Thicken Your Hair

Do you long for thick, voluminous hair? Stress, aging, genetics and the chemicals in hair treatments and dyes are all possible causes of thin hair. No matter why your hair is thin, there are strategies you can employ to get thicker, fuller hair. This article provides information on volume-boosting hair care techniques, lifestyle changes and making your hair better


Everyday Care to Promote Thicker Hair

  1. Select chemical-free hair products. Sometimes the main culprit that causes hair to thin is the shampoo you use every day. Hair cleansers, conditioners, and styling products often contain chemicals that wear down the hair, dry it out and cause it to fall out more easily than healthy hair. Immediately improve the health of your hair by making the following changes in your bathroom:
    • Swap shampoo with sulfates for sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfates are harsh cleaners that are effective at stripping away the oils in your hair. The problem is that without the protection of natural oils, hair gets easily damaged and frayed. Choose a shampoo made with oils and natural cleansers that won't be too harsh for your hair.
    • Replace commercially-manufactured conditioner with something made with natural ingredients. Conditioners can contain sulfates, too, and they also contain other chemicals that can be hard on your hair. Replace your conditioner with one that is made with coconut oil, aloe, and other natural conditioners. You can also try Make Your Hair Silky and Shiny With Vinegar - it makes hair soft, supple and shiny.
    • Toss out hair sprays, gels, and pomades containing a lot of chemicals. Again, applying these to your hair can damage it over time. Use them sparingly or replace them with hair products containing natural ingredients.
  2. Handle your hair gently. Hair is soft and fragile, and if you're trying to grow it as thick as possible, it's important not to treat it too roughly. Certain hair-handling habits can cause hair to fall out, break off, or fray. Change up your routine in the following ways:
    • Wash it less frequently. Washing your hair every day doesn't give your scalp time to produce the natural oils that coat your hair and keep it healthy. Wash it three times a week at most. Use dry shampoo to freshen it up between washings.
    • Blot your hair dry. Instead of wringing it out and roughly toweling it, use a soft towel to gently squeeze your hair and blot it dry.
    • Use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush. Brushing your hair can pull it out, and especially never brush your hair when it's wet. Use a wide toothed comb to work out the tangles gently.
  3. Stop using heat. Styling tools like hair dryers, straightening irons, and curling irons are tough on hair. Use them sparingly or forego them altogether. If you absolutely must straighten or curl your hair, try straightening without heat or using sponge rollers to curl it.
  4. Let your hair be its natural self. Bleaching, highlighting and coloring your hair can cause it to fall out or become dry and brittle. Chemical straighteners and permanent curls are also extremely damaging to your hair. Embrace your natural color and texture to promote hair growth and preserve the health of your hair.
  5. Get regular trims. Trimming your hair gets rid of dull, damaged ends and adds new life and volume to your hair. Shorter cuts and layered cuts, especially, can make your hair appear to be thicker than it looks when it's long and untrimmed.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Hair Grow Thicker

  1. Eat a nutritious diet. If you have a diet devoid of essential nutrients, it shows in the volume and texture of your hair. Thick, voluminous hair depends on a healthy diet filled with vitamins and minerals that cause your hair to grow strong.
    • Get plenty of protein. Protein makes hair thick and shiny. Make sure you're getting enough in your diet by eating a lot of fish, lean meat, nuts, and eggs.
    • Eat omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids promote hair growth. Eat sardines, walnuts, avocados, and pumpkin seeds.
    • Eat spinach and other leafy greens to get enough vitamin C.
    • Take vitamins. Prenatal vitamins, especially, contain ingredients that help thicken your hair.
  2. Protect your hair from environmental damage. Everyday activities you don't think about may be causing your hair to become brittle and thin. Take the following measures to protect your hair from outside factors:
    • Keep it out of the sun. Direct sunlight can damage your hair just like it can damage your skin. If you're out in the sun a lot, start wearing a hat or a scarf to keep your hair safe.
    • Protect it from pollution. Do you have a morning commute that involves walking near heavy traffic? Pollution from cars, buses and other automobiles can cause your hair to dry out. Consider wearing a hat when you're in areas with traffic.
    • Don't expose it to chlorine. Chlorine in swimming pools is a common cause of dry, damaged hair. Over time it that can cause your hair to become thinner. Wear a swim cap in the pool. When you don't wear a cap, be sure to wash out the chlorine as soon as you get out of the pool.
  3. Relieve your stress. Stress from work, family issues and any number of factors can take a physical toll that manifests as hair loss. Becoming aware of this problem can help you figure out how to eliminate the problem that might be causing your hair to thin.
    • If possible, remove the stress from your life or deal with it using healthy methods like meditation, exercise and getting plenty of sleep.
    • Knowing that your hair is thinning can itself become a source of stress. Ease your worry by employing new strategies to help your hair grow thick, like using natural products, skipping chemical treatments and eating a nutritious diet.

Treatment Options for Getting Thick Hair

  1. Try a hair thickening product. Beauty stores sell a variety of serums, balms and other products designed to help hair grow thicker. Decide which type of product is right for you.
    • Growth-stimulating shampoos replace your normal shampoo with substances that are said to promote growth.
    • Products like Rogaine are applied to the head over the course of several sessions, after which new hair growth will hopefully appear.
  2. Get extensions or weaves. Adding volume to your hair could be as simple as going to the salon and paying for it. Extensions, weaves, and clip-ins are a natural, effective option for getting thicker hair without having to wait.
  3. Look into getting hair transplants. Getting hair transplants involves having individual hair follicles surgically implanted in areas that are thinning or balding. This method is often expensive, but it can be quite effective. Research the treatment and talk with a doctor to decide whether hair transplants might be the right treatment for you.


  • Don't use heat like a straightener, curler and hair dryer as they damage your hair.
  • Massage your scalp with the tips of your fingers (NOT your fingernails) in a clockwork motion 10-15 minutes a day.
  • Never wash your hair every day. It dries your hair. Wash every two days, for example.
  • Use a natural hair-care regimen as chemicals can actually weaken and thin hair. Also, chemicals can cause health risks.
  • Don't style your hair while it's wet, because it can cause damage, cause breakage at the roots and therefore, cause hair to not grow in.
  • To make your hair appear fuller quickly, tease it or curl it using rollers to add some volume.

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