Succeed in Business if You Are an Introvert
Does the idea of a small talk make you cringe? Does the thought of making a cold call fill you with horror? Many (although not all) introverts find the idea of having to sell themselves or their business ideas daunting. Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice success just because you're an introvert. You can take steps to channel your introverted personality in such a way that you achieve your business goals.
Embracing Your Personality
- Avoid fighting your nature. Constantly forcing yourself to mingle, chit-chat and cold-call will take its toll. Doing things that you hate on a regular basis is a surefire recipe for burnout. Don’t try to be someone you're not. Instead, try to develop a business model that fits the real you and learn to be comfortable with who you truly are. Most importantly, believe that you're as capable as any other person at succeeding in business.
- Remember, there's nothing "wrong" with you. It's not bad to prefer one-on-one company over a party. It's not a character flaw to be a great listener. It's not a sin to be a deep thinker. It's not wrong to think before you speak. Keep in mind that, as an introvert, you have a series of character traits that are positive and can help you in business.
- Speak self-affirmations out loud. If you're feeling a bit insecure because you're an introvert, speak out some self-affirmations that will reinforce your belief in yourself.
- Accentuate your positives. Introverts have many positive qualities. Use those qualities to your advantage in business.
- For example, introverts might not be very outspoken, but they're often very good listeners. You'll find that listening can carry you a long way in your business with peers, employees, and partners.
- Also, introverts tend to be creative because they're inside their own head so much. That creativity can benefit you in business, especially when it comes to advertising.
- Create a work environment conducive to your nature, if possible. Your ideal office space is a private office where you can retreat, shut the door, and think about how to solve business problems. You'll work best in a quiet, away-from-the-crowd location.
- Avoid creating an "open office" environment where you'll be part of the crowd. That kind of workplace is suited well for extroverts, but not for an introvert like you.
Succeeding As an Introvert
- Network online. If you're an introvert, you probably aren't a huge fan of going out and mingling with people in some type of a networking event. That doesn't mean that you have to give up networking completely. Instead, focus your networking in a space where you're more comfortable: online.
- This is where LinkedIn is your very best friend, especially if your business model is in the B2B space. Carve some time out of your schedule to stay in touch with your LinkedIn connections, establish new connections, and contribute to LinkedIn groups. If you don't want to network in real life, network in cyberspace.
- Express your communications in writing. Although you should speak publicly from time to time, your strength lies in your ability to communicate your thoughts with the written word. Use written communication as much as possible.
- Keep in mind that much of communication is body language and tonality, which is absent from an email or document, so be sure to go out of your way to convey a positive attitude throughout all of your written communications.Use lots of compliments and positive language in your written communications, so your readers never mistake your intent.
- Step away from your comfort zone occasionally. Although the previous point about not trying to change yourself still stands, it's import that everybody, including extroverts and ambiverts, step away from their comfort zone on occasion to push themselves a little bit. That's simply part of personal development.
- Speak out in meeting on occasion even if it means that you'll feel a little uncomfortable. Force yourself to say what's on your mind. You might start a discussion that solves a business problem.
- Network with people in real life. Mingle at a business function. Try to spark a conversation and keep it going.
- Collaborate with others. As an introvert, you likely have the gift of being able to listen to what other people are saying and absorb the relevant points. Use that skill to come up with the best course of action based on what you've heard.
- Connect with introverted clients, customers, and employees. You'll do very well at connecting with people who are introverts like yourself. It's often the case that extroverts have problems reaching people who introverts because they're so much different. On the other hand, you should be able to build a successful business relationship with people who are just like you.
- Because you're an introvert yourself, you'll likely recognize a fellow introvert when you meet one. That should give you an immediate common bond and enable you to relax your way into a little bit of small talk.
- Plan your talking points. When you do meet with other introverts, have a few points of discussion ready so that you can start some conversation.
- Believe it or not, there are introvert meetups. Join a meetup near you, if one exists, and you might be able to meet some new friends and possibly even find a few new business partners and customers.
- Staff your weaknesses. If you're the person in charge and find that there are certain parts of your business that are best suited to somebody who's an extrovert, then by all means hire one to fulfill those responsibilities.
- Think of it as a hiring decision that's no different than hiring a professional programmer to build your website because you have no idea how to build a website.
- Build a reputation based on your positive qualities. The best way to avoid getting overlooked in your business as an introvert is to boost your reputation based on your positive qualities.
- As an introvert, you're a problem solver. Use that to your benefit as you build a reputation as a problem-solver at your place of business.
- As an introvert, you're a listener . Sometimes, your co-workers might just need to talk to someone and share their problems. If you're the listener that they approach, you'll go a long way in developing good professional relationships with people around the office.
- Take the initiative in communication. Act, don't react when it comes to communication. Otherwise, as an introvert, you're bound to be glossed over for your flashy, extroverted co-workers. Ensure that you're constantly communicating with management, peers, and stakeholders. You need to go the extra mile to build your personal brand at your place of work.
- Adapt to adverse circumstances. Keep in mind that nobody works in a "perfect" office environment. It's likely that you're going to face challenges as an introvert in almost any place of business.
- If you're forced to work in an open office environment, for whatever reason, you're going to be uncomfortable, but it's not the end of the world. Book a conference room where you can work alone sometimes. Also, take an occasional walk, which has the added benefit of stimulating your creativity.
- Sometimes, in a meeting, you might have to challenge talkative extroverts with a little additional effort. Hold up your hand or make the "time out" sign so that your more talkative co-workers will give you a chance to speak.
- Hone your public speaking skills. As an introvert, you're probably reluctant to deliver speeches. However, it's important to learn how to deliver good speeches if you want to succeed.
- Remember, preparation is the key to delivering a good speech. That's true for almost anyone, including extroverts. For an introvert, though, it's even more important. When you do have a speech to deliver, go the extra mile to in your preparation. Read and re-read your major points. Deliver it in front of a mirror. Commit as much of it as you can to memory.
- Don't confuse shyness and introversion. Shyness happens to most people at some time in their lives, based on experiences or particular situations. It can be short lived or ongoing but it can be changed with counseling or self-work. Introversion is not about fear of other people––it's a personality type that simply finds solitude preferable to constant socializing and there needs to be a good reason to spend time with the group.
- Introverts risk burnout from trying to do too much, trying too hard and trying to be all things to all people. Learn to deal with burnout before it happens by learning your limitations and sticking to them, dealing with any emotional issues that you've ignored (therapy, writing, meditating, etc. are good ways to do this) and knowing what can trigger problems for you (such as too little sleep, worrying too much, negative comments, etc.) and finding ways to nip each trigger in the bud.
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