Teach Kindergarten

Teaching kindergarten isn't as easy as it sounds. To teach young children, you'll have to have patience, concentration, determination and clear educational goals in mind. You can successfully introduce kindergartners to several academic subjects even at this young age. Read on for some instructions on how to teach kindergarten.


  1. Introduce kindergartners to language.
    • Teach the alphabet to kindergartners. Help them to recognize letters' shapes and sounds. Let them know that some letters have different sounds, depending on the way that the letters are said or written.
    • Expand kindergartners' vocabulary. Introducing kindergartners to new words can help them learn how to express themselves in different ways. It can also improve communication skills.
  2. Familiarize kindergartners with the process of reading.
    • Show students the importance of books by pointing out all of their physical components and encouraging the respectful handling of them.
    • Accustom students to the activity of reading by having them follow along during story time. Show them, through finger movements, that you are reading from left to right and from top to bottom. Point to specific words as you read them aloud. Allow them to suggest when a page turn is appropriate.
    • Encourage critical reading skills by asking kindergarteners about the stories you have read or are reading.
  3. Explore scientific concepts with your kindergartners.
    • Explain nature to students. Describing natural and recurring phenomenon, like seasons and the transitions between day and night, can prepare them to learn more advanced scientific concepts later.
    • Try to use as many technical terms as you can when discussing scientific concepts. For example, identify planets and dinosaurs by their actual names.
  4. Introduce students to the concept of time.
    • Help children understand the concepts of days, weeks, months, and years. You can even use holidays to help them recognize specific months. For instance, when a certain holiday presents itself, you can adorn your classroom with the holiday's decorations and ask kindergartens what month the holiday occurs in and what months preceded and will follow.
  5. Teach children as much math as you can.
    • Teach kindergartners how to recognize numbers and their values. Help them compare numbers by using objects to illustrate their values.
    • Helping kindergartners understand spacial concepts can also be an important component to teaching math. Describing the sizes, shapes, distances, and relative positions of objects can provide children with the suitable tools with which to identify other similar objects in the future.
    • The math that you teach kindergarteners is important because it will serve as building blocks for more advanced mathematics in later grades.
  6. Teach history and geography to kindergartners.
    • Use maps, globes, flags, historical stories, and cultural activities to help children recognize the differences between countries. Let students know about important historical events that have occurred around the world and in their own country.
  7. Consider teaching with an interdisciplinary approach.
    • Many teachers may find that kindergartners respond favorably to learning when 2 or more subjects are are taught at the same time. For instance, using art to teach students language can result in higher retention rates.

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