Study for a Spelling Bee
Spelling bees are part of a long American tradition that still lives on today. If you have ever dreamed of the Scripps National Spelling Bee or watched it on television and thought 'That could be me!' then maybe it is time to start winning and studying. This article will give you all the information and help you need to spell your way to victory!
Selecting the spelling bee competition
- Find the bee. Find out when and where the nearest bee is. If you can, sign up and ask for information. If you can't find a spelling bee, ask your school and check around your community. When you find a bee make sure to get all the information, mark your calendar, and start working.
- Read the rules. Are you within the age and grade limit? Are you able to participate? Has your school spelling bee already gone by? If you are too late on the bus there is always next year unless you are too old.
- Read the rules to see if you are within the guidelines. If you are, you are ready for the next step.
- If not, help others achieve their dreams by becoming a spelling bee coach!
Learning for the spelling bee competition
- Get the word list. One of the spelling bee coordinators should be able to give you or at least tell you where you can find the spelling list. If not then there are lots of good resources to find word lists and other helpful things like and the Merriam Webster site. Also check out for spelling help. Go online and find good word lists that fit the level.
- Study the list. There are plenty of studying software out there, my favorite is but there are tons of things you can do. If you don't want to buy software then you can just type up the words or write them down. Do this as many times as you can as well as asking others to give you words. Put words on the bathroom mirror so that you can see them while you brush or wash your hands. Play words across the screen of your computer if you can. There are dozens of creative ways to get ready for the spelling bee. Make up your own and get studying!
- Study hard. Look or skim through the dictionary you have. Day by day, take out a few words you need to study. Study them hard. Sometimes it helps when a parent gives you a word and you spell it orally. Beware of pronunciation.
- Separate the words you know from the ones that you need to study. To narrow the list.
- Review after learning. Occasionally review words you already know.
Self care pre-bee
- Take regular breaks. When you study too hard, you will find yourself drifting off to sleep or getting bored. Be sure to stretch in between long bouts of studying.
- Stay healthy and well rested. Before the bee make sure to eat right, exercise, and get lots of rest. This will keep your brain running better. Just like any athlete you have to prepare. Remember to take care of yourself before the bee.
- When studying put on citrus scented lotion, On the day of the bee put on the same lotion. it will take you back in time from when you studied the word you will have to spell.
- If you can't find time to study, post words in places you can't help but look i.e. bathroom mirror, the wall opposite your bed, the inside of the front door, etc.
- Studying root words is essential.
- Before the bee, eat lots of proteins and carbs, they help you concentrate. A lunch like pasta with meat or corn and veggies, with fresh fruit on the side would be perfect right before the bee. No crash later so you don't forget anything.
- How to Spell Like a Champ by Barrie Trinkle, Carolyn Andrews, and Paige Kimble is a great resource.
- For words that will be used in school, classroom, and early local bees, go to
- Try, select your grade level, and get working!
- Find something that you can keep in your pocket when studying and during the real spelling bee.
- Try studying while you do something else that you enjoy, like playing Wii Fit.
- Don't try learning every word in the dictionary, they'll find the one that you missed. It's a lot easier if you know a lot of basic words and can use the definition to help you figure it out. For example: Conchyliated means from a mollusk (hence conch)
Things You'll Need
- If you're competing in the USA Scripps National Spelling Bee, The Merriam-Webster's Unabridged International Dictionary
- A lot of sticky notes and paper (for writing the words down)
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