Make a Lady Gaga Disco Stick
Have you seen Lady Gaga's disco stick which appears on her music videos and in her concerts,and you want one too? Follow these steps in order to make your own disco stick! It's not very hard.
- Get your supplies. These are listed below under "Things you'll need".
- Cut one of the plastic cups about two thirds to a half down in size. Check that it inserts into the other cup without difficulty. The aim is to have it slotting into the other cup and staying there without glue.
- Coat both plastic cups in hot glue and roll in the crystals. If preferred, carefully stick on by hand.
- For the cut-down cup, leave a few inches/centimetres to enable the cup to slide into the other cup still.
- Allow to dry.
- Click the cups together to make one piece. Slide the base of the uncut cup over the top of the stick. This will necessitate creating a small hole to insert the stick into the cup.
- Cut a strip off the toilet paper roll.
- Wrap the LED flashlight into the toilet paper roll. Glue tightly against the top of the stick, just beneath where the two crystal-covered cups sit atop the stick.
- Make sure you can access the button to turn the flashlight on and off.
- Test it out to see if the flashlight is lighting up your Lady Gaga stick.
Things You'll Need
- 2 clear plastic disposable drinking glasses
- Toilet paper roll
- Long stick
- LED flashlight
- Assorted clear beads and crystals, or use salt crystals (large ones)
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