Stay Awake at Least 24 Hours Straight
It is very important to get enough sleep. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to problems like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, impaired judgment, and the inability to concentrate.
If you want to or need to pull an occasional all-nighter, however, it is difficult but not impossible. You can improve your chances of success by planning ahead of time, keeping yourself energized, and staying alert. Afterwards, you’ll want to make sure you catch up on lost sleep.Contents
Setting the Right Environment
- Don’t get too comfortable. If you are staying awake longer than normal, you’ll have to resist the temptation to sleep. Stay out of bed, don’t wear pajamas, and avoid anything else that is part of your sleep routine. Keep the temperature warm enough or cool enough that you are slightly uncomfortable, and more likely to stay awake.
- Keep your environment well-lit. Your body’s basic sleep cycle is tied to light during the day and dark at night. This means that dim lights can make you sleepy, especially if you are staying up beyond your usual bed time. Bright lights, however, can increase alertness. Keep lamps and other sources of light on when you are trying to stay awake.
- Keep company. Staying awake in company can be easier than trying to do it alone. Talking, studying, listening to music, and taking breaks with others can be stimulating and help the time pass by.
- Set alarms. An alarm clock can be a good back-up when you are trying to stay awake, especially if you have to do it alone. Try setting an alarm (or several) for regular intervals, such as every half-hour. That way, if you accidentally fall asleep, it won’t be for very long.
- Mix up your activities. If you are staying awake while getting work or chores done, try switching tasks every now and then. The change will provide some mental stimulation, especially if you move locations (from room to room, or from indoors to outdoors, for instance).
Eating to Stay Energized
- Have a good snack. Certain foods, like protein-rich snacks and vegetables, can be great choices when you are trying to stay awake.
- Peanut butter on crackers or celery
- Yogurt
- Nuts
- Fresh fruit
- Celery and carrot sticks
- Whole grains
Stay away from sugary snacks and candies, however. While these may give you a brief burst of energy, they can be followed by a “crash” that will make you tired. Better choices include proteins and complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly, giving you a steady energy release. Good choices include:
- Drink plenty of water. If you are dehydrated, it can make you feel fatigued. Make sure to drink plenty of water before and during times when you know you will have to stay awake.
- Don’t overuse caffeine. Drinks that contain caffeine (such as coffee, tea, and some sodas) can give you energy and alertness in the short run, so when you are feeling tired, these can be good options to get re-energized.
- A safe amount of caffeine for adults is 400 mg per day (about four cups of brewed coffee); for children and adolescents, 100 mg per day (about one cup of brewed coffee). When trying to stay awake, have no more than this so that you don't become jittery and suffer from a severe "crash."
- Wait until you really need it to have some caffeine, and avoid it during the day beforehand. This will help to maximize its effects and minimize the “crash.”
- Green tea may be a better option than coffee, as it has less caffeine, and is high in antioxidants that are good for your overall health.
However, caffeine’s effects may last only a few hours, and leave you feeling even more tired afterwards.
- Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is a depressant and will make you sleepy. It can also impair your ability to make judgements. When you're trying to stay awake, just avoid all alcohol so that you will remain as alert as possible.
Exercising for Energy and Alertness
- Exercise ahead of time.
- You can also try brief exercises while staying awake. A few jumping jacks or pushups every now and then, for instance, can help reinvigorate you.
Exercise has a stimulating effect, and can help you stay awake. The effects of exercise can also last several hours. When you know that you will need to stay awake for a long period, try some vigorous physical activity ahead of the time when you think you will start to feel tired.
- Take a walk. A short walk increases your oxygen intake to your brain and muscles, giving you energy and helping you stay awake.
- You can reap these benefits whether you walk indoors or outdoors.
The effects of walking can last for several hours, so try taking a 10 minute walk every two hours when you want to stay awake.
- Try some breathing exercises. Getting plenty of oxygen contributes to physical energy and mental alertness. If you are trying to stay awake, periodically try one of these breathing exercises for a boost:
- Sit up straight. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose. You should feel the hand on your belly raise, but the hand on your chest should not move. Breathe out slowly, with your mouth barely open. Use your hand on your belly to push air out, if you want. Repeat this exercise ten times.
- Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose (about three breaths a second), keeping your mouth closed. Then breathe normally. Repeat this process for fifteen seconds or more.
Getting Rest
- Plan ahead. If you know you will need to stay awake for a long period, make sure to get plenty of rest beforehand. The best plan is to sleep very well the night before, but even a short nap before having to stay awake can help.
- Rest your eyes. If you are staying up so that you can work at a computer or other in another situation where you concentrate on something for long periods, make sure to give your eyes a break. Every twenty minutes or so, set aside a minute to look away from the screen to rest your eyes. This helps you retain your focus and resist fatigue.
- Take a short nap. A brief nap can actually increase your energy and alertness when you are trying to stay awake. However, you should only nap for 5-25 minutes, and you should not take more than one nap a day.
- Make sure to set an alarm clock—or several—so that you will wake up from your nap.
- You may also feel groggy when you first wake up from your nap, so give yourself some time to get back to normal.
- If you can’t fall asleep, even closing your eyes and resting for 10 minutes can reinvigorate you.
- Repay your sleep debt afterwards. Even if you plan well ahead of time, staying awake for 24 hours or more will leave you feeling very fatigued. However, some research shows that you can make up for a lack of sleep by sleeping more afterwards.
- Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
The day or night after you stay awake for a long period, give yourself the opportunity to sleep longer than usual.
- Sleep deprivation can cause a number of problems, such as fatigue, irritability, worsened reaction times, and difficulties concentrating, speaking, and making decisions.
- When drowsy, avoid activities that can harm yourself or others, such as driving. Remember that you may be more tired than you feel.
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