Survive In a Boarding School

Are you going to a boarding school? Do you have any idea of what it is like to live in a school? Well, this guide can help you survive through boarding school.


  1. Don't judge the school from the country it's in. A boarding school in a poor country can be good. Try to look at the school's facilities. You may also ask for a taster weekend in the boarding house.
  2. Bring lots of clothes, underwear, toilet and school supplies. You will need them eventually. Remember you cannot go back home everyday so always bring more than enough.
  3. Don't be stubborn with other people. If you don't have any friends, you will have a rough school life. Living with people 24/7 is very different than just go to normal school. You will know about their personalities and you may not like all of their qualities but you must learn to accept. Nobody is perfect. If you are stubborn, you will have a bad image and others won't want to interact with you.
  4. Be concerned about hygiene. Bathe every day and you may want to use deodorant. Nobody wants to share a room with someone that stinks.
  5. Talk to your roommate more. Usually schools put students of different nationalities together. You may want to know more about their culture and respect them.
  6. Always obey teachers. Having a bad relationship with a teacher while boarding is not good. Follow the rules even though you may think they are sometimes ridiculous, but it is to ensure you have a safe and disciplined life.
  7. Deal with bullies. If there is a bully in the school, tell a friend. If you can, tell one with muscles. If that fails, just tell a teacher. Boarding schools are usually good and teachers will actually bother to help you.
  8. Try to be friends with one person and ask him or her to introduce you to other people. But remember - it's QUALITY and not QUANTITY of friends that matters.
  9. Try to have as much fun as possible by doing things you enjoy when you are able. This is very important or you will have a very dull life while you spend your time there. You may want to join more activities for boarders and integrate with them. It may be hard in the beginning, but when you have a few friends, you will get the happy atmosphere and eventually win more friends.
  10. Most boarding schools have prep time, so use it to your advantage. Its easy to lose track of things you have to do without a parent around, so having extra time put aside specifically for your academic needs is very useful.
  11. Become friends with people that have the same schedule as you, so, for example, if you need to get up early in the morning, someone else with be doing the same.
  12. Boarding means being away from your family for long periods of time, so make a photo board or have photographs to hang up in your room so you won't be so homesick.


  • Get to the showers early before all the hot water gets used up.
  • If your roommate is shy, try talking to him/her. It will make her/his Boarding school fun!
  • Don't make enemies. Get along with everyone. Be friendly!
  • Change your bed sheets often.
  • Get lots of sleep to feel better for the next morning.
  • If you don't like who you are sharing a room with, give it time and if you still don't like the rooming arrangements then ask the teacher to change rooms.
  • Always regard your roommate. Try talk to them and share your spare things, because it might help them.
  • Get a safe hobby, like drawing, poetry, song writing. That way you will have something to do in your free time
  • Because you don't need to catch a train or bus to school every morning like many other students, many states or cities make you unable to get a student pass for this transport. Acquiring transport pass of some sort (for example, like an Oyster Card in London or an Opal Card in Sydney), makes life a lot easier when travelling.


  • Don't get involved in feuds.
  • Try not to be so silly, only if it's necessary.
  • If you get in trouble by a teacher, don't take it so seriously.

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