Take a Fun Shower

Almost everyone like to be clean. Bathing and showering can be relaxing, refreshing, revitalizing and even fun! Whilst many people just want to get in, get clean and get out, having a shower can be a bit more interesting than that. This article will teach you some ways to have fun during the showering process. Read the steps and take any you like the sound of.


  1. If you find nudity fun, dare yourself to streak to the shower. Go into your room, take off all your clothes, and get the clothes you plan to wear after your shower. Run quickly to the bathroom making sure to dodge windows. It will give you a bit of rush.
  2. Add some top tunes to the process. Once you are in the bathroom turn on some music that you like and dance around in front of the mirror. Sing songs you like, many people's bathrooms have great acoustics and the larger mirrors that are often in bathrooms let you see more of your body while you get into the groove. Beware of harsh lighting though if you are a little body consciousness. You can dance and sing in the bathroom before your shower dressed or nude, do whichever feels most fun. If it's not inappropriate for your age group, practice your striptease moves! You can ham it up and do cheesy moves, or be sexy. Pretend you have an audience, if that's fun for you.
  3. Turn on the shower. Jump in before it's warm if you find a chill a fun thrill! It's good for your skin and can be very exhilarating. Check it's not too hot before you start, getting scalded is not fun. Keep up the singing, lip-syncing and dancing to the music.
  4. Rub the body-wash or gel all over you to the beat of the music. This is quite fun, and, will burn a few extra calories while you do it. Use a wee bit more body wash that is strictly required and play about with all the foam. If you lather up your flanks properly, you can give yourself bubble 'wings' as you form a soap film between your body and your arms, silly, childish, but fun to see how big you can get your bubble wings.
  5. Try sitting on the floor of your shower. It feels good to have the water hit you from far up if your shower is a decent pressure.
  6. Masturbate. You should feel comfortable and relaxed in the shower. Why not enjoy a little self love whilst you are having some private time, if you don't feel that this is inappropriate for your age or your cultural beliefs.
  7. Turn off the water and do a little "air drying" by dancing in front of the mirror some more. Shake off water droplets with some more moves.
  8. Take that bright colored towel and get dry. Mess around, make yourself a toga, a cloak, a cape. A towel isn't just a towel when you're having a fun, silly shower.
  9. Run back to your room if you know for sure no one is at home.


  • Try upbeat music, slow songs can make you feel sleepy or make you daydream about "someone".
  • Use scented body wash/gel to feel better.
  • Think about things you love.
  • When dancing in front of the mirror, try doing a hair flip!
  • Shower with your partner / significant other. A shared shower can be the start, or the end, of a romantic encounter or just some good clean fun in itself.


  • Make sure no one is home when going through the house nude! This can be quite humiliating if someone sees you.
  • When attempting Step 1, make sure there are no dangerous objects or slippery floors around. Don't run too fast, or your fun shower will end with a really bad injury!
  • Make sure there's no bugs in the shower!
  • Make sure it is dark outside or you have the blinds shut.
  • Don't waste water.
  • Be aware of the dangers of using electrical equipment in the bathroom, i.e. your music source.

Things You'll Need

  • Radio/waterproof iPod
  • Body wash or gel
  • Full mirror
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Soap
  • Sponge
  • Soft bright colored towel

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