Thread a Needle
You want to thread a needle! It isn't hard, once you've gotten the hang of it, but it does require careful technique and a good deal of dexterity. Once you've gotten your hands on a needle and thread, read on to learn how to thread the needle!
Preparing to Thread
- Cut your thread. The length, color, and type of thread will depend on what you're sewing. Make sure that it's long enough for your purposes! In general, a thread about 18-24 inches in length should be plenty to begin with.
- Neaten the thread. Examine the tip that you plan to put through the needle, and make sure that it is sharp and tight. Moisten and squeeze the tip by putting it between your lips. Bring the strands to a sharp point that will fit through the eye of the needle. If the tip of the thread is uneven, trim it down with scissors.
- Match needle with thread. Compare the eye (the hole at the top) of the needle with the thickness of the thread. The thread should be able to easily fit through the eye. If the thread is too thick, try to find a thinner thread or a needle with a wider eye. If you're new to sewing, and the work isn't terribly intricate, try using a needle with a large eye for easier threading.
Threading the Needle
- Hold the thread in one hand and the needle in the other. At first, it's generally easiest to grip the needle between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. Hold the thread comfortably between the thumb and forefinger of your dominant hand. Raise the needle and the thread up to your eye level, about two inches apart. Make sure that there's plenty of light to see everything clearly!
- Consider pinching the thread between your fingers so that only the tiniest tip is visible. If you're having trouble, this technique might help you steady the thread.
- Guide the thread into the eye of the needle. Line the tip of the thread up with the eye-hole, and make sure that you have a clear view of the hole. Keep your hands steady. Push the thread slowly and surely through the eye-hole until you see it poke through the other side.
- Try holding the needle sideways, so that you can't see the eye, but you can see the thread as soon as it peeks through the eye.
- This may take a couple of attempts. Keep trying! If you're having trouble, try moistening and smoothing the tip of the thread again.
- If you keep trying, but you can't get it, consider using a needle with a bigger eye-hole.
- Pull the thread through. Use your fingertips to carefully tug more of the thread through the eye. Go for at least 10cm (four inches) so that there's little chance of the thread-tip slipping back through. Let this end hang through the needle eye, and shift your attention to the other end of the thread.
Securing the Thread
- Pick up the far end of the thread. Let one end of the thread hang through the eye of the needle. Hold the other, longer end between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. Make sure that you have a sturdy grip!
- Wrap the long end around your forefinger. Loosely loop the end of the thread around your finger – enough that it is secure, but not so tightly that it cuts off circulation. Wrap the thread three times around for sturdiness.
- Roll the thread into a loop. Use the thumb of the same hand to roll and slide the thread off the tip of your forefinger. The thread should form a tangled loop as you do this. Don't worry if it doesn't look neat – as long as there's a loop!
- Tighten the thread. Grasp the loose loop between your thumb and forefinger. Now, pull it down toward the end of the thread until it tightens into a knot. This process is simple, but may take a little practice. Once you've knotted the end of the thread, you can be sure that it won't slip through the eye of the needle. Make sure that the knot is thicker than the eye is wide!
Things You'll Need
- a needle
- thread (the same shade as your fabric, or one shade darker)
- scissors
- Use a Needle Threader. This device can make the process much easier.
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