String a Guitar for a Left Handed Player

A guitar, for a left handed player, is just the same as that of a right handed player with the only exception being that everything is reversed (mirrored) and that the nut slots are reversed (at the head of the guitar).


  1. Remove the strings from the instrument. (Loosen them, cut them, and throw them away)
  2. Remove the nut from the guitar by gently tapping it with a regular (flat) screwdriver to break the glue. Just tap it around the sides on the edges.
  3. Some guitars you may be able to just flip the nut around. You may have to make a new one from a blank. (You can get a blank from any local guitar store.) Try to match up the nut height with the old one only reversed. Place it in the slot (Don't glue it yet)
  4. String the guitar reverse of right hand. (Mirror the strings)
  5. Check nut height by tuning up the strings to pitch and pressing down on the third fret of each string. The string should be very close to the first fret. Touching or very close to touching. When the string is plucked open it should have no buzz in it. Adjust height until these have been met. If it is your first time it might be easier to have a few blanks.
  6. Slack (detune the strings) place a few dots of Elmer's glue under the nut. (A dab will do ya!) The glue is to keep the nut from shifting, the strings will do most of the job in keeping it on.
  7. Retune the instrument. Set the intonation.
  8. Rock.


  • The bridge of a guitar is near the bottom end of the guitar, and is where the string is anchored, and where the strings make contact with the body. The nut is the part at the base of the headstock that the strings rest on.
  • Take your time.
  • Decide if you really have the qualifications to do this yourself. Most guitar shops will do this easily and professionally for a small fee.


  • This is better done on a cheaper instrument. If you get serious about playing left handed, get ready to shell out $$$ as most companies don't make many left handed guitars. Even the ones that do are overpriced (due to smaller runs) mirrored versions of cheaper guitars.
  • Ever. (String pressure keeps it in place)
  • Sometimes in an acoustic, or jazz box setup, the bridge saddle will need to be flipped 180 around due to the routing, and possible compensation angle of the saddle.
  • Guitars equipped with tremolo bars, such as a Fender-style or Floyd Rose, will need to have the tremolo system replaced with a left-handed type if you want to use the bar in the traditional manner.
  • The bridge saddle DOES NOT REQUIRE GLUE
  • Nope it never does.

Things You'll Need

  • A Guitar
  • A new set of strings
  • A pair of wire cutters
  • a file
  • glue

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