The Ouija board has the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 0-9 printed on it, along with the words 'Yes', 'No', and 'Goodbye'. The idea is that you and a few friends sit around the board and rest your hands lightly on the pointer and then one of you asks a question and the pointer will spell out the answer.
  2. Understand how the Ouija board works. Mediums and the like used it in the belief that they were receiving messages from the dead. What makes the pointer move? Involuntary unconscious movement. What is purely physiological, however, appears to some to be paranormal. In other words, if you believe this stuff and are trying to get the spirits to answer questions, and you ask a question that you already know the answer to, the odds are that your own hands will do the rest by spelling out your answer.
  3. Experiment. Try this simple blindfold experiment. If it was spirits, they would be able to guide your hands no matter whether you can see or not. But if it is you doing it unconscious, then the blindfold will prevent you from getting an answer to your question, because you can't see the board!


  • For the experiment, you will of course ask a question the other people at the table won't know the answer to. Once you realize the truth, you can then have some fun with the Ouija Board and no longer be afraid of it.
  • As an alternative to blindfolding, find a player who is not familiar with the alphabet the ouija board is printed on.
  • When playing with friends, make sure all of you wear blindfolds and, if possible point a camcorder so that you can review the answers you get while answering questions.
  • Like the statement above you can try it alone, but make sure you don't see how the letters are arranged (if it's a homemade board) so that you can have a definitive result if the mystery is real or not.


  • It's your own fear, and that of the others around the table, that sends the pointer spinning out of control - due to unconscious confusion coming from some of the players. If you can't or won't accept this explanation, then stay clear of this game because it will only freak you out.
  • On the other hand, if you can accept the possibility of the supernatural without "freaking out," consider having fun with the activity, without going extra lengths to try to disprove it.

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