Start Playing the Bass Guitar

Bass guitars provide the low end that is crucial in almost any type of music.


  1. Make your fingers stronger. Having strong fingers helps, seeing as how the bass strings are a fair bit thicker than those of the guitar.
  2. Proper form is everything. Learn to use your index and middle fingers to pluck the strings of a bass. There are no down-strokes and up-strokes in bass,(unless using a pick) every note you make will be from one of your fingers pulling the string towards your face. Or, you can use your hand, like a pick, and put your thumb and pointer-finger together and strum.
  3. Learn to change your strings. While you usually may not break a bass string like you can very easily the high E of a guitar, you risk breaking other, more crucial parts of the bass like the neck itself.
  4. Get a good amp. You'll need a good starter amp. About 10 to 15 watts is good if you don't plan to play with anyone. Or, if you do, get something bigger. I went to Sam Ash, and found a 200 watt amp; it shook the store.
  5. Experiment with different music styles. Try to find something that really catches your attention. Generally a lot of alternative rock uses a strong bass note on the 1 and 3 of a beat, but nothing else. Jazz, blues, classic rock, some metal, and some punk are some fun alternatives when you're looking for new songs to play. Also, try to get a Precision/P-Bass, they can usually do well with all types.
  6. Learn about musical notation and music theory. If you are serious about becoming a good bass player, you will need to know your music. Just keep in mind that the music theory was born from the music, not the other way around. Feel free to experiment!
  7. Learn your scales. Your scales are your fundamentals. You'll refer back to your scales when you begin to construct bass-lines. Start with the 5 note blues scale and 6 note blues scale.
  8. Listen to other musicians. And not just other bassists. Listen to the drummer who keeps the time and rhythm.
  9. Get a good bass. Rule of thumb: If the bass is less than $100, you will outplay your bass in a matter of months. Don't waste all your money on the first bass- you can always go back to get a new one. start with a bass-pack that includes:Amp, Guitar, Strings, Strap, Chords.
  10. Realize that you and the drummer are the driving force of the band. The bassist and drummer in most bands set and keep the tempo and form the real feeling of the song. The bass and drums also really control the dynamics of the group, so if you want a loud crescendo, then don't crank the guitar: crank the bass and have the drummer play louder, then the guitarist should turn up appropriately. The bass and drums are the key to making a song work; remember that without them, the guitar sounds puny and weak.
  11. Start a band, best way to learn to play. I'm still at this step because people around here aren't very... musically talented.


  • Be open...Try to learn other instruments too... This isn't to say, don't make bass your primary instrument, if you want it to be... By all means, do, but knowledge is power when it comes to music. There's no such thing as too many instruments!
  • Bass solos are cool, but just like drum solos, they hardly ever fit into a style of music, save improv jazz. But by all means, practice your solos. Try learning some things by Victor Wooten, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle (The Who), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), Geddy Lee (Rush), Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Cliff Burton (Metallica) , John Deacon (Queen), Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath), Les Claypool (Primus), Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse), and Joe Principe (Rise Against), Dirk Lance (Incubus).
  • If you get tired, bored or sick of bass, don't be afraid to take a break. Sometimes you need to step away from your instrument to progress. Sometimes your fingers hurt so badly you just can't play anymore. Make sure you come back to your instrument.
    • Soak your fingers in warm water to relieve soreness.
  • Don't let arrogant guitarists tell you that it takes no talent to play bass. Remind them that the double bass came first, or that guitar parts can easily be covered by a keyboard, but there is a bassist in almost every band. If worst comes to worst, put sheet music in front of them; or ask them to play a fretless bass. You'll have the last laugh...
  • Use your tuner. If you don't have one, buy one. Not everyone is able to tell the exact note by ear. When you tune, tune down flat past the note first, and then back up. The strings will remain taut and in tune longer.
  • Try to learn the basics for guitar too, as this will help get your fingers stronger and also help you learn the frets and changing notes.
  • Jam around with people, learn how to have some fun. Jamming with other people teaches you how to play with a group and you may even be able to form a band out of it.
  • Play the major and pentatonic scales using each root note from 1 to 12 at least once a day if you can. Your fingers will buff up in no time, although it may be hard at first. Be sure you make every note sound clear--it may take longer, but it is worth it. After a few weeks, you'll play clearer, harder, and faster, for sure. This also can help you learn notes by ear.
  • A four-string bass is tuned exactly the way the lower strings on a guitar are; E A D G. A five-string bass has a low B note, and a six-string bass has the low B and a high C.
  • Bassists need more watts to play in a band with a drummer. Low notes, without proper amplification, tend not to "cut-through" the droning of the drums and squealing of the guitars. You ought not to have less than 200 watts to adequately compete with your drummer.
  • Effects are always cool, but stay away until you know what you're doing. Generally, a bassist only needs some distortion depending on what type of music they play (read: punk,Heavy Metal). A good effect pedal can cost up to $100.
  • If you need some extra help, or are brand new to musical study, consider getting a good teacher. Remember that a good player doesn't necessarily translate into a good teacher.
  • If you can read a guitar tab, you can read a bass tab. But consider learning to read sheet music, you rarely have to play chords.
  • If you want to play something that looks and sounds impressive, rather than being the average boring bassist, learn to play more exciting techniques such as popping and slapping. It's easy to learn good technique even from videos, and with a lot of practice, playing slap well will make you stand out from many bassists (and especially guitarists who think they can play bass!).


  • Try to live in harmony with your band. Many bassists started off with guitar and almost all guitarists think they know how to play bass. If you want to rock excellently, you need to coexist.
  • When playing onstage, try to move around. This doesn't mean you have to jump around, but avoid standing completely still. This way, you can stay in sight.
  • When you're shopping for equipment (not just basses, but amps and other gear), it's better to go to a store to try them out first. If you already have a bass but need a new amp, bring your bass and cord with you. If you've got a great amp and are ready to get a better bass, try to find an amp that is most similar to yours. Especially pay attention to how many watts and the cab size of the test amp.
  • Be sure to care for your bass- don't leave it laying around or where careless others may hurt it. If you do leave it somewhere, leave it in the case. If you don't have the case, be sure to place the bass STRING SIDE DOWN, and whatever you lean it against should be sturdy, meeting your bass where the neck meets the body of the bass.

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