Survive a Flood
Floods can strike quickly in many parts of the world. Surviving a flood is a combination of preparation and taking appropriate action as soon as the natural disaster begins. With the steps listed below, you can learn how you and your family can survive a flood.
Being Prepared for Flooding
- Be aware of your area's flood risk before the expected rain is going to hit. This information can usually be found online on your local news or weather station's website, or they may show it on TV.
- Check to see if you have insurance that covers flooding. If not, find out how to get flood insurance. Any damage that is done by water, no matter where you live, is covered by flood insurance, so it is good to have it to be on the safe side.
- Keep insurance policies, documents, and other valuables in a safe-deposit box, that is located up high and out of harm's way.
- Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit. The kit should contain:
- First aid kit and essential medications.
- Canned food and can opener
- At least three gallons of water per person
- Protective clothing, rainwear, and bedding or sleeping bags
- Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.
- Identification, such as a passport, driver's license, etc.
- Special items for infants, elderly, or disabled family members, such as diapers, toys, etc.
- Written instructions for how to turn off electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you'll need a professional to turn them back on).
- Identify where you could go if told to evacuate. Choose several places in case one is unavailable, such as a friend's home in another town, a motel, or a shelter. Make sure that everyone in the family knows exactly where each place is located and how to get there.
- Call your local Red Cross chapter, emergency management office, or planning and zoning department.
- If it has been raining hard for several hours, or steadily raining for several days, listen to local radio or TV stations for flood information.
- Reduce any potential flood damage.
- Raise your furnace, water heater and electric panel to a higher level if they are in areas of your home that could flood.
- Move valuables to higher points in your home.
- Pay attention to any flood warning updates online, on tv, or on a radio. Floods may take several hours to develop, or can occur in a matter of minutes.
- A flood WATCH means a flood is possible in your area.
- A flood WARNING means flooding is already occurring or will occur soon in your area.
- Know that when a flood WATCH is issued, you should move your furniture and valuables to higher floors of your home. Quickly fill your car's gas tank, in case an evacuation notice is issued, and be alert to signs of flash flooding and be ready to evacuate on a moment's notice.
- When a flood WARNING is issued, listen to local radio and TV stations for information and advice. If told to evacuate, do so as soon as possible. Always listen to the instructions authorities give you.
During a Flood
- Evacuate immediately. You may have only a short time to escape. Act quickly, utilizing your planning route.
- Move to higher ground away from rivers, streams, creeks, and storm drains. Do not drive around barricades. They are there for your safety.
- If evacuating in your car, drive through as little water as possible, although sometimes this may be unavoidable, and take the shortest route possible to your meeting place. Make sure that you have your emergency kit with you.
- Know that you should never walk through moving water. The currents in even 6 inches (15 cm) of water can be dangerous. In still water, use a stick or another long object to test the area and make sure it is safe.
- If your car stalls in rapidly rising waters, abandon it immediately and climb to higher ground.
Address Home Hazards After a Flood
- Turn off all electrical and gas lines. Until you know your the electrical system in your house has not been damaged, use only battery operated light sources. If you notice an unfamiliar smell in your house, contact your local gas company or fire department to have it inspected.
- Keep an eye out for mold. Flooding can continue to damage a home even after cleaning efforts, in the form of dangerous molds. Take pictures before, during, and after cleaning your home and regularly inspect for mold.
- Open all windows. If the rain has stopped, make sure to adequately air out your house. If you smell any sort of gas, leave the home and contact the authorities to get it resolved.
- If you do have a flood, make sure you put sandbags against the doors of your house as they will give you some protection from the flood water.
- Shatter the window if your car is sinking and you're trapped.
- If you are taking cover in a church hall, put a padlock on your bags to prevent theft.
- If you live on a hill or a mountain, then you are less likely to have any damage from the flood, because you are at a higher elevation.