Stop a Dog's Ear from Bleeding

If you've ever had a dog cut the tip of its ear, you know how difficult it can be to stop the ear from bleeding. Even with pressure and towels to slow down the bleeding, once you remove the towel from his ear and he feels the tingling sense, he will shake his head and start the flow all over again. With a little bit of research, you can stop the blood flow and keep the dog from re-opening the wound.


Stopping the Dog’s Ear from Bleeding

  1. Remain calm. Ears bleed a lot due to the abundance of blood vessels in the ear. In many cases, there is a lot of blood. Don’t worry. Chances are good the dog will not bleed too severely. Also, dogs feed off the emotional energy of their humans. If you are upset or panicked, your dog will get excited. Excitement raises the blood pressure, which leads to more bleeding.
  2. Move the dog to a quiet location. You want to remove the dog from other sources or excitement such as other dogs or noisy people. Provide a couple of treats and get the dog to sit or lay down, so you can tend to the injury.
  3. Apply pressure to the injury. Use a dry, clean paper towel, washcloth, pieces of sterile gauze, or any other clean cloth to apply direct pressure to the cut. Keep firm pressure on the cut for up to five minutes.[1]
    • At two minutes, you can gently lift the towel or cloth to see if the bleeding has slowed.
    • After five minutes of pressure, most bleeding should have slowed considerably or stopped.
  4. Apply a clotting aid. If you have a commercial clotting aid—the kind you can purchase in the store—pour an ample amount of powder into the palm of one of your hands. Using a clean fingertip, apply the clotting aid to the wound using gentle pressure.[1] Repeat until the bleeding stops completely.
    • If you don’t have a clotting aid, cornstarch, flour, or baby powder will work.
    • Do not use baking soda or baking powder as they can lead to an infection in the cut.
  5. Clean up the area. You can use diluted hydrogen peroxide to remove any dried blood from your dog. However, do not use this or anything else directly on the wound. That might disturb the clot and cause bleeding again.
  6. Call the veterinarian. Though you can handle most small ear cuts at home, there are some situations where you should allow your vet to treat the dog. In these situations, continue to apply pressure to the wound as you transport your dog to the clinic. The ear may need sutures or other measures to stop the blood flow and ensure the ear heals properly. Seek a vet’s assistance if:[2]
    • There is profuse bleeding
    • The wound goes through the ear
    • The bleeding doesn’t stop after 10 minutes of home treatment
    • The bleeding keeps restarting
    • The wound is larger than a simple cut

Keeping the Dog from Re-Opening the Wound

  1. Observe the dog in a quiet environment. Keep the dog in the quiet spot, so he can rest and you can keep a close eye on him. Make sure that the dog does not participate in any activity such as running or playing.
  2. Try to keep the dog from shaking or scratching at the ear.[3] If the dog shakes its head or scratches due to sensations from the wound, he can re-open the wound and cause further bleeding.
    • Another potential complication from vigorous head shaking or scratching is the formation of an aural hematoma, which is a blood clot between the layers of the ear. This happens when a blood vessel beneath the skin and cartilage breaks and bleeds into the ear cartilage. The ear will swell like a pillow. These need to be treated by a veterinarian.[3]
  3. Use an Elizabethian collar for two or three days. To minimize complications, you can use an Elizabethian collar (also known as an e-collar, cone or recovery collar) for two or three days.[3] This will prevent the dog from reaching the ear with a foot.
  4. Clean the ear. You can minimize the dog’s desire to shake its head by carefully cleaning the ear and ear canal. Remove any bothersome blood or debris in the canal or inside the ear.
  5. Create a head bandage. Another option is to create a head bandage for the dog. This is especially helpful if the dog keeps flapping its ears. You will need to sacrifice a stocking for this option. Cut the toe off the stocking to form a tube. Fold the ears back over the head, using a piece of gauze on the wound. Carefully slide the stocking over the head. The nose and eyes should remain open with the stocking placed just beyond the eyes.
    • Make sure the fit is snug but not too tight. You should easily be able to fit a finger under the stocking both on the head and the neck.
    • Leave the bandage on for a day, then remove it and check the ear wound. If needed, you can replace it for another day as long as it remains clean and dry.


  • This process may take two or three days to ensure that the bleeding has fully stopped.
  • When the dog feels the bleeding, he is prone to shake his head, resulting in blood splatters up your walls, on the furniture, etc. Keep him away from any of your expensive furniture until you are sure the bleeding has stopped.
  • Do not try to wrap a towel around the dog's ear. He will struggle to remove it, restarting the bleeding.

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1 Kirk and Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. Eighth Edition. Ford and Mazzaferro. Saunders. 2006
  2. The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats. Amy D. Shoja. Rodale, Inc. 2001
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Merck Veterinary Manual, 10th Edition. Kahn and Line, editors. Wiley. 2010