Testing Manager

A software tester wrote to me: “After working as a software tester for three years, I was promoted to a Test Manager Position. I am happy for the new job and I want to be a successful Test manager but do not know what to do. Please advice.”

Answer: A software Test Manager must know how to balance between two different viewpoints: Customer view and Tester view.

Test Manager must know how to negotiate with customers for the testing criteria to make sure they meet expectations. Test manager must be familiar with customer requirements to provide software developers a complete view of the product and how it works. Once the product is defined, the testing effort can verify how well the product meets the requirements.

Test Manager must develop test plan for the project and decide when the software product is ready to be delivered to customers based on a defined quality criteria. It is important for testers to prioritize their testing so that the product can be release on time. Since very few projects have enough time to do everything, getting the testers enough information for what and when to test is a very important role for the test manager. The test manager should be able to discuss, mentor, and train testers on general testing techniques.

Basically, a Test manager must work closely with project manager to plan all tests during the development, and know what skills and training are needed and be able to hire testers based on current and future testing needs. The test manager also gathers project information such as number of defect, test pass rates, and other meaningful data. For example: Number of defect find and fixed by week; number of tests planned, run, passed by week; defects found per function (which functions have the most defects?) etc. The test manager gathers information and present to management on the product ship criteria so they can make decision on whether the product is ready to ship to customers or not.


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University