Stop Back Pain by Relaxing

Acute back pain is often caused by muscle tension. The pain can be relieved by learning to relax your muscles and entire body. There are a number of techniques that are recommended by doctors and physical therapists to gently relax muscles, including progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, and relaxation exercises.


Trying Progressive Muscle Relaxation

  1. Learn how to tighten different muscle groups. Progressive muscle relaxation works by focusing on tensing and then relaxing various muscle groups. In clinical studies, it's shown to be effective for some in alleviating back pain.[1] Learn the different muscle groups, and how to tense and relax them, before engaging in PMR.
    • To tense and relax your lower body, focus first one foot, then your foot and calf, and then your entire leg. Begin by curling your toes, then pulling your toes towards you to tighten your calf, and then finally squeezing your thigh muscle.[2]
    • Then, you'll focus on your sides, tightening your left and right sides one at a time. Tighten your hand by clenching your fist and then tightening your biceps by bringing your forearm towards your shoulder.[2]
    • You should move then to the buttocks, stomach, chest, neck, and shoulders. You pull your buttocks together to tighten it, you suck your stomach in, and tighten your chest by taking a deep breath.[2]
    • Then, tighten the muscles on your face. Open your mouth wide, clench your eyelids shut tight, and raise your eyebrows as far as they can go.[2]
  2. Get ready. Once you've familiarized yourself with how to tighten various muscle groups, prepare to engage in PMR. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit that's free from outside distractions. Sit with your eyes closed. Remove your shoes and wear loose, comfortable clothing.[2]
  3. Tense your muscles. The first thing you do when engaging in PMR is choose one muscle group to focus on. Tense these muscles as discussed earlier. For example, start with your lower body on the left side. Curl your toes toes on your left foot, then your tighten your calf, and then tense your entire left leg.
    • Hold the tension for about 5 seconds. It's important to squeeze hard and really feel the tension building. This may cause some discomfort or shaking.[2]
    • If you start to feel intense, shooting pain stop tensing your muscles and relax. While some discomfort is normal, you could end up hurting yourself if you feel pain and this may worsen back pain.[2]
  4. Relax your muscles. Release all the tightness in the tensed muscle group. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation. Exhale and allow the muscles to become loose and limp. Focus on relaxing for 15 seconds before moving on to the next muscle group.[2]
  5. Repeat with the other muscle groups. Repeat the process with all other muscle groups. Continue to practice PMR twice a day until you get used to it. After that, you can practice it once a day or even only 3 or 4 times a week.[2]

Engaging in Autogenic Training

  1. Learn different bodily sensations. Autogenic relaxation has shown to improve symptoms of back pain for some patients.[1] Autogenic relaxation is somewhat similar to PMR in that you pay attention to different sections of the body. In autogenic relaxation, however, you're more focused on different bodily sensation than tensing or relaxing different muscle groups. Learn about the different sensations you should focus on before attempting autogenic relaxation.[3]
    • Heaviness - Does your body feel weighted down in certain areas? Light in others?
    • Warmth - Are certain areas of your body warmer or colder than others?
    • Heartbeat - Pay attention to the beating of your heart. Try to stay in tune to the rhythm.
    • Breathing - Allow yourself to breath naturally and take stock of your normal rate of inhaling and exhaling.[3]
  2. Prepare. To prepare for Autogenic training, find an area of your house with few outside distractions. Choose a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Wear loose-fitting clothing.[3]
  3. Choose a position. There are three different positions you can use to practice autogenic relaxation. Select one of the following:
    • Choose an arm chair that supports your arms and hands. Tilt your head back.[3]
    • Sit in a stool with your body slumped forward slightly. Rest your arms on your thighs and place your hands between your knees.[3]
    • Lie down with your legs eight inches apart, toes pointed forward, and your arms resting on your sides without touching your body.[3]
  4. Focus on different sensations in your body. Once you're chosen a position, autogenic relaxation takes about 8 minutes. Move from one section of the body to the next. Many people find it easiest to move from their head to the feet or vice versa. Focus on the sensations in various body points. Do you feel warm, cold, heavy, relaxed? Focus on your heartbeat and breathing as you move through your chest. Pay attention to the cooling and warming sensations of your head and abdomen. Once you're finished, take a few slow, deep relaxing breaths.[3]

Using Relaxation Exercises

  1. Try diaphragm breathing. Diaphragm breathing has been helpful for some when it comes to easing back pain.[1] It's fairly easy to do and could be a simple way to reduce your pain.
    • You can engage in diaphragm breathing either sitting or lying down. Place one hand on your chest and another on your lower belly.[4]
    • To inhale, breathe through your nose. Channel air in such a way that it moves into your stomach. The hand on your belly should rise. Hold for about 3 seconds.[4]
    • Exhale through your mouth. Breathe out until the hand on your stomach is back in its original position. Repeat for 10 to 15 breaths.[4]
  2. Visualize. Visualization is a relaxation technique that may help alleviate back pain for some. You use your imagination to focus on picturing a calm, relaxing scene. Try to use as many sensations as possible. What does this scene look like, smell like, feel like? What kind of sounds are present? You can engage in relaxation during back pain flare ups throughout the day and before bed at night. It can help to close your eyes and strive to really put yourself in a specific scene or moment. Try as best you can to experience the sensation of existing in a relaxing setting.[5]
  3. Seek distractions. Sometimes, a simple distraction can help you disengage from back pain. Find something relaxing you enjoy and distract yourself with it when experiencing back pain. Listen to music. Watch a movie. Take a warm bath. Do a crossword puzzle. Any activity that is personally enjoyable for you can help alleviate your back pain by distracting you from the sensation.[5]
  4. Stretch for relaxation. There are a variety of stretches you can do that will alleviate your back pain by relaxing your muscles. These can be particularly helpful for lower back pain.
    • Try the pelvic tilt. Lie on your back with your knees bent and the small of your back touching the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles so your back is flat against the floor, hold for five seconds, and then release. Repeat 3 times. Gradually build up to 10 repetitions.[6]
    • Engage in a knees-to-chest exercise. Lie on your back with your legs bent straight. Bring one knee to your chest and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times and then repeat with the other leg.[6]
    • To do a back stretch, lie on your stomach. Push your upper body off the floor with your arms. Hold for 5 seconds and then repeat 10 times.[6]

Seeking Outside Help

  1. Take a Yoga or Pilates class. Yoga and Pilates both promote relaxation and might also help loosen and relax tense muscles that cause back pain. Look into yoga or Pilates classes in your area. You can also find guided yoga and Pilates routines online or purchase a DVD.[7]
  2. Make an appointment with a doctor. If your back pain is not responding to relaxation techniques, consult a doctor. Your doctor will perform a routine physical exam to try and figure out what's causing your back pain. Depending on your medical history and current health, the doctor may run some blood tests or order x-rays, CAT scans, or MRIs. He or she will then come up with a treatment plan for your based on the underlying causes of your back pain.[7]
  3. Get a massage. Massages can help you relax, which might lead to a reduction in back pain. Look for a well reviewed masseuse in your area and make an appointment. Let the masseuse know where your back pain is located. It might be a good idea to talk to your doctor before making an appointment with a masseuse to make sure this is okay for you given your current health.[7]
  4. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine in which needles are placed into specific points of the body to relieve tension. While scientific studies of the effectiveness of acupuncture are conflicted, many people find it provides relief for back pain. It is widely considered a safe medical treatment. Ask your regular physician for a referral to an acupuncturist in your area and see if the treatment works for you.[8]


  • Apply ice for the first 48 hours after muscle strain or injury.
  • Seek medical attention if you experience acute pain for more than 3 days. Also, visit a doctor if you are experiencing numbness or tingling in the legs or arms.

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