Teach a Cat to "High Five"

We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but can you teach a cat, young or old, any tricks at all? The answer is usually yes, depending upon the cat you’re attempting to train and your own patience level. One fun trick to teach is the “high five,” and there are several relatively easy methods to try. At the very least, your attempts will provide good one-on-one bonding time between you and your cat.


Making Cat Training "Click"

  1. Accept that cats can be trained. Cats are known for being independent, self-absorbed, and generally indifferent to the other creatures around them. This may not strike you as the type of animal that can be — or wants to be — trained, but it is possible and usually fun. You'll want to use reward-based training, which teaches the cat to associate the desired behavior with getting a treat or other reward.
    • It might be helpful to figure out what your cat's favorite treat is so you will know the best way to motivate them. You might lay out a few different treats and see which one your cat chooses first.
    • Cats want to feel involved in the training process, perhaps even in charge of it. For instance, it is usually best to let the cat decide whether to continue or halt the training session.[1]
  2. Don’t try to train a cat like a dog. Domesticated dogs have been bred over the centuries to work in concert with humans by obeying commands; cats, to help by acting independently, traditionally to kill pests.[2] Not surprisingly, then, the process of training each must be different.
    • Your cat will be motivated to cooperate with you when this earns them a reward. Do not use punishment to try and train your cat (or dog, for that matter).
    • Cats prefer short training sessions that they usually choose to conclude.
    • Conducting a training session by offering treats as a reward to a hungry cat (such as just before mealtime), for perhaps five-to-ten minutes (if the cat permits), can often work.
  3. Work with the cat you have. Yes, young dogs learn new tricks more easily than old ones, and so do cats (as do people, for that matter!). So starting your training with a young cat is the ideal way to go, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t bother with your mature feline.
    • With any cat, but especially an older one, it is best to work with, rather than against, its natural tendencies.[3] That is, a cat that naturally paws at objects is a better candidate for teaching the “high five,” while an unrepentant biter may not be.
  4. Find the proper reward. Dogs might work for a “good boy” and pat on the head, or some nondescript dog treat. Cats, however, usually demand the good stuff as a reward for paying attention to you, not kitty kibbles.
    • To make your training sessions effective and last for more than a few seconds, you need to find a “high value treat” to keep your cat motivated.[4]
    • Cubed chicken can make a special and easy-to-distribute reward, as can small mounds of tuna on a dish. If your cat prefers less solid treats, such as perhaps meat-flavored baby food, a wide-mouth syringe can prove useful.
  5. Get into clicker training. Clickers are small animal training aids that, when depressed and released, make a sound akin to clicking the removed metal cap of a juice bottle or opening/closing a ballpoint pen. (In fact, either of these items can be used as a training clicker in a pinch, although the real deal is widely available and inexpensive.)
    • The clicker is the “anchor” that provides the consistent frame of reference for identifying the activity worthy of reward.[3]
    • You should practice your clicking technique before training your cat with it. You need to be able to click with one hand and offer the reward with the other, or do both with the same hand (called in this article “click + treat”), simultaneously. Cats do not usually respond well to confusion or mistakes.
    • Find a quiet spot for clicker training with your cat, free of external noise and distractions. Don’t add verbal encouragement or praise, either — let the clicker do the talking.[5]
    • A good initial clicker training technique is the “nose touch.” Hold a target, such as a ping-pong ball attached to the end of a chopstick, above the cat’s head. “Click + treat” each time the cat touches the target (ball) with its nose.[1]
    • See also How to Clicker Train a Cat and How to Teach Your Cat to Give a Handshake for more advice and ideas.

Clicker-Training with Treats-in-Hand

  1. Sit on the floor facing your cat, with a bowl or dish between you. Make it a habit to give a treat to your cat for attendance.[6]
    • Please note: This method is probably the simplest option described in this article, but like the others derives from the “clicker training” technique.
  2. Present a treat to your cat at about shoulder height while saying “high five.” If you cat goes for the treat with its mouth, or does nothing, withdraw your hand and treat, wait five seconds, then try again.[6]
  3. “Click + treat” as soon as your cat extends a paw in any manner toward you or the treat. Practice so that you can use the clicker and provide the treat in concert.[6]
  4. Repeat the process until your cat only uses its paw to reach the treat. Don’t expect to be able to practice for more than five-to-ten minutes at a time, however, and quite possibly less.[6]
    • If your cat is quickly disinterested, try again in a few hours. Try training right before mealtime, when the cat will be eager for treats.
  5. Begin to reward your cat only when it makes contact with your hand. Stop providing treats for weak or misdirected paw movements.[6]
  6. Remove the treat from the process once your cat consistently reaches with a paw. “Click + treat” whenever the cat touches your hand with its paw.[6]
    • Reward contact by only one paw, however, either the cat’s right or left front paw. Teach it to use the same paw every time.
  7. Switch your hand into a “high five” position, palm facing the cat at about eye level. Do this only when your cat consistently touches your empty hand.[6]
    • Your ultimate goal is to make the cue for a "high five" become the presentation of your palm to the cat. Practice by opening your hand quickly in front of the cat, then sharply pulling it away once contact is made (or if no contact is made). This should be a quick and small movement.
  8. Start practicing from different angles once your cat masters the motion. You can even fist bump!

Clicker-Training with a Target

  1. Sit on the floor facing your cat. Placing a bowl or dish between you can coax attendance, which should always be rewarded to begin the session.[1]
    • Please note: This method relies on the “clicker training” technique with the use of a “target,” such as a ping-pong ball stuck on the end of a chopstick.
  2. Hold the target above the cat’s head, out of reach of its mouth and nose. If the cat tries to extend its nose or mouth to the target, withdraw it, wait five seconds, then try again.[1]
  3. “Click+treat” any movement of a paw at first. Over time, reward only paw movements toward the target, then only those that touch the target, then only those with the same paw (either front right or front left).[1]
    • Withdraw the target, wait, then try again for wrong-paw or weak paw movements.
    • For this method, you will need to be able to click and offer the treat using the same hand, since the other is holding the target. Practice beforehand so you can do the move properly each time.
  4. Begin to inch your hand towards the tip of the target. Try to hold it with your palm facing down, using your thumb to help grip.[1]
    • Keep sliding your hand towards the tip until it is covering the end of the target.
  5. Replace the target with just your hand. Extend your hand, palm down, and “click + treat” palm contact with the correct paw.[1]
  6. Add a verbal cue while the cat is reaching out its paw. “High five” is the natural choice.[1]
  7. Move your hand positioning down incrementally so that your palm faces the cat at about eye level. Once your cat masters this maneuver, you can work on other angles for your “high fives.”[1]

Clicker-Training with a Treat Dish

  1. Prepare for the session. Place ten dabs of tuna or your cat’s preferred reward around the rim of a saucer or small dish. Find a quiet spot and sit facing your cat.[5]
    • Place a chair or small table nearby, to the cat’s paw-side you want to use for the “high five” — that is, to your left and the cat’s right for the right paw.
    • Please note: This is the most involved method described in the article, and is a simplified version of one described by “clicker training” pioneer Karen Pryor.
  2. Provide one treat off the saucer, then withdraw the plate to the table. If the cat makes any type of movement toward the saucer, immediately “click + treat” by returning the saucer to the floor.[5]
    • If, however, the cat leaps onto the table after the treats, calmly return the cat to the floor and present the saucer for a treat.
    • If the cat makes no movement, lure it to move by sliding your hand toward the treat table. Immediately “click + treat” any movement.
  3. Stop the session when the treats are all gone or the cat loses interest. Take it up again in a few hours or the next day. Training before mealtime is often most effective.[5]
  4. Begin to reward only more significant paw movements. “Click + treat” only when the cat lifts its paw deliberately, then only clearly towards the treat.[5]
    • Become increasingly particular about the movements that you reward. Eventually make only an upward-lifted and extended paw worth a treat.
  5. Start to place your hand in the way of the cat’s paw as it comes back down. Place your palm up, so that the cat’s paw brushes it on the way back down. Immediately “click + treat” contact with your hand.[5]
  6. Raise your hand a little with each attempt towards the point where your cat is reaching its paw. Keep going until your hand is at the cat’s shoulder height.[5]
    • Slowly but surely, you are making your hand, not the saucer, the cat’s focus.
  7. Keep raising your hand higher and begin to rotate it to a horizontal position (palm facing to the side). Make your cat reach ever further to contact your hand. Reward only deliberate, forceful contact.[5]
    • Remove the reward saucer from the process over time. Provide small hand-held treats as needed to keep the training going.
  8. Rotate your hand into the traditional “high five” position, with your fingers up and palm facing the cat. Presenting your hand in this manner will become the cue for the action by the cat.[5]
  9. Continue the training. Practice in different rooms and different environments. Let other people try by offering the cue. Add a verbal cue such as “high five” into the mix.[5]

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