Stop Retching After Vomiting

It’s common to feel like retching or gagging after vomiting, and home remedies can usually ease an upset stomach. Try sipping cold, clear liquid to soothe your digestive system and prevent dehydration. If possible, avoid activity and rest in an upright position until your symptoms pass. Manage stomach sensitivity by eating smaller meals, eating slowly, and drinking water in between meals instead of at meals. If your symptoms continue, ask your doctor to rule out an underlying condition or recommend medication.


Trying Home Remedies

  1. Take small sips of a cold clear liquid. Sipping water, a sports drink, ginger ale, or other non-caffeinated drink will help prevent dehydration. Cool temperatures will help soothe the muscles that cause retching and vomiting. If possible, take a teaspoon-sized sip every few minutes.[1]
    • Try ice chips if you can’t keep anything else down.
    • Avoid acidic drinks, like citrus juice, as these can upset your stomach. You should also stay away from caffeinated drinks, like coffee or cola, as these can worsen nausea.
  2. Relax in an upright position. After vomiting, sit in an upright position or in a propped up lying position. Activity right after vomiting can cause worsen nausea and retching. Sitting upright will help ease your digestive system and, if you fall asleep and vomit again, lying flat could pose a choking risk.[2]
    • While resting, try relaxation techniques to distract yourself from feeling sick. Listen to soothing music, watch a funny movie, or talk to a friend or family member.[3]
  3. Try sucking on hard candy. Hard candy, like lemon drops or mints, can help ease the urge to retch or vomit. Go for your favorite flavors to get rid of bad tastes that might make you sick.[4]
    • Mints are the best option for getting rid of bad tastes. You shouldn’t brush your teeth after vomiting, since it could strip weakened enamel layers.
  4. Avoid solid food during a vomiting spell. Wait four or five hours until you’ve stopped vomiting before you try to keep down solid food. A meal could further upset your stomach and cause nausea, retching, or vomiting.[5]
    • After a few hours, go for bland foods, like crackers or toast.
  5. Drink ginger tea. Ginger can soothe the digestive system, and ease nausea and retching. Try making a tea by slicing a small piece of ginger root and steeping it in boiling water for a few minutes. Let the tea cool until it’s safe to drink, then sip it slowly.[6]

Consulting a Doctor

  1. Seek medical attention for vomiting that lasts more than four hours. Uncontrolled vomiting for more than more fours straight is a cause for concern. If you can’t stop vomiting and aren’t able to keep down any liquids, you might need medical attention to avoid dehydration.[5]
    • You should also see a doctor promptly if you vomit blood, are experiencing diarrhea, or have a fever.
  2. Ask your doctor if you should stop taking oral medications. If you take any oral medications regularly, taking them during a vomiting spell could upset your stomach. Further, if you vomit them up immediately, your body didn’t absorb them.[5]
    • Call your doctor or pharmacist and tell them about your condition. Ask them, “Should I hold off taking my prescription until a few hours after I’ve stopped vomiting?”
  3. Have your doctor test for underlying conditions. Vomiting and retching could be associated with any number of medical conditions, from food poisoning to chronic digestive issues. If you experience regular patterns of vomiting and retching, you should talk to your doctor about imaging, urine, and blood tests to diagnose any underlying conditions.[7]
    • X-ray and ultrasound imaging can rule out ulcers, blockages, gallstones, and other issues.
    • Blood and urine tests can detect infections or kidney issues.
  4. Ask your doctor to recommend a medication. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about taking an over the counter or prescription medication. Ask them if they recommend an anti-nausea or antacid, or combination of the two. If your digestive issues are related to anxiety, ask them about a prescription anti-anxiety medication.[7]
    • If you’re undergoing cancer treatment therapy, there are anti-nausea medications that your doctor or specialist can prescribe for your specific form of treatment.[8]

Managing Nausea and Vomiting

  1. Take medication as directed. If your doctor has recommended an anti-nausea, antacid, or anti-anxiety medication, take it daily or at the first sign of nausea according to their instructions. If you find that your medication is ineffective, ask your doctor or pharmacist to modify your treatment regimen.[7]
    • It might take some time to tailor your treatment plan to combat symptoms of chronic conditions, like cyclic vomiting syndrome or migraine-related episodes.
    • Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend an alternative medication if you experience any side effects, such as diarrhea, headache, dizziness, or drowsiness.
  2. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water between meals. To stay hydrated, you’ll need at least six to eight daily glasses of liquid. However, drinking during meals can upset your sensitive stomach. Try drinking water between meals instead of having a tall glass with a meal.[2]
  3. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. Larger meals can overwhelm and upset your stomach. Try eating five smaller meals instead of three larger meals per day. Eat slowly and avoid rushing through meals.[2]
    • Rest after you eat in an upright position to make digestion easier.
  4. Get plenty of rest. Whenever you feel like retching or vomiting, cease activity to avoid worsening your nausea. Take some time to rest until your symptoms pass.[5]
    • Vomiting and retching take a toll on your body, so make sure to get extra rest during a vomiting spell.

Sources and Citations

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