Stop Enjoying Carbs

Carbohydrates are essential to good nutrition. They are a type of naturally occurring sugar that our bodies use for energy and glucose production. There are two types-- simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates take longer for our body to digest and release glucose at a reasonable rate. Simple carbohydrates release glucose at a higher rate. This causes blood sugar to spike and can make us feel hungry sooner, causing us to eat more.


Removing Bad Carbohydrates From Your Diet

  1. Say "no" to white bread. Bread is the most common simple carbohydrate we consume and the one that is easiest to remove.
    • Try lettuce wraps. Romaine lettuce works well to substitute for flat breads, while butter lettuce and radicchio make an excellent substitute for sandwich bread. Simple add sandwich filling to the lettuce and fold over and around, or add a second piece of lettuce to the top.[1]
    • Go whole grain. If you must have bread, eat only the whole-grain variety and, if possible, enriched with the germ intact.[2]
    • Embrace mushrooms. Portobello mushrooms act as a great substitute for sandwich bread or buns and are an excellent source of vitamin D.[3]
  2. Limit pasta consumption. Pasta, like bread, is a processed grain product that, if you must eat, should be consumed in whole grain varieties. Below are some substitutions for pasta:
    • Try quinoa. Quinoa (pronounced “keen-waa”) is a high-protein, low carb grain that can be substituted for pastas in soups and salads.[4]
    • Use vegetables. Zucchini can be substituted for lasagna and fettuccine noodles when sliced into long ribbons. Spaghetti squash and broccoli slaw can also be used in place of spaghetti noodles. Simply blanch lightly and use in place of noodles during preparation. [5]
    • Use shirataki noodles. Shirataki noodles are a carb-less and practically calorie free noodle made in Japan from yam starch. The texture differs slightly from traditional wheat noodles, but it comes in several different shapes and can be substituted in nearly any noodle dish.[6]
  3. Decrease rice consumption. Rice, much like bread and pasta, is a staple food across a large part of the world. It is also high carb, especially in its processed, “white” form, and should be avoided on a low-carb diet. Enjoy one of the following substitutes instead:
    • Vegetable sushi. Use matchstick sliced carrot, cucumber, turnip, or squash instead of rice when making sushi.
    • Try “riced” cauliflower. Simply grate or food-process cauliflower until it is the texture of rice. Spread thinly on a baking sheet and toast until slightly dried and roasted. Use in place of rice in any recipe.[7]
    • Use quinoa. Not only is it the highest protein of available grains, it is much more nutritionally beneficial and has a similar texture to rice. Add it to soups, or serve cooked quinoa in place of rice in stir-fry.[8]
    • Choose brown rice. When you do eat rice, always choose the brown variety. Because it is less processed than it's white counterpart, it maintains part of the fibrous, natural coating of the rice grains. Fiber digests more slowly than pure carbs, meaning that the carbohydrates in the rice do not breakdown and absorb as quickly, keeping blood sugar more steady.
  4. Have breakfast without cereals. Breakfast cereal, instant oatmeal, and grits (to name a few) are popular meals to start the day. They are, however, almost entirely composed of simple carbohydrates and can have a negative impact on insulin and blood sugar.
    • Scrambled eggs. Not only are eggs a good source of protein and beneficial fats but they are carb free. Dress them up with some chopped spinach, broccoli, or mushrooms to increase nutritional benefit.
    • Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is a great source of low fat protein and a good way to start your morning. Add some fresh fruit or a swirl of honey for added flavor.
    • Eat whole grain. If you are treating yourself to oatmeal for breakfast, be sure to choose the "steel cut" or "whole oat" variety. Unlike it's processed counterpart "rolled oats," whole grain oatmeal actually suppresses appetite and breaks down slowly, maintaining healthy blood sugar.[9]

How to Eat Good Carbohydrates

  1. Incorporate beans and nuts. Beans and nuts are complex carbohydrates and, when incorporated in moderate amounts, offer depth and fullness to foods like quinoa pilaf and salads.[10]
    • Simple sprinkle in a few cooked kidney beans, toasted sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds with any salad or pilaf.
  2. Substitute sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are marginally lower in carbohydrate than their white counterparts, but they are nutritionally more complex, acting as an excellent source of beta carotene and vitamin A.[11][12]
    • A comforting and tasty potato side dish is to take half a sweet potato and sprinkle with a teaspoon or two of lime juice (to taste). Mash together and eat.
  3. Enjoy low-fat dairy. Dairy is a good source of fats, protein, and lactase, a type of naturally occurring sugar. It can be used in place of processed or fruit sugars after workouts or as a snack.[11]
    • Try keeping cottage cheese around for those sugar cravings, or add a slice of cheese to your lunch lettuce wrap.
  4. Pass the peas. Green peas contain both fiber and the illness fighting power of zinc. They also provide a reasonable amount of good carbs. Eat cold in salads and puree or add whole into soups.[13]
  5. Snack on carrots. Carrots contain natural sugars with a corresponding dose of fiber. They can satisfy a sweet tooth while also providing vitamin A and beta carotene.[14]
  6. Don't forget whole grains. Your body depends on whole grains for nutrients like vitamin B, folic acid and fiber, necessary for good digestion. When choosing carbohydrates for meals, always look for whole grain bread and tortillas, or dredge meats in bran meal rather than breadcrumbs before baking, to insure you are getting the most complex and nutritionally- enriched carbs possible.[15]

Avoiding Bad Foods

  1. Eliminate candy. Candy is a terribly source of nutrition, is bad for teeth and digestion, and only provides simple carbohydrates. Save sugary treats like this for only rare occasions or substitute entirely with fresh fruit to snack on.
    • Keep a tupperware of fruit salad in your refrigerator for sweet cravings.
    • Make chocolate pudding with cocoa powder, vanilla flavoring, skim milk and a sugar substitute like Splenda.[16]
  2. Replace ice cream. Frozen yogurt is a reasonable substitute for ice cream; however, you do one better by by making your own frozen yogurt.
    • Choose your favorite seasonal fruit. Peaches, berries, even apples work great. Just chop or mash.
    • Add sweetener and or spice (i.e. cinnamon) if you like
    • Add 1-2 cups of greek yogurt (depending on amount of fruit) and mix.
    • Spoon into waxed cups or plastic wrap-lined muffin or pie tins and smooth out.
    • Put in the freezer for at least 4 hours or even over night (for the waxed cups, insert a popsicle stick or straw for a handle before freezing)
    • Your frozen yogurt is ready to serve!
  3. Cut out sodas and alcohol. Sodas and alcohol are entirely comprised of simple sugars, which cause irregular blood sugar and can make you feel hungry even while you are full. Even diet sodas have been shown to have a negative impact on gastrointestinal health, contributing to insulin resistance and weight gain.[17]
    • If you want something cold, fizzy, and refreshing, grab some naturally-flavored sparkling water, found on the same grocery aisle as sodas.
  4. Say no to processed snacks. Aside from being high in simple carbs like white flour and sugar, these foods pack a double-punch of poor nutrition. Processes like hydrogenation can take normally healthful foods like butter, milk and vegetable oil and transform them into foods that increase cholesterol and contribute to heart disease.[18]
    • Make your own snack nuggets using tahini, sesame seeds, and pistachios, or bake a pan of homemade protein bars.[19][20]
    • Bake some spiced kale chips.[21]
  5. Never fry. In order to fry properly, foods must the coated in a layer of processed flour or breadcrumbs and cooked in oil. This increases fat and simple carbohydrate content.
    • Instead, bake, grill, or broil meats and vegetables. This renders fat and browns the food, caramelizing and creating flavor without added fat or carbs.[22]
    • Craving fried chicken? Drop chicken tenders in an egg wash, then dredge in a coating of crushed bran flakes. Bake on a foil covered baking sheet at 350-degrees until done throughout and crispy.
  6. Avoid all “fast foods.” Fast foods, even salads, are full of hidden carbohydrates. Additionally, fast foods are poor in nutrition and intensely processed, causing them to contain trans fat and simple sugars, both of which are bad for health.[23]
    • Carry healthy snacks in your car or purse. Fruit and nut bars (e.g. Kind bars, Lara Bars, Cliff Bars, etc.) can help you feel full and keep your blood sugar balanced.
    • Pack a healthy lunch for work. Make tuna or chicken salad and eat with whole grain crackers, a slice of whole grain bread, or wrap in lettuce.
    • Bring a cooler on road trips. Pack things like veggie sticks, grape tomatoes, low-fat flavored cream cheese, whole grain melba toasts, sliced apples or snack-tins of fruit, a canister of low-salt almonds, and cheese sticks (just to name a few possible choices). Make sure you have something for all sweet, salty, and creamy cravings.


  • Competitive athletes and fitness enthusiasts may need a diet rich in carbs in order to maintain healthy body weight and nutrition. Consult a doctor before undertaking any diet or planned nutrition regime

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  1. Jump up
  2. Jump up
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