Train Your Hair

Keeping your hair in check, making sure it looks good day in and day out, is hardly an easy task. Some mornings it falls perfectly around your face. Other mornings it won't stay put no matter what you do. However, training your hair does not mean that you need to spend a fortune on expensive treatments or products. Trained hair is healthy hair, and anyone can get healthy hair at home with ease.


Training Hair to Be Less Oily

  1. Use shampoo only once every 2-3 days. This may seem counter-intuitive since shampoo removes oils, but it actually prevents your hair from creating too much oil in the long-term. Shampoo strips all of the natural, essential oils from your roots, and your head will over-compensate by kicking into oil production overdrive.[1]
    • Everyone's hair is different. If your hair is naturally oily, you may want to just wash every 2 days. If this still isn't working, try washing every 3-4 days.
    • If, in the past, you've been washing every day, know that you'll need 1-2 weeks of transition time. Don't fear -- your hair may be extra-oily as your scalp adapts, but it will start producing less oil once you've stopped shampooing as much.
    • Clear shampoos tend to be lighter, with less grease.[2]
  2. Apply conditioner every day, but only to the ends of your hair. In the shower, lean over and lightly squeeze out some water. Then use your fingers to lightly comb some conditioner through the tops of your hair. Leave it in for a few minutes, the longer the better, before rinsing it all out.
    • Hair actually soaks up water. So, by squeezing out a little bit, you allow more conditioner to penetrate the hair follicles, leading to healthier hair.[3]
  3. Avoid touching your hair when possible. Touching your hair imparts oils and dirt from your hands onto your hair, weighing it down and making it oily. Check yourself every time you feel like running a hand through your hair -- as it won't do much but make you hair oily.[1]
  4. Use dry shampoo for a quick grease fix. If you have super oily hair, spray a thin layer of dry shampoo at your roots and work it in with your fingers. This is a great quick fix that can contain some greasiness and help you get to the next wash, especially when you first start cutting down your number of washes.
    • You should also think about an apple cider vinegar wash -- an incredibly healthy, all natural anti-oil treatment to try once a week. Simply wash with the vinegar, let it sit 2-3 minutes, then rinse out.[4]
  5. Brush your hair once or twice a day, working from roots to tips. Regular, relaxed brushing spreads essential oils throughout your hair for healthy, even glow. Too much brushing, however, can lead to excess oil creation as your scalp reacts to the constant disturbances. Pick a time once or twice a day to lightly brush your hair for 2-3 minutes, working from the scalp down.
    • Only brush your hair when it is dry -- brushing when wet causes breakages.
    • Find your own brushing routine. Everyone is different, and people with naturally oily hair may want to brush a little less. Drier-haired individuals likely want to brush more.[5]
  6. Limit styling products whenever possible. Gels, mousses, and creams are great for temporary looks, but over time they will build-up in your hair and make it looks flat and heavy. The build-up can also help grease and dirt stick around. When possible, style your hair naturally, saving the styling products for occasions like a party or going out.

Training Curly or Coiled Hair To Be Straight

  1. Try a warm oil treatment at home for shiny, smoother hair. A warm oil wash, performed once a week, is great for overall hair health and getting straighter, smoother locks naturally. You want an oil that is warm to the touch, but not hot. To make an oil wash.
    • Heat some light non-sticky hair oil to lukewarm temperature. Try olive, avocado, or coconut oil for the best results.
    • Add a dollop of honey (the size of your fingertip for shoulder-length hair) and a little bit of glycerin in the oil.
    • Mix well and apply. Massage on both scalp and the entire length of your hair.
    • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo after 2 hours or so of the oil bath. You may want to wear a shower cap in the interim to prevent dripping.[6]
  2. Pin back curls after getting in the shower to straighten them. This works best for large curls or wavy hair. Get a handful of big hair clips (duck bill clips work best) and pin the hair back together. It will look silly, but letting your hair dry straight will slowly train those curls to relax. Pull as much behind your head as possible, using 3-5 clips to hold your locks straight each night after you shower.[7]
  3. Use heat protectant and straighteners in combination to sleek out frizzy, curly, or coiled hair. The following regimen will work for just about any curly hair type. However, you should know that the results will only last as long as your regiment does. Curly hair is going to naturally curl when left alone. But, if you don't leave it alone:
    • Shampoo and condition with a "smoothing" shampoo, found at most stores.
    • Blot your hair dry lightly.
    • Apply a small dollop of leave-in conditioner to the roots.
    • Detangle your hair by combing through with a wide-toothed comb.
    • Blow-dry your hair, brushing it lightly as you do, and aiming the heat away from your scalp.
    • Apply a heat-protection spray to protect your hair from the incoming heat.
    • Use a straightening iron to straighten out your curls.[8]
  4. Use heat and straightening weekly to train your hair, but know that it causes damage. Regular heat treatment will straighten your hair, but that is because it is damaging it. Over time, you'll notice it may thin a bit, or become dry and straw-like. There is nothing wrong with this. Just know it is the trade-off for training coiled or curly hair.
    • Want to get your curls back? Simply start styling curls again. Cut out the heat, get a mousse or gel for curls, and use regular conditioner to get your hair back on track.[9]

Having Healthy, Manageable Hair

  1. Find you hair's natural pattern to learn how your hair wants to fall. Everyone's hair is a little different, and you're never going to train your hair until you stop fighting it and work with its natural pattern. Take a few days where you simply wash and condition your hair like normal, letting your hair air-dry when you're done. Don't comb through it until it has completely dried out. What does your hair do naturally? How does it want to fall? While you can adjust and play with your hair's exact look, you are going to have the best, healthiest hair if you play to it's natural strengths.[10]
    • Hair has different levels of curling and kinking, none of which are more attractive than others.
    • Training your hair is about working with what you've got, not fighting it into another pattern. While hair has some ability to adapt, your natural hair pattern will follow you for life.[11]
  2. Get your hair cut regularly, at least every 3-6 months. Healthy hair needs to be trimmed. Moreover, getting cuts is a great way to get the hairstyle you want without using dangerous and damaging chemicals. The best way to train your hair is with a stylist, who can cut and shape your locks into a look that fits your hair best. Bring in pictures of styles you like, and take the time to talk to your hairstylist about what you want. If you're at a loss, ask for a little advice -- they likely know what styles will suit you best.[12]
  3. Dry your hair lightly, air-drying whenever possible. For optimal hair health, you should pat it dry gently with a clean t-shirt or microfiber towel instead of ruffling it dry with a towel. This creates much less friction, which can cause breakage and frizz as you hair dries. Whenever possible, pat away the excess moisture and the let your hair air dry.[13]
  4. Limit the amount of heat you expose your hair to. Heat will cause your hair follicles to open up, which lets moisture leak out and leads to dry, damaged hair. Whenever possible avoid using heat, opting instead for a natural, lovely look.
    • Avoid straighteners and curlers whenever possible. If you want to use them, be sure you apply a heat protectant product ahead of time.
    • Cooler showers or, at least, lukewarm showers, are best for hair health.
    • If you need to blow dry your hair, let it air-dry as much as possible, then use the blow dryer on "cool" for the healthiest option. Hair doesn't like heat, so avoid blasts of hot air when possible.
  5. Avoid chemical treatments to your hair, which often cause more long-term harm than good. Relaxants and chemical straighteners may temporarily "train" your hair, but it will only get more difficult to deal with over time. These products stress hairs into an unnatural pattern, weakening your hair follicle and forcing you to apply more and more product just to keep the hair healthy.[14]
    • If you're looking for short-term training, then a chemical treatment like a conk, straightening, etc. will give you a few weeks of straighter hair.
  6. Eat healthy for healthy hair. You hair, in many ways, reflects the overall health of your body. Stronger, healthy hair is much easier to manage and train, so you need to be cognizant of your diet for the best hair. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water each day (6-8 glasses) and eating a balanced diet of lean protein (chicken, fish, eggs, beans), fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (oats, whole wheat, quinoa, etc.) for the best hair. Specific, hair healthy foods include:
    • Fatty oils, found in fish, avocados, olive oil, and nuts, are great for healthy hair. If you cannot get a lot naturally, consider a fish oil pill.
    • Vitamins and minerals are essential for good hair. A healthy assortment of fruits and vegetables, especially spinach, citrus, sweet potatoes, and bananas, will promote healthy hair. You should also consider a multi-vitamin.[15]
  7. Love the hair you've been given. The hair you were born with is the hair you're going to live with, and that is a good thing! You natural hair pattern (the way your hair falls and curls without products) is not likely to change unless you undergo a large hormonal change. That means that your hair may change after puberty, or with pregnancy, but that's about it.[16] You need to learn to love your natural hair pattern. While products, styling gels, and heat treatment may change your hair temporarily, you cannot "train" your hair to be permanently different than it is now. Instead of fighting it, learn to love it. Try out some new styles based on what you have, not what you wish you had, on your head:


  • Experiment with new looks on the weekends or on breaks. You'll never know what looks work for you if you never try anything new.
  • Try not to go to sleep with your hair wet, as it can be difficult to manage in the morning.


  • Fighting your natural hair type can train it. But like most things that go against the grain, you can also damage your hair and make it more difficult to work with later.

Sources and Citations

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