Tell if Your Baby Has Colic
If your baby experiences uncontrollable, inexplicable crying fits in spite of being otherwise healthy, he or she may have colic. This condition affects between 6 and 15 percent of babies. Doctors do not know what causes the condition, but many speculate that it has something to do with intestinal cramping. It poses no long-term threat to your child, even though it can be difficult for both parents and babies to deal with.
Signs and Symptoms
- Prepare yourself for intense bouts of crying. A colicky baby wails loudly, and the cries often start without warning and come in waves. You will likely find yourself unable to comfort your baby during these crying fits.
- Watch your baby's body language. Many babies suffering from colic stretch their legs out or pull their feet up under their bodies, as though trying to ease a cramp. They may also clench their fists so tightly that they start to shake.
- Check your baby's belly. If gas is causing your baby's colic, his or her stomach may become slightly enlarged.
- Listen to your baby's stomach. Many colicky babies have notably loud rumbling stomachs.
- Pay attention to the amount of gas your baby passes. If the amount seems especially large during his or her crying fits, there is a good chance your baby is suffering from colic.
- Ask your doctor to rule out other possibilities. Other conditions, such as a twist in the intestine or a hernia, may create similar symptoms. If your pediatrician rules these conditions out, the doctor may feel more confident in diagnosing your baby with colic.
Timing and Duration: The Rule of Three
- Keep a notebook and mark down the details of your baby's crying fits. Doing so will allow you to monitor when the fits begin and how long they last. The timing and duration of cries can help you determine whether or not your baby suffers from colic.
- Think back to when the crying fits began. Typically, colicky babies start having fits within the first 3 weeks of life. Even at its latest, colic usually starts within the first 5 months. Additionally, if your baby has been suffering from these bouts of crying for three weeks or more, there is a good chance that he or she may suffer from colic.
- Monitor how long crying fits last each day. Most colicky babies have fits that last three hours or more.
- Look at how many days per week your baby has a fit. In order to be diagnosed with colic, a baby must have uncontrollable crying fits at least 3 days a week.
- Pay attention to when the crying fits occur. Most colicky babies experience fits during the same time each day. Often, this occurs in the late afternoon or early evening.
- Do not lose hope. Most colicky babies do not have symptoms that last longer than three months. If your baby's cries have far exceeded that timeline, you should consult your pediatrician about other diagnoses.
- Try a different brand or type of formula. Some babies have sensitive stomachs, and a particular formula may contain an ingredient that his or her stomach cannot process well.
- Keep yourself calm. Doing so may seem difficult when your baby is in so much pain, but the best thing you can do is to approach the situation as calmly as possible. Remember that colic is a fairly normal condition, and you are not to blame.
- Try massaging your baby's tummy during a crying fit. Massage in a circle, and move your hand from left to right. This motion may help your baby to pass gas, relieving his or her symptoms.
- Consider altering your own diet. Breastfed babies can sometimes experience colic due to their mother's diet. If you suspect that your baby suffers from colic, stay away from gas-producing foods and drinks such as orange juice, onions, cabbage, apples, plums, and spicy foods.
- Look for ways to soothe your baby. Try music, monotonous "white noise," car rides, and rocking.
- While colic is a non-threatening condition, many other conditions that could cause extended bouts of crying may not be. If your baby seems to be crying in pain and cannot be consoled, call your pediatrician for an examination.