The advanced degree program

There are several reasons that students want to continue to pursue advanced degree programs such as Master or Doctorate. Many want to advance their knowledge and further their education but some do not know what to do yet, so they decide to stay in school. There are few who could not find jobs or not ready to go to work so they also stay in school. These are NOT good reasons. An advanced degrees such as Master or Doctorate degree is a decision that you must take very seriously. It is a major investment of money, efforts, and time of your life to further your education.

Some students believe that by having a higher degree, they will be able to get better jobs, better salary, leading to better future. However, many discovered few years later, that it does not happen as they thought. The fact is students with a Master degree do get HIGHER salary than students with Bachelor degree but the chance of getting job is much LESS, unless they have the “Special skills” that the industry need. Typically, companies hire mostly students with Bachelor degree because these students have good foundation that companies can train them on whatever skills they need. Students with a Master degree are considered “Specialist”, that means they already have particular skills that they want to do. If the company needs these skills, than it is a match. If not, there is no reason to hire them and pay more.

In the undergraduate programs such as Computer Science and Software Engineering programs, students learn basic concepts, basic skills such as programming, testing, designing etc. After graduated, they can work as testers, programmers, developers, technical leaders, project managers in any types of application, platforms and technology. Depend on what the company need, they can be trained to meet the need easily. However, the graduate program takes students to a much narrow and specialized area where they will be learning specific knowledge and skills. For example, Computing Security, Embedded software, Database and data mining, Robotics, Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence), Biotechnology, e-commerce, Managing information system etc. That is why, it is IMPORTANT for students to decide early before applying to a Master degree program on what specialized programs that they want to study.

A Master degree program is different from Bachelor program because it requires a higher level of academic achievement. Students must excel at reading, writing, and analyzing information. This is VERY CRITICAL if you want to pursue your education in a foreign country. I have seen so many foreign students failed in U.S schools, NOT because they do not study hard but because of their language deficiency. If you still not sure of what you want, you need to speak with professors and graduate students to get better idea of what is required. I have seen many first year students in the Master Degree program struggled, being overwhelmed by so much information, so many things that they must know. Many students told me that they have no idea of what they are getting into as they are not prepared to learn that much. In a Master degree program, it is expected that students maintain a better than average grade (In the U.S. it is usually a 3.3 minimum where 4 is the highest). It also requires certain maturity and responsibility of students as the learning is fairly intense which require students to managing their time effectively.

Before making decision, students must take time to seek information from multiple sources such as Career-counselors, Professors, family members and graduate students before decide what is best for them. I found that successful students in the advanced degree programs know what they want, they are well prepared ahead of time, and ready to do more than the work required. They understand the value of higher education and always open to new ideas, new situations and new experiences. If you want to further your education in an advanced degree program you need to:

1) Choose the specialized field of study carefully. Know what you are good at, know what you are interested in. Conduct some investigations on the prospect of future job opportunity and select only area that you feel comfortable with because it is you who are responsible for your future.

2) If you still do not know what to choose, do not despair because most students are in the same position. Choose several areas then find additional information to help you to select the best. Read articles in the internet to find out about the trends, what the industry needs, and what the local market want. Nobody know everything, you never know until you try. Follow your heart and your interest but keep a “Reality check” so you stay close to the job market and not diverse too far into something that you may regret later.

3) Ask questions of the people who are working in the area that you want to study. As student, you can ask a lot of questions that people do not mind. It will be harder if you no longer a student. Prepare your questions carefully, ask how they got started, why they study in that area, what pleases them and what surprises them, what kind of projects they work on, what help they got along the way, what they wish they had done, what advice they can give you.

4) If you get accepted in an advanced degree program, it is just a start. You must be well-prepared to succeed. Time management is critical so you must set your priority and devote everything to learning. In an advanced degree program, you must know the professors well because they can direct you toward your education goals. However, you cannot depend on your professors to help you if they do not know you. Most professors are busy with their research activities and do not have time. So you must get to know them and be known in return. You should read about their research and career first, by knowing their expertise then you can ask them for advices.

5) Most classes in an advanced degree program are small but the competition is high. Many classes are organized as group efforts so you must select team members carefully. Get to know your team and make sure that they all share your interest. Willing to take the challenge in class, do not select any assignment that seems simple as you are learning a special skills. Easy assignments will bore you, give you a lower grade, and teach you nothing. In this environment, you must strive hard to learn because you will become a “Specialist” or an “Expert in a field”.

6) Another way of getting to know professors and advance your learning is to consider working for them as a research assistant. By helping them, you will have chance to learn more and connect yourself with new ideas and other professors. Most advanced degree program involve research so you must be prepared ahead of time. Do not wait until the professor ask or direct you to do something. You must be prepared and select your research as soon as you are ready.

7) Turn your research into a paper to be published in a academic or professional journal. This is important for you to get recognized and prove that you are an “Specialist”. Get involved with professional activities or committees to further your career. Many employers are looking for aggressive, creative, entrepreneurial specialist in particular field to lead activities, You must prove that you can do more than follow directions. You must demonstrate your expertise, initiative, drive, and ability to lead, to deal with conflict and solve problems. Basically you want to make sure that the advanced degree will not just get you a job but it must open the door of opportunity for you because you have invested additional time, efforts in your career.


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University