Take Care of Your Long Haired Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the oldest breeds of cat in the United States. They are a popular cat due to their gentle, friendly nature. If you have a Maine Coon, you will need to feed it a healthy diet and keep it active. Give it plenty of attention as Maine Coons are very social. Address hair-related problems, like hair balls, to keep your Maine Coon comfortable and happy.


Keeping Your Cat Physically Healthy

  1. Keep your Maine Coon active. Maine Coon's need a lot of exercise for their health due to their big size. Some Maine Coons may have a tendency to stay on the couch during the day, so take steps to make your Maine Coon cat healthy and happy.[1]
    • You should provide cat perches and trees in your home so your Maine Coon can get exercise when you're not there.
    • Maine Coons also enjoy interactive play. You should buy toys, like string or fishing pole toys, and play with your Maine Coon each day. Maine Coons are very friendly animals and will be eager to play with any household member.
  2. Decide on dry or wet food. Both wet or dry food can be a healthy option for a Maine Coon or any other cat. However, there are benefits and drawbacks to each to consider before selecting a food for your cat.[2]
    • If you're on a budget, dry food is generally a more economical option. It also does not spoil as easily. However, it's more calorie dense than wet food and may not be great for a cat with a weight issue.
    • Canned food is generally more expensive, but has more protein and less carbohydrates. This could be helpful for a cat with a weight issue.
    • If your Maine Coon has any specific health concerns, talk to a vet before selecting a cat food.
  3. Stick to a feeding schedule. Maine Coons do have a tendency to overeat if free fed.[1] A male Maine Coon should weigh between 15 and 25 pounds while a female should weigh between 10 and 15.[3] It's a good idea to establish a feeding schedule for your Maine Coon cat.[4]
    • A feeding schedule can involve portion controlled feeding. This means giving your cat a specific amount of food once or twice a day. If your Maine Coon tends to overeat, this is the best option.
    • Some people also use timed eating. You make food available for a set amount of time and then remove it. If your Maine Coon does not tend to overeat, timed feeding may work.
    • One pound equals roughly 0.45 kilograms.
  4. Watch for certain health problems. Like all breeds, Maine Coons need regular vet visits. However, they are prone to breed specific health problems. Watch for signs and symptoms of such problems and have them promptly treated by a vet.[5]
    • Maine Coons are prone to hip dysplasia, which can cause lameness.
    • Maine Coons are prone to kidney disease, which can include symptoms such as bloody urine or stools, a lack of appetite, and a lack of energy.[6]
    • You also may want to have Maine Coons tested for genetic diseases, such as certain heart conditions, that are difficult to detect based on symptoms. Talk to your vet about whether your Maine Coon is at risk for inheritable disorders.

Providing the Right Environment

  1. Keep your cat indoors. Maine Coons are susceptible to many dangers, like cars or predators, when they go outdoors. In addition to this, Maine Coons are a large and beautiful breed that are expensive to purchase. While it's rare, people do steal Maine Coons they see outdoors. For your cat's safety, keep it as an indoor cat only.[5]
  2. Make sure you maintain a clean litter box. A clean litter box is important to any cat. Maine Coons in particular, due to their long hair, require a clean litter box. Debris from litter can easily get caught in their fur, so clean your litter box daily.[5]
    • Each day, scoop any feces or clumps of urine out of the litter box and add a small amount of fresh litter.[7]
    • Swap the litter out completely once every two to three weeks. When you do so, make sure to scrub out the inside of the box and let it dry before replacing the litter.
  3. Give your Maine Coon plenty of attention. Maine Coons are one of the most social cat breeds. They do not do well without daily attention. Make sure to give your Maine Coon plenty of love to keep it happy.[5]
    • Maine Coons may follow you around. You can pet them on occasion, but if you're busy they're generally happy to observe you. It's a good idea to pet them and snuggle at the end of the day, when you have time.
    • In addition to keeping your cat active, playing can help you bond with your Maine Coon.
  4. Monitor your Maine Coon's interaction with children. Maine Coons, due to their friendly demeanor, generally do well with young children. However, interaction should be supervised. Maine Coons are tolerant of children, as long as kids are taught to handle them gently.[5]
    • Encourage your kids to treat your cat with respect. Let them know they should only handle your cat when it comes to them and should not attempt to grab or restrain a Maine Coon.
    • Young children may sometimes try to dress up an animal, or place it in a toy like a toy high chair or stroller. Maine Coons are more tolerant of this behavior than many house cats, but you should still keep an eye on your kids when they play with your Maine Coon. Make sure the cat does not seem aggressive or frightened during play.

Dealing with Your Cat's Long Hair

  1. Brush your Maine Coon's coat daily. A Maine Coon's long coat requires daily care. While many house cats can get by with weekly or no brushing, a Maine Coon requires daily brushing for its health and comfort. Make time to give your cat a daily brushing.[1]
  2. Brush your Maine Coon carefully. Strive to start brushing a Maine Coon when it is relaxed. This way, the experience will be calm for both of you.[8]
    • Start by brushing your cat's abdomen and legs. From there, you can brush the neck, chin, and tail. With a longhaired cat, you want to brush upward.
    • Reward your Maine Coon with a treat or praise for behaving during a grooming session. You want your cat to come to look forward to being brushed, as brushing will occur each day.
  3. Deal with knots carefully. You may see knots or mats in your Maine Coon's fur. This is common with long-haired cats. If you see a mat or knot, it can easily be addressed with talcum powder.[8]
    • Sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on a brush or mat.
    • Then, use your fingers to gently separate the fur.
  4. Check for injuries when grooming. Grooming is an excellent time to check for any unusual changes in your cat's body. When brushing your Maine Coon, run your hands along your Maine Coon's body to check for injuries or unusual bumps or lumps. You should also look for common pests, like fleas and ticks.[8]
    • If you notice any unusual changes in your Maine Coon's coat, see a veterinarian for evaluation.
  5. Minimize hairballs. Most long-haired cats are vulnerable to hairballs. Hairballs are rarely a serious medical concern, but you can take measure to reduce their severity for your Maine Coon's comfort.[9]
    • Look for a cat food formula designed to reduce hairballs.
    • Make sure your Maine Coon drinks plenty of water. Keeping the water bowl away from the food bowl can help, as cats are hesitant to drink water near their food due to instincts. In the wild, an animal would not eat near water because they fear contamination.
    • Keep your Maine Coon active. A healthy cat has a smoother coat, which can cut down on hairballs.


  • It can also be helpful to use a dry wash shampoo as Main Coons are big cats and may decide to fight you if you wash them in water. This can end up as an un-washed-dry-cat-and-scratched-up-owner-situation.
  • Maine Coons get along with other pets, like dog-friendly cats and other cats.

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