Spray Paint Metal

Spray paint is inexpensive and convenient to purchase from nearly any discount, home improvement or hardware store, and it is a versatile solution for many projects, including metal surfaces. Spray paint provides a smooth, even finish on metal surfaces and dries quickly. Use these tips to spray paint metal. Be sure you buy a brand of spray paint that was intended for use with metal.


  1. Remove any rust or loose paint from the metal surface. Sand the metal surface with a medium-grit sandpaper or use a wire brush to rid the surface of rust or loose paint that would create an uneven painting surface.
  2. Clean the surface of the metal object you want to paint. Remove dust or other particles with a moist rag. Clean the surface with mineral spirits to remove dirt and other grime.
  3. Prepare your painting area.
    • Select an area that is well-ventilated. Spray paint fumes aren't typically harmful, but ventilation is necessary to provide the painter with fresh air.
    • Position a drop cloth, cardboard, wood pieces or garbage bag to catch any loose particles that fly off while you paint.
    • Avoid humid conditions. Humidity can affect how your paint dries and adheres. Choose locations and times of day that are less humid.
  4. Prime the metal surface with spray-on primer. Allow it to dry for at least 1 hour. Follow the directions on the can to apply the spray-on primer.
  5. Shake the paint can to mix the paint prior to beginning the project. Turn it from top to bottom in your hand for at least 2 minutes. You will hear the mixer ball rattle in the can. Repeat the mixing process throughout the project as you paint.
  6. Test your paint on scrap material or an area of your metal project. Check to make sure the nozzle is clear. Get used to how the paint flows from your nozzle as you do your test painting.
  7. Spray paint onto your metal surface.
    • Hold the can approximately 10 to 12 inches (25.4 to 30.5 cm) away from the metal surface. Getting too close to the surface can cause drips and runs. Painting too far from your surface causes uneven spraying.
    • Paint with a sweeping motion. The sweeping motion should be from top to bottom or side to side. Overlap your passes with the spray paint.
    • Pause after each sweeping motion by letting go of the trigger.
    • Apply thin coats of paint to avoid drips and runs. Thicker applications dry more slowly than thinner coats, and do not dry as evenly.
    • Allow your painted surface to dry for at least 3 hours.
    • Spray on a second coat of paint. Most spray paint projects require no more than 2 coats to evenly distribute paint and cover a metal surface. Allow the second coat of paint to dry before handling the object.


  • Wear gloves to reduce the amount of paint you get on your hands and under your fingernails.

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