Trace Your Ancient Ancestry Through DNA Sampling

With the miracles of modern science it is now possible to determine scientifically how some of your earliest ancestors migrated throughout the 60,000 years of human history. This has become possible through a joint effort sponsored by National Geographic and IBM. The existence of genetic markers found in modern peoples has been studied to create a picture of how ancient peoples migrated around the world.


Tracing Your Ancestry by Country or Continent

  1. Know that Complete DNA tests will tell you ethnic breakdown. By looking at all of your DNA, it can give you a rough percentage of your ancestry by country or region.
    • Know that there are inaccuracies in the tests.
    • There are some things the tests cannot tell very well, because the DNA is similar between some countries. As an example, rarely can a test distinguish between English and Scottish, or Russian and Polish.
  2. Order one of the Complete DNA tests. These tests give results for all of your DNA, not just the male line or the female line.
    • Many of the more modern tests will give you more information than just your ancient ancestry. The original National Geographic test is only focused on the ancient results.
    • You will get your percent of ancestry by country or region.
    • You will also get more "deep ancestry" information. As an example, you may get your percent Neanderthal. Or, you may find the migration patterns of your maternal or paternal lines.
  3. Take the test.
  4. Get the test results. Enjoy learning about your ancestry.

Tracing Your Paternal (Father's Father's Fathers) Line

  1. Know that you can trace your paternal line (that is your father's father's father etc) via what is called Y Chromosome DNA testing.
    • This test will tell you where your paternal line came from and information on others with the same paternal DNA. You will see the word "Haplogroup;" this just means the group of people with similar paternal line DNA as you.
    • In addition to finding out where your father's line came from, you will find out where people with your Haplogroup live today.
    • You will find out the ethnicity and country of origin of your father's line. In many cases, people are surprised by the results. Your father's line may not be where the rest of your family is from.
  2. Know that you have to be male to take this test. Y DNA testing is done on men only. If you are a woman, you need to have your father, brother, paternal grandfather, etc, take the test for you.
  3. This Paternal DNA testing can help you find relatives who have the same surname as you.
  4. You can order the test online. There are many reputable providers of these tests, including Family Tree DNA, Ancestry, 23 and me, and others.
    • Examine the features of each company's test, but most are fairly similar.
  5. Order the test.
  6. Take the test.
  7. Get the test results. Enjoy learning about your ancestry.

Tracing Your Maternal (Mother's Mother's Mothers) Line

  1. Know that you can trace your maternal line (that is your mother's mother's mother etc) via what is called Mitochondria DNA (mDNA) testing.
    • You will find the origin of the maternal line of your family,
    • You will find out where people with your Haplogroup live today.
  2. Know that you can be male or female to take this test.
  3. Order the test online. There are several vendors, most are roughly the same.
  4. Take the test.
  5. Get the test results. Enjoy learning about your ancestry.


  • The personal genetic profile generated by the Genographic Project can also be used to query other public online databases such as,,, etc. (paternal lines) or,, etc. (maternal lines). See links below.
  • This particular testing will give you no information about your modern connections. But a different kind of DNA testing is available for that purpose.
  • If all of your ancestors are from one country, you may find the result that you are 100% from a country not an exciting result.


  • By receiving a personal genetic profile for family history and ancestral purposes, you may learn things about your family and heritage that were not previously known to you.
  • Y Chromosome testing can also on occasion surface infidelity/illegitimacy.
  • Some tests will also give you information on possible genetic diseases. If you don't want to know about diseases, do not order a test that gives you that information.

Related Articles

  • Trace Your Ancestry
  • Research Your Family Tree With Online Census Records
  • Use DNA Tests to Trace Your Family Tree

Sources and Citations

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