Stay Focused in Class
Staying focused is not always easy, especially if you're not that into the subject material. However, it's important to focus for academic success. If you're struggling to focus in class, work on getting in work mode before class. Have something to eat and get a little exercise in. In class, take notes, sit towards the front of the room, and participate in discussion. Work on tweaking your overall schedule. Eating and sleeping right can help you stay more focused in general.
Fostering the Right Mentality Before Class
- Eat something before class. You should never go to class on an empty stomach. Hunger pangs can easily distract you from the curriculum. Always have something to eat before a class. In a morning class especially, make sure to get up in time for breakfast.
- If you don't have time for a big meal, grab something small. A piece of toast or a bowl of yogurt can really help you focus during class.
- Think of common distractions and how to avoid them. Prior to class, make a list of reasons you sometimes have trouble concentrating. This can include things like checking your phone, a noisy classroom, and a tendency to daydream. Then, write down ways you can combat these problems.
- For example, you can write down something like, "I can't resist the temptation to check my phone when I hear it buzz in my pocket."
- Think of a way to eliminate this distraction. For example, "I should turn my phone off before class."
- Leave distracting technology behind. Unless a laptop is required for class, leave yours behind. You'll be able to focus more when you take notes by hand as you're less likely to be distracted by a lingering internet browser.
- It's okay to bring your phone, as you may need it for directions immediately after class. However, be sure to power it down before class begins.
- Do some light exercise. Exercise can help you focus. If you have time, get a workout in before class in the morning. If you don't have time for a full workout, some light exercise can help. Go for a short walk before class or do some light cardio in your apartment.
- If you typically drive to class, try walking or biking instead. This will allow you to get in a brief workout on your way to class.
Paying Attention During Class
- Sit away from friends. If you have friends in your class, you may be tempted to sit next to them. However, friends can easily prove distracting. You want to resist the temptation to pass notes or whisper during class lectures and discussions.
- If you don't want to hurt your friends feelings, politely let them know ahead of time you'll be sitting away from them in class. Say something like, "Hey, I know we like to all sit together, but I keep distracting myself lately. I think I'm going to try to sit on my own and see if that helps me focus."
- Try to sit in front. In addition to sitting away from your friends, pick a seat towards the front of the classroom. It's easier to get distracted in the back, when you're struggling to see the board. Sit towards the front of the class so you will be able to focus.
- Participate in discussion. In addition to helping you focus, many classes grade you on in-class discussion. Whenever an opportunity comes up for discussion, always participate at least once. If you're actively engaging in a conversation, you will have to pay attention to what's happening in your classroom.
- You may be nervous about participating. However, keep in mind many of your classmates are nervous as well. Chances are, what you have to say is beneficial to the classroom.
- Ask questions if you have them. While you may feel embarrassed asking questions, many students may have the same questions you do and are simply too shy to raise them.
- Take notes. Throughout class, take well organized notes. Do not just copy down what the instructor says. Make sure to write it in your own words. Phrasing lectures in a way that makes sense to you will help you better retain the information.
- Make sure to date and label your notes. You should write down a header explaining what's being discussed.
- Use shorthand when possible so you can keep up. For example, use abbreviations and acronyms when possible.
- Do not write down everything. Instead, focus on information you may easily forget, such as names, dates, equations, and other hard to remember facts.
- Keep your eyes on the teacher. Maintaining some level of eye contact with the teacher can be helpful for several reasons. You will prevent your mind from wandering, and your teacher will also see you are attentive. This can reflect highly on you when the time comes for grading. During lectures, if you're not taking notes, look to the front of the classroom.
- Sit up straight. It's a small change, but can make a big difference in your level of focus. Maintain good posture throughout a lecture. Good postures helps you regulate breath better, preventing you from becoming drowsy during class.
Establishing a Solid Routine
- Work on your sleep schedule. It's very hard to focus if you're not getting enough sleep. Establishing a routine that allows for a positive sleep schedule can help you pay more attention during class.
- Stick to a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time, including during weekends. Your body's natural circadian rhythm will adjust to a regular sleep/wake time, making it easier to fall asleep at night and get up in the morning.
- Find a relaxing activity to do every night before bed, as this will let your mind and body know it's time to sleep. Do something that does not involve electronics, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath.
- Maintain a good diet. Making sure you get enough water and food is vital to your focus. Pay attention to your body's cues. If you feel hungry or thirsty, have something to eat or drink. This will make a big impact on your ability to focus.
- Make sure to stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle on hand at all times, and make sure to drink water throughout the day.
- Eat healthy foods. Go for whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
- Give yourself rewards. You will be able to focus better if you're working towards something. If you go to a class you're not crazy about, plan to reward yourself if you pay attention and take notes. For example, you're allowed to get a candy bar after your science class if you take notes the whole time.
- Figure out what helps you focus. Different people focus in different ways. If you want to stay on task, figure out what habits work for you personally. Pay attention to your mood throughout the day and take notice when you're at your most focus. Determine what factors are having a positive effect on your concentration.
- For example, you notice you're most productive right after a cup of tea. Try having tea every day before class.
- Talk to your teachers. They can actually give you some advice.
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