Stay Warm Using Your Mind

Don't you just hate it when you're standing out in the cold, with no coat, blanket, or even long sleeves, and all you can do is freeze, teeth chattering and the only thing you want most is to be inside in front of the fire? Here's a mind trick to help you through until you do get into the warmth again.


  1. Practice this trick frequently so that it works well for you.
  2. Find a cold place.
  3. Leave blankets, coats, long sleeves etc. behind.
  4. Close your eyes, and relax. This is where the "magic" warming begins...
  5. Think of something warm. Do not think of something like hot cocoa. Think of something like the beach, or a hot shower.
  6. Try not to think about the cold, no matter how cold it is.
  7. Do this until you feel as if you are there, but not "out" there.
  8. Keep trying. If you practice this enough, you might be able to physically warm your body using the power of suggestion and visualization.


  • Try not to move or this will disrupt your meditation
  • Imagine yourself in a place that you actually went to.
  • Imagine a hot flickering flame within you.


  • Don't give yourself hypothermia. It's really not worth it.
  • Always take care to avoid getting lost when outdoors and to carry sufficient quantities of clothing and warming aids to ensure that you are kept warm if something does go wrong when outdoors.
  • Always ensure that the doors to cold rooms are open when you enter to prevent being locked inside.

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