Start a Graduation Speech
Speaking in front of large groups of people is always difficult. When you’re speaking at a graduation, the expectations can seem even more intimidating. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. There are many common ways to start a speech, but try to avoid the clichés. Use the common ways to start a speech as a springboard for your own ideas.
Preparing to Start a Speech
- Come prepared. Bring note cards if you haven’t written out your whole speech. Make sure that they are easily accessible. You don’t want to be fumbling around up on the podium in front of everyone. Make sure you’re ready to start as soon as you get up there.
- Cater your speech to your audience. You want to speak about something that matters to you, obviously, but a big part about giving a speech is connecting to those who are listening. Try to find the balance between what matters to you and what matters to everyone else. Hopefully, if you’re the graduation speaker, there will be a big overlap.
- Stay calm and practice. It’s natural to be nervous. However, part of being prepared is figuring out a way to calm your nerves. Try practicing in front of your friends or parents so that you feel comfortable with the rhythm of the words. This way you’ll be less likely to stumble.
Addressing the Audience
- Make sure you address everyone in the audience.
- For example, say something like "Good morning/afternoon/night to the faculty, our trustees, and of course my classmates"
Don’t just start going straight into the meat of your speech. People expect a small preamble, and it’s good to get your voice working first anyways. Address the crowd and say good morning, good afternoon, whatever it may be.
- Address specific people. It’s probably a good idea to address the head of the school by name. You could also address your parents, or maybe a specific teacher as a joke, or someone who helped you write the speech. This is always a good way to start a speech and it helps you warm up as you get into it.
- For example "I'd like to thank my Grandparents for traveling all the way down from Alaska to be here today."
- Go slow. Remember, you’re just getting started. You’ll definitely be nervous, and nerves inevitably will cause you to speak faster than you think you are. Consciously slow yourself down. Take pauses, observe the crowd. Even though it might be terrifying, understand that everyone is on your side. This is a once in a lifetime moment, but there’s no pressure! Appreciate the experience for what it is. Don’t rush.
- Rushing will make your speech harder to understand and sound worse. Pauses can make a good speech sound great, speeding up can make a good speech sound awful.
Saying Your Thank You’s
- Thank anyone who helped you get where you are.Starting a speech by saying thank you to people is pretty common. Generally you want to end your speech with a message, rather than saying thank you. It’s not like a movie where the credits roll at the end. Try to think who is important to you and whom you owe. Who put you in the position to make this speech at all?
- Thank the school. The school is giving you the opportunity to address the whole student body, the teachers, and maybe even the board of trustees. It’s appropriate and recommended to thank your school for giving you this platform.
- For example, "I'd like to thank our school for always making sure that we were prepared for the next step, and refusing to let us fall through the cracks"
- Thank your classmates. These are your peers, and they’ll be listening and supporting you. Thank them for their friendship and their role in your school experience. They will appreciate it.
- Thank your parents. Of course! Your parents have undoubtedly given you an enormous amount of support over your life. This is one small way in which you can help express your gratitude. You don’t have to be long winded about it, just thank them for their help.
- For example, say "Thank you to my parents for being so supportive of my academic and extracurricular pursuits throughout the years. You always made it very easy to succeed."
Starting Your Speech
- Start with your favorite quote. It changes the mood in the room and gives people an idea of what you will be talking about. You can make it a very inspirational quote, or something that you think is funny. Try to choose something relevant to your speech. This is a classic way to start a speech, but that doesn’t mean it's a bad way.
- Think about what you enjoyed most about your school. Whether it was a field trip, funny moment, or little detail that you remember, be sure to include it into the speech. Talking about a specific memory is a great way to help people center on your speech. Anecdotes are great ways to start a speech.
- For example, "I'll always remember the way that Ryan Hoolihan spreads peanut butter on all four sides of his bread at lunch."
- Think about what you will miss about the school. Use small details (the gravy for lunch, the color of the bathroom, etc.) that you think the school would be different without, and include them into your speech. Use these things to help illustrate other points that will come later in your speech. For example, maybe one of your teachers taught in a certain way that you found really valuable.
- Start with humor. Graduation is a sad day, so be sure to make it funny to lighten the mood a bit. Don't make stupid jokes, but don't be too serious. Mentioning specific people or instances by name are great ways to get laughs and get started. It’s not going to be a tough crowd.
- Use your own voice. Don’t use difficult vocabulary just for the sake of it. You want to keep your own voice in the speech as much as possible and avoid sounding too stale. You can be formal, but don’t try to sound like an academic paper. You want people to pay attention to what you are saying.
- For example, "It's been four years that we've all been to school together, and we still don't know who stole that headrest from the bus on that 9th grade field trip - but we've learned a lot of other things"
- Start by talking about the differences at the school from the time you got there until the time you left. This will help people wrap their heads around the time they spent at the college. It also will get people feeling nostalgic.
- Give advice. Graduation speeches don’t need to include advice, but it is a good way to start. You can use your own personal advice or advice someone has given to you. Giving advice will allow you to jump right into the rest of your speech.
- Be yourself. That’s why you were chosen.
- Don’t insult anyone during your speech.
- Keep it clean. Even if you’re tempted to curse or tell a dirty joke, remember that everyone is trusting you to speak up there. Don’t ruin it.
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