Survive an EMP
An Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, is a sudden burst of electromagnetic radiation. The sudden change in energy levels can, and will, literally fry electrical circuits of computers, cars and other electrical appliances.
- Understand what an EMP can do. Due to the fact that non-shielded computers will stop working, and that nowadays life is led by computers, you must understand that the water and food supply will stop and that hospitals will stop working. Wi-Fi will go down and become unusable.
- Motorized vehicles will stop in their tracks. You will be left with a useless can of metal full of melted circuits. If you try to start your car, it won't start no matter what. You must go on foot, bike, or even a horse, but it's unlikely you have one.
- Buy a bike and learn to ride it. Transportation means will be one of your major concerns in case of an EMP; you won't want to be left stranded and forced to walk on foot.
- Buy non-perishable food and bottled water. Preferably dehydrated food, since it's lighter, but canned or jarred food will do. Don't buy a 5-liter bottle, instead, buy several half-liter small bottles, they are easier to arrange, end you can have some with drinkable water and others with water to purify later. Just make sure you can tell them apart.
- Create a Bug Out Bag. This "72 Hour Survival Kit" will serve greatly when you need to Bug Out (flee), and can provide you with the essentials for a longer stay in the wilderness. Make sure you can run with it.
- Assemble a survival group. Just make sure there is a good mix of essential skills. Remember, hacking a computer will serve no purpose after an EMP.
- Consider self-defence weapons and training. Weapons such as firearms are great but if they are illegal in your area. Go for pepper spray, knives, mace spray or even rocks and sticks! But make sure you know how to use our weapons and also get training if your weapons are not available.
- Monitor the news channels newspapers. If there is a threat of nuclear war near your home, leave the area immediately.
- Don't use major roads. They will be overcrowded, possibly causing a major gridlock. Instead, use smaller, unknown routes only used by farmers or cattle.
- Stay hidden. Make as little movement as possible, close the curtains after sunset, and avoid making noise.
- Place guards. You will want to know if a mob is rushing towards your BOL (Bug Out Location).
- Get ready to eliminate any possible threats. Anyone can be your enemy. Don't let anyone you don't know well and don't know if they won't do anything bad into your BOL. Never, ever.
- Keep the spirits up. Music, games and activities can help to keep the morale up.
- If you have firearms, keep them with you, as many desperate people will potentially get violent.
- Do whatever you must in order to survive.
- Always have an escape route ready.
- If you have bicycles, make sure you have spare parts. (i.e. brakes, tire tubes, derailleur chains, brake discs, etc.) because obviously, your vehicle is permanently disabled.
- Get a Bug Out Bag (BOB). you can buy these fully equipped, or you can fill them yourself.
- In times of need you either stick to your morals and die or survive, so be ready to do anything to protect yourself and family.
- Do your research. It is possible to find cars that are EMP proof. If they are made before a certain year. (Believed to be 1975.)
- Remember that an EMP doesn't always come from a detonating warhead, coronal mass ejections can cause this too.
- Prepare to stay at home (Bug In)
- Avoid large cities as many places will be looted and/or set ablaze, where law enforcement is severely disabled.
- Don't try to ride a horse without proper training, it can result in serious injury or even death.
- Don't wait for the government to save you, they will be worried about other things.
Things You'll Need
- water
- food
- para-cord
- medicine(s)
- water purifier
- salt to preserve food
- weapons
- seeds
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- Survive a Nuclear Attack
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- Make a Martial Law Survival Pack
Sources and Citations