Stop Stomach Problems

If you are one of the many people who suffer from stomach and digestive problems, you are probably looking for relief – whether it’s from a short-term issue like diarrhea or vomiting, or from a chronic illness such as Crohn’s disease. Fortunately, digestive health can be improved with diet and lifestyle changes, and medical treatment is available for more serious issues. Improve your stomach problems with changes you can make yourself and by seeking appropriate care.


Dealing with Temporary Ailments

  1. Cope with having diarrhea. Stay hydrated by drinking water, juice, and broth throughout the day.[1] Get plenty of rest by staying home from work or school and staying in bed. Try over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medicines like Pepto-Bismol or Immodium A-D to help relieve symptoms. Follow a clear liquid diet of water, broth, juice, and sports drinks until you can handle solid food, then introduce the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast).
    • Avoid fatty foods, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and Avoid Artificial Food Flavors and Colors.
    • Many cases of diarrhea are caused by viruses and will pass in a couple of days. It may also be the result of foodborne illness, which is far more common than you might think.
    • If your symptoms get worse or don’t resolve after 48 hours, see your doctor — you may need antibiotics or other medications.
  2. Ease nausea and vomiting with a gentle diet. Stay hydrated — like with diarrhea, dehydration is the biggest risk when you’re sick with vomiting. Follow the same guidelines as when you have diarrhea. If you can eat without vomiting, eat small amounts of bland foods like toast, crackers, and jell-o. Once you can keep these down, add rice, cereal, and fruit to your diet. Increase what you eat slowly as your illness improves.[2]
    • If you’re too nauseated to drink anything, try sucking on ice chips to get small amounts of fluids.
    • When you do drink liquids, try to have them at room temperature. Avoid cold or hot drinks.
    • Don’t eat spicy or fatty foods, which can further irritate your stomach.
    • Let your stomach calm down after vomiting by waiting 30 – 60 minutes afterwards to eat or drink anything. Don’t try heavy solid foods until at least six hours after you last vomited.[3]
    • If your stomach upset is from motion sickness, try a medication like Dramamine before traveling.
  3. Seek medical care if you become dehydrated. If you have diarrhea or vomiting that lasts over 24 hours, or you cannot keep any liquids down for over 12 hours, see your doctor right away.[1] Seek emergency care if you have any signs or symptoms of dehydration, such as:[4]
    • Extreme thirst
    • Dry mouth or skin
    • Dark urine, or producing little or no urine
    • Weakness, dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness
  4. See your doctor if you have pain or a high fever. Signs that your stomach problems necessitate medical care include a fever of 102°F (39°C) or higher, or moderate to severe stomach, rectal, or chest pain. If you have blood in your stool or vomit, or your stool is black and tarry, see your doctor right away.
  5. Unblock constipation naturally, if possible. Try eating prunes or yogurt containing live cultures. Hydrate well and get regular exercise. Increase the fiber in your diet with vegetables and whole grains. Consult your doctor if you do not have a bowel movement for over a week — they may suggest castor oil, over-the-counter milk of magnesia, or a laxative.
    • People have different rhythms, and it’s normal to have a bowel movement every day to three times per week. If your stool is very hard or you have to strain to poop, see your doctor.[5]
  6. Ease acid reflux and heartburn (GERD) with diet and medications, if needed. GERD can often be controlled with Ease Acid Reflux With a Change in Diet. If symptoms persist, try an over-the-counter antacid like Tums or Rolaids. Visit your doctor for a prescription for a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI), histamine (H2) blocker, or a medication called Baclofen. In extreme cases, surgery is possible.[6] Make the following dietary changes to minimize your symptoms of GERD:[7]
    • Restrict fatty foods in your diet.
    • Avoid chocolate, mint, caffeine, and carbonated beverages.
    • Skip spicy foods if you’re currently having a reflux flare-up.
    • Don’t drink alcohol.
    • Be wary of acidic foods like citrus, tomatoes, onion, and garlic.
    • Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
    • Add ginger and fennel to recipes.[8]
    • Try probiotics from live-culture yogurt.
    • Stay upright after eating. Don’t lay down for at least a couple of hours after eating.
  7. Soothe indigestion with warm fluids. If your stomach upset is more severe on a particular day, give your stomach a rest by drinking clear soup (not creamy) and tea. Chamomile tea, ginger tea, and peppermint tea may be especially soothing.[9]

Treating Chronic Diseases

  1. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Chronic diseases are those that persist beyond the course of a normal, temporary illness. They usually require working with a doctor for long-term care. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract — your stomach and intestines — can be treated with diet, medications, and sometimes surgery. If you have stomach problems that won’t go away, get diagnosed by a doctor and start the appropriate care.
    • Discuss options with your primary care doctor — they may refer you to a nutritionist, surgeon, or specialist called a gastroenterologist.
  2. Treat peptic ulcers with triple therapy and lifestyle changes. Over-the-counter antacids like Tums, Rolaids, and Pepto-Bismol can help to relieve symptoms of stomach ulcers, but medical treatment can help to actually cure the ulcers. Treatment requires working with your doctor and most likely treating with triple therapy: antacids, antibiotics, and a medication called a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI).[10]
    • Make concurrent lifestyle changes to stop smoking, avoid alcohol, and minimize your stress.
    • Avoid the use of NSAIDs, which can aggravate peptic ulcers.
  3. Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for symptom relief. The general rules of a healthy digestive tract apply to IBS: avoid foods that trigger your symptoms, manage your stress, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and stay hydrated.[11] Additional treatment can include dietary changes and medications. Speak with your doctor about what’s appropriate treatment for you:
    • Sometimes it helps to eliminate foods that cause gas: carbonated beverages and raw fruits and veggies are the worst. Talk to your doctor about this first, because a healthy diet usually contains plenty of vegetables and fruits.
    • Try a gluten-free diet and see if that helps your symptoms.
    • Avoid fructose (fruit sugars), lactose (milk sugar found in dairy), and FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, and polyols).[12]
    • Consult a nutritionist for details about how to avoid foods containing FODMAPs.[13] Generally, minimize eating high-FODMAP foods like: onions (and leeks, chives, and onion-like vegetables); garlic; processed meats; products containing wheat; honey and corn-syrup; apples; watermelon; snap peas; artichoke; and baked beans.[14]
    • Discuss medications with your doctor. People may benefit from fiber supplements, antibiotics, anti-diarrheals, or anti-spasmodics. It depends on your symptoms and what is causing them.
    • For severe symptoms, consider an IBS-specific medication like Alosetron (Lotronex) or Lubiprostone (Amitiza). Which you use depends on your symptoms.
  4. Limit complications of Crohn’s Disease with medical treatment. Work with your stomach doctor to control your symptoms and try to attain remission. Treatment is usually with medications, and sometimes surgery. First, work with your doctor to try anti-inflammatory drugs like sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), mesalamine (Asacol, Delzicol, and others), or a corticosteroid like prednisone. From there, you can try other treatments or a combination of treatment methods:[15]
    • Immune suppressing medications can help significantly decrease the inflammation that causes symptoms of Crohn’s. These medications have unpleasant side effects, however, so risk must be weighed against the possible benefit.
    • Antibiotics like Flagyl and Cipro will help if you have fistulas or abscesses.
    • Other supplementary medications can be used to treat other symptoms, like anti-diarrheals, pain relieves, iron supplements and vitamin B12 shots (to prevent anemia), and calcium and vitamin D supplements.
    • A low fiber diet can help. In severe cases, you may have a hospital stay for “bowel rest” and get your nutrition from an IV.
    • In severe cases, surgery can remove a damaged part of your colon.
  5. Manage Ulcerative Colitis (UC) similarly to Crohn’s, and watch for cancer. Treat UC with your doctor’s help using similar medications to what is used for Crohn’s Disease – the two illnesses are very similar other than the location of the damage to the intestine. Notable differences are that surgery to manage UC is generally more extensive and may require using a colostomy bag afterwards to collect stool. It is also important to have regular screenings for cancer:[16]
    • Have a surveillance colonoscopy as soon as eight years after you are diagnosed with UC if your whole colon is involved, or 10 years after if only the left side is involved.
    • Start screening one to two years after diagnosis if you are also diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis.
    • Have a screening colonoscopy every one to two years if the disease involves more than your rectum.

Making General Dietary Changes

  1. Choose lean, low-fat meats. Try to limit how much fat you eat in your diet — fat is difficult to digest and can cause you to gain weight, which also impacts stomach problems. When you choose meats, avoid tough meats and those with casings like hotdogs or sausages; instead, opt for poultry, fish, or tofu.[17]
    • Lower your fat intake by replacing red meat with poultry and fish, opting for low-fat or non-fat dairy, and cooking with olive oil instead of butter.
  2. Eat plain, unsweetened yogurt. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria in the form of probiotics and is high in calcium, which can offset the effects of acid-forming foods. Also, try other fermented foods, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, natto, or kefir.[18]
    • If you’re lactose intolerant, try replacing milk with yogurt. Many people who cannot digest milk deal with yogurt better.[19]
  3. Eat the right kind of vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables provide essential fiber to assist with digestion and increase the health of good bacteria in the gut. However, if you have diverticulitis stay away from berries with small seeds like strawberries, corn, and small seeds and nuts – these can aggravate the intestine.[20]
    • Bananas are a great, soft fruit that also provide a lot of fiber.
    • Ginger is an excellent root to add for flavor, and is also known to calm the stomach.
  4. Reduce your intake of coffee and black tea. These are both very acidic and high in caffeine, which can contribute to heartburn and stomach upset.[21] Caffeine can also increase your stress levels, which may increase risk of other health issues such as ulcers. Try red tea (rooibos) instead – it is high in antioxidants, low acid-forming, and has no caffeine.
  5. Stop drinking soft drinks. The phosphoric acid and sugar feed unhealthy bacteria populations in your gut. Sugary foods can also result in diarrhea and cause weight gain.[22] Stay away from diet sodas, as well; the carbonation can worsen gas, and many diet beverages contain artificial sweeteners.
  6. Reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol can contribute to a number of stomach problems, including ulcers, heartburn, diarrhea, and nausea. Drinking alcohol can also worsen nutritional disorders.[21]
    • If you don’t drink, don’t start. If you do, keep it to a minimum: 1 alcoholic beverage per day for women, and 2 per day for men.
  7. Avoid artificial Avoid Artificial Food Flavors and Colors. Many people are sensitive to artificial colors and food additives like MSG, even though they’re “recognized as safe” by the Food and Drug Administration.[23] Try to buy natural, organic foods if you have a sensitive stomach and stay away from products listing artificial additives in the ingredients. Limit your intake of:
    • ”Artificial flavors” or “FD&C,” and anything labeled in the ingredients list as a color and a number like “red no. 4.”
    • MSG, also sometimes listed as glutamic acid, hydrolyzed protein, and others.[24]
    • Artificial sweeteners like Sweet’N’Low and Equal.
    • Deli meats and processed, pre-packaged foods.

Improving Habits for Good Digestion

  1. Keep a food journal. The most important thing you can do to help your mild stomach issues is to know what’s causing them. Keep a journal for a month – write down everything you eat, what time, and in what amounts. Also record what symptoms you have, how severe they are on a scale of 1 – 10, what time they occur, and how long they last. Look for patterns.
    • If your symptoms occur when you eat dairy, you might be lactose intolerant.[5]
    • If grains and carbohydrates cause you stomach upset, you may have a gluten sensitivity or, more rarely but more seriously, celiac disease. You can get this diagnosed at your doctor’s office.
  2. Follow food safety rules. Many cases of upset stomach are caused by foodborne illnesses. The CDC estimates that there are 9.4 million cases of foodborne illness each year in the US, if not more, as people often think they just have the flu or a stomach virus. Avoid foodborne illnesses by washing your hands after using the bathroom and before preparing food or eating. Make sure all foods are cooked to the proper internal temperature and fresh foods (like fruits and vegetables) are rinsed thoroughly.[25]
    • Poultry and ground meats should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165˚F (74˚C). Whole meats (like steaks) and fish should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145˚F (62.8°C). F
    • Foods should be stored at under 41˚F (5˚C) or above 135˚F (57˚C) to avoid the rapid growth of bacteria.
  3. Eat smaller portions. Limit how much air you swallow when you eat by eating slowly and eating smaller portions. Chew your food slowly and completely before swallowing. Try to eat multiple small meals throughout the day instead of two to three big meals.
    • Don’t chew gum or drink carbonated beverages — these cause you to swallow a lot of air and can contribute to stomach discomfort.[26]
  4. Drink eight to 10 cups of fluids a day. Staying hydrated is important for keeping your bowel function healthy and regular. Drink eight to 10 cups of water, juice, tea, or milk (unless you’re lactose intolerant) every day.[19]
  5. Sleep eight to 10 hours per night. Not getting enough sleep affects more than your mood and your mind – sleep deprivation can contribute to upset stomach and diarrhea.[27] Poor sleep also worsens stress and can cause weight gain, both of which can contribute to stomach issues. Try to get 8-10 hours of sleep every night.
    • Set a specific wake time and bedtime.
    • Have good sleep hygiene — only use your bedroom for sleeping, and sleep in a cool, dark space.
    • Get exercise during the day, and try not to nap.
  6. Exercise five days per week. Exercise can help reduce stress, thereby reducing health risks associated with stress, and keep your bowel function more regular.[19] Start slowly and gradually increase how much you exercise, and if exercise is new to you talk to your doctor about a workout program.
    • Aim to work up to exercising for 30 minutes five days per week.
  7. Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Consuming NSAIDs for stomach pain can exacerbate your problem instead of relieving it. NSAIDs have been known to cause or worsen stomach ulcers, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and upset stomach. If you have stomach problems, talk to your doctor about which pain relievers you should use. Common NSAIDs include (note that these can be over-the-counter, and appear in many medications like cold medicines):[28]
    • Aspirin
    • Ibuprofen (Motrin)
    • Indomethacin (Indocin)
    • Naproxen (Naprosyn)
    • Celecoxib (Celebrex)
  8. Quit smoking. Smoking increases your risk of ulcers and can contribute to other causes of stomach upset.[29] Use the START acronym to stop smoking:
    • S = Set a date to stop smoking.
    • T = Tell loved ones that you intend to quit.
    • A = Anticipate that there will be challenges.
    • R = Remove tobacco from your home, car, and workspace.
    • T = Talk to your doctor for support and advice on quitting.
  9. Decrease your stress level. The stress hormone cortisol negatively affects numerous body systems – including your digestive tract – and stress can contribute to ulcers, nausea, diarrhea, and other stomach issues.[30] Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, taking a walk – anything that helps you relax. If you have a stressful lifestyle due to work or family, practice mindfulness meditation or learn stress management skills. Maintaining a calm, peaceful demeanor will help to improve your pain and health.[26]
    • Don’t exercise right before or right after eating.


  • Always work with a doctor or specialist to care for chronic illnesses. You will need to treat your disease, and possibly treat for side effects of your disease.
  • Whatever is causing your stomach problem, seek medical care if you have a fever over 102°F (39°C), have abdominal, rectal, or chest pain, become dehydrated, or have blood in your stool or vomit.

Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1
  5. 5.0 5.1
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2
  21. 21.0 21.1,,20551987,00.html#alcohol-0
  25. 5
  26. 26.0 26.1