Stop Insomnia

Sleep is important to your overall health. Not getting enough sleep can interfere with the growth and healing of tissue, as well as the body's ability to regulate its temperature, metabolism, brain function and memory. Sleep also helps your immune system function. Insomnia is a general term used to describe an assortment of sleep problems. Insomnia can refer to trouble falling asleep, the inability to stay asleep, and the feeling of still being tired after getting a full night's sleep. It can be very frustrating to not be able to sleep when you are tired. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to stop insomnia.


Forming Healthy Habits

  1. Follow a sleep schedule. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning can help you get more restful sleep. Having a sleep schedule allows your body's internal clock to regulate itself, which can help you fall asleep and stay asleep with less effort.[1]
    • Choose a bedtime that is realistic for your lifestyle. If you know you function best early in the morning, try getting up early and going to bed early.
    • Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Life gets hectic and this can be difficult, but you'll see positive benefits for your overall health.
    • Avoid sleeping in, even on weekends. While it's tempting to grab some extra zzz's on Sunday mornings, you're actually doing yourself harm. Instead of trying to sleep later, choose a relaxing activity for weekend mornings. Have brunch with friends or go for a leisurely walk.
    • Try not to fall asleep on the couch. Many people are prone to dozing after dinner. This can disrupt your sleep schedule and keep you from falling asleep later. If you need a pick-me-up after your nighttime meal, do something mildly active, such as doing the dishes or phoning a friend.
  2. Create a peaceful sleep environment. Where you sleep has a big impact on how well you sleep. It's important to create an atmosphere that is conducive to restful sleep. This means you want the temperature and the sounds that are right for you.[2]
    • Research shows that a cool bedroom is most conducive to sleep. Try to make sure that your room is a comfortable 65 degrees.
    • Your mattress, pillows, and bedding all affect your ability to fall asleep. Find a mattress that offers plenty of support. Your pillow should also support your head and neck. Sheets and blankets should not be scratchy. They should feel smooth and cool against your skin.
    • Turn off the electronics. Watching television as you fall asleep can keep your mind racing. You should also avoid taking your laptop to bed or looking at your phone while you try to fall asleep. The light from the screen can cause you to stay awake.
    • Find the right noises. White noise can be soothing and help stop insomnia. Try sleeping with a fan on or consider investing in a sound machine.
  3. Relax. Many people who suffer from insomnia are also suffering from some type of anxiety. Maybe you are worried about money or you have a big project coming up at work. Try quieting your mind before heading to bed. It's difficult, but if you stop worrying, you can sleep better.[3]
    • Try making a list. Write down all of the things you need to do tomorrow. Then set the list aside. Your brain will feel more settled that you have acknowledged your tasks and will be more likely to stop racing.
    • Try not to stress if you are wide awake when you should be sleeping. Instead of staring at the clock and worrying about lack of sleep, give yourself permission to get up. Do something relaxing, such as a few yoga poses. You could also read for a little bit. You'll be more likely to become sleepy if you stop worrying about it.
  4. Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity may help you sleep better. Research shows that moderate exercise each day will help you feel less stress. When you are less anxious, you will sleep more soundly.[4]
    • Try to be active for at least 60 minutes each day, with about 30 minutes of moderate exertion. You could do a low impact activity such as swimming or walking.
    • Don't exercise within a few hours of your ideal bedtime. Your adrenaline will be flowing and you'll have a harder time falling asleep.
  5. Watch your diet. There is a clear connection between eating healthy and quality sleep. To stop insomnia, try to eat a balanced diet that is low in saturated fats and added sugars. You should also aim to stop eating a few hours before you go to bed.[5]
    • Avoid caffeine for seven hours before bed. This includes coffee, sodas, and chocolate.
    • Stop drinking alcohol three hours before bedtime. A glass of wine after dinner might help you relax, but it's effects will interfere with the quality of your sleep.

Seeking Medical Advice

  1. Talk to your doctor. A lot of people think that having trouble sleeping is a common problem that cannot be fixed. While it is common, insomnia is also a cause for concern. Speak to your doctor if you find yourself regularly having trouble sleeping. She can help you figure out if there is something in your medical history that is causing your sleep problems.[6]
    • Take notes with you. Write down important information about when you sleep, for how long, and the time it typically takes you to fall asleep. Your doctor can use this information to help determine the cause of your insomnia.
  2. Consider medication. Depending on why you are having trouble sleeping, your doctor may recommend a prescription sleeping pill. This is not the best treatment, as it is treating a symptom rather than the problem. However, sleeping aids can offer a lot of relief and provide you with some much needed rest.[7]
    • Sleeping pills can be prescribed to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, or both.
    • Your doctor may recommend trying pills for a short amount of time and seeing if the problem has resolved itself.
    • Short acting benzodiazepines can also help if you have a problem falling asleep, and long acting benzodiazepines will help if you have a problem staying asleep. If your symptoms persist for more than six months after therapy and medication, then you need to be evaluated for a sleeping disorder.
    • Make sure to discuss possible side effects with your doctor.
  3. Participate in a sleep study. If your doctor is unsure what is causing your insomnia, she may recommend that you participate in a sleep study. In most studies, doctors use a polysomnogram (PSG) to help understand your sleep patterns. Typically, you will stay overnight at a sleep center for this type of study. The PSG will monitor your brain waves, heart rate, eye movements, and other vital signs.[8]
    • Make sure that your insurance covers a sleep study. They can be very expensive if you have to pay out of pocket.
    • A sleep study can help determine why you have trouble sleeping. Your doctor will then be able to recommend the most effective treatment.
    • Usually, doctors prescribe Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication for sleeping problems. A sleep study is only ordered if the condition does not respond to conventional therapy and medication.

Understanding Insomnia

  1. Learn the causes. Insomnia is defined as having your sleep disrupted three to four times a week over a period of three months. There are many reasons that people suffer from insomnia. If you can figure out the cause, you'll likely be able to find the best solution for you.[9]
    • Mental health issues are often the cause of insomnia. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, then that could be the reason you are having trouble sleeping. Ask your doctor to recommend a treatment plan.
    • Other causes of insomnia are medical problems, psychiatric illnesses, substance abuse, and sleeping disorders.
    • Certain medications can also cause lack of sleep. Drugs that are used to treat everything from the common cold to asthma can disrupt your sleep patterns. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if one of your medications could be keeping you up.
  2. Know the effects. Insomnia isn't something that you should just learn to deal with. It is a serious problem that can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. It's important to understand the overall impact that insomnia can have on your life.[10]
    • Chronic insomnia can have an adverse effect on your ability to think. If you're consistently tired, you'll have a harder time staying mentally sharp and making good decisions.
    • Insomnia can also cause health problems such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes.
    • Lack of sleep can less your sex drive.
  3. Try new methods. The most important thing you can do when trying to stop insomnia is not to give up. If one method doesn't help you to fall asleep, try another one. Make changes to your lifestyle and environment. Ask for medical help when you feel you need it. When you stop insomnia, you'll notice a positive impact on your physical and mental health.


  • If you are being kept awake, or waking up during the night, because of your bed partner's snoring or other behaviors, moving to the couch for a few nights so you can get solid sleep may be helpful.
  • Try to avoid napping. Napping during the day often interferes with sleep at night.
  • If you receive cognitive therapy and medication, you should continue with your treatment for six to eight weeks. If you respond to these treatments, then the medication should be tapered down. If the symptoms recur, then you should be evaluated in a sleep center before long term medication is prescribed.
  • Long term treatment with medication is not optimal therapy for those with insomnia.


  • You should only resort to over-the-counter or prescription medications under the advice of a doctor. Medications that aid sleep can create a dependency and can have adverse side effects.
  • You may experience daytime sleepiness, impaired driving, dizziness, and lightheadedness from medications prescribed for insomnia.

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